XY What Cool New Pokémon / Evolution Do You Want to See in the 6th Generation?

RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

CyberCat5555 said:
I saw a "leaker" say that Mawile and Sableye would get new evolutions, I think he was proved false, but evolutions for those 2 would be interesting.

Mawile-I saw the "leaker" say that Mawile's evolution would look like a Vocaloid (or however that's spelled), which would be pretty cool, I figure that it would gain a new mouth, in addition to the previous one (the black one with the sharp teeth), with both on the end of long wire-like extentions coming from its head.

Sableye- Since its based off the Hopkinsville Goblin, a popular alien species, why not have its evolution based off one of the most famous aliens ever- the Xenomorphs from the Aliens series? We already have the facehugger-like Gligar, so why not the matured species as well?
(yes I know that the Xeno is not the matured form of the facehugger, but you understand what I am saying)

Since Mawile is reportedly becoming Steel/Fairy and Sableye was rather randomly featured in the Genesect/Mewtwo movie, these 2 could very easily get evolutions.
It seems a bit random that they'd give Sableye, who has never been that predominantely featured in anything, a big role in a movie so long after it's debut.
(but what I really don't want is the bullcrap with one getting an evolution and the other not getting one)
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

More creepy and disturbing ghosts and dolls.
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

A Fire or Electric red panda Pokémon, or maybe Fire/Electric. ouo
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Jakeremix said:
Referring back to the beginning, a ghost-type eeveelution just won't happen. How would Eevee just... become a ghost? When it faints?

How does snorunt become a ghost?
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Personally, I would love to see a Houndoom or Torkoal evolution.
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Most of you are doing a great job discussing. However, I do want to remind you to please explain why you want a certain Pokemon/evolution. Simply stating "I want more fish Pokémon" is shallow. What kind of fish would you like to see? Why do you want more fish? Please put some thought into your posts. Thanks guys! :)

Speaking of fish Pokémon, a 3-stage fish Pokémon is long overdue. I want a fish Pokémon I can actually use. Lumineon evolution, anyone?
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

I would like a Druddigon pre-evo, so there would be a good early game dragon I could use in X and Y.
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

CyberCat5555 said:
I saw a "leaker" say that Mawile and Sableye would get new evolutions, I think he was proved false, but evolutions for those 2 would be interesting.

Mawile-I saw the "leaker" say that Mawile's evolution would look like a Vocaloid (or however that's spelled), which would be pretty cool, I figure that it would gain a new mouth, in addition to the previous one (the black one with the sharp teeth), with both on the end of long wire-like extentions coming from its head.

Sableye- Since its based off the Hopkinsville Goblin, a popular alien species, why not have its evolution based off one of the most famous aliens ever- the Xenomorphs from the Aliens series? We already have the facehugger-like Gligar, so why not the matured species as well?
(yes I know that the Xeno is not the matured form of the facehugger, but you understand what I am saying)

I said before that someone should photoshop sableye into the chestburster scene from alien, because it would be hilarious, but the post is gone now. Does that fall under that PG13 thing? can I post the picture? It IS hilarious.
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Pokemon Evolutions I would like:

  • Dunsparce
  • Sableye
  • Jynx
  • Breloom
  • Snorlax
  • [Another for] Eelektrik
  • Shuckle [:D]

Dunsparce, Jynx, Sableye, Snorlax, and Breloom are overdue for evolutions. A stage 2 evolution for the Eel line would be pretty cool because they could have fun with it and create a new type of Stone.
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Reggie McGigas said:
I would like a Druddigon pre-evo, so there would be a good early game dragon I could use in X and Y.
Meh... I never really liked the constant prevo suggestions, they're just unnecessary Pokedex filler (unless they were cute, like an Absol prevo).

That said, I'd love to see Druddigon get some giant flightless cave dragon evolution, maybe even a Dragon/Rock type combo.

dr.professor kevin said:
Personally, I would love to see a Houndoom or Torkoal evolution.
Those would be cool...

A new evo for Houndoom could really push the demon dog thing, maybe even become a cerberus.

I once imagined a Torkoal evo that looked like a giant Torkoal crossed with a tea kettle, its neck was long and its head was shaped like a spout, while its tail curled up like a handle, and was long enought to grab and lift a lid on its back, while fire burned from its belly like flames from a stove top. I called it Torkettle, and it'd be either Fire/Water or Fire/Steel, but either way it could store and heat water in its shell, which it would use for attacks.
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

SheNinja said:
Pokemon Evolutions I would like:

  • Dunsparce
  • Sableye
  • Jynx
  • Breloom
  • Snorlax
  • [Another for] Eelektrik
  • Shuckle [:D]

Dunsparce, Jynx, Sableye, Snorlax, and Breloom are overdue for evolutions. A stage 2 evolution for the Eel line would be pretty cool because they could have fun with it and create a new type of Stone.

Dunsparce - agreed, but only if it kept the podgy, derpy snake feel.
Sableye - I've mentioned this before, it and Mawile are widely speculated to be getting evos this gen, what with Sableye's rather random appearance in the Genesect/Mewtwo movie, and Mawile's reclassification as a Steel/Fairy.
Jynx - this thing needs an evo. It should've really gotten one in 4th gen.
Breloom - this thing does not need an evo, it's plenty strong already
Snorlax - I can't see what they'd do with it other than make it even fatter and bigger
Eelektrik - I have a feeling if they did have a split evo for it, it would become an Electric/Water and become fully aquatic
Shuckle - Eviolite Shuckle is way overpowered, but one idea I had would be that Shuckle gets a pre evo, which either evolves into Shuckle, or a different Bug/Rock which has super high offense and speed, but god awful defenses. (it would die to any priority move, so it's not exactly overpowered)
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

I think Mightyena is a perfect candidate for an evolution. He's a relatively weak Pokemon that has never had a chance to shine competitively, and his design, while cool looking, is simple enough that a well thought out evolution could enhance it without over-complicating it. I wasn't happy with the majority of the evolutions 4th gen gave older Pokemon, so I am a little trepidatious about it this time around. Although so far, I like what I've seen of gen 6 more than the last two generations put together, so I'm a little more hopeful that the designs will be good this time around.
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Geomancer said:
I think Mightyena is a perfect candidate for an evolution. He's a relatively weak Pokemon that has never had a chance to shine competitively, and his design, while cool looking, is simple enough that a well thought out evolution could enhance it without over-complicating it. I wasn't happy with the majority of the evolutions 4th gen gave older Pokemon, so I am a little trepidatious about it this time around. Although so far, I like what I've seen of gen 6 more than the last two generations put together, so I'm a little more hopeful that the designs will be good this time around.

Werewolf evo would be so cool.
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Ohman177 said:
Werewolf evo would be so cool.
I would love a werewolf if they could manage to keep it on 4 legs. We already have Lucario and Zoroark as bipedal canines, I wouldn't really like to see another one...something with a large, menacing silhouette, very muscular with large fangs and claws. It could evolve at night with a special item or in a certain location, it could even evolve with a moon stone. It would learn moonlight as well.

On that note, there needs to be a move that's sort or the opposite of Sunny Day. It wouldn't be a weather condition, but it would summon the moon and strengthen dark type attacks, enhance the hp recovered by moonlight, and affect some other moves/abilities as well.
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Geomancer said:
On that note, there needs to be a move that's sort or the opposite of Sunny Day. It wouldn't be a weather condition, but it would summon the moon and strengthen dark type attacks, enhance the hp recovered by moonlight, and affect some other moves/abilities as well.

The opposite of sunny day is rain dance. The opposite of hail is sand storm.
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Ohman177 said:
Geomancer said:
On that note, there needs to be a move that's sort or the opposite of Sunny Day. It wouldn't be a weather condition, but it would summon the moon and strengthen dark type attacks, enhance the hp recovered by moonlight, and affect some other moves/abilities as well.

The opposite of sunny day is rain dance. The opposite of hail is sand storm.
I mean opposites more in terms of night and day, not so much the weather condition. More of a dark type version of Sunny Day, I suppose.
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Geomancer said:
Ohman177 said:
The opposite of sunny day is rain dance. The opposite of hail is sand storm.
I mean opposites more in terms of night and day, not so much the weather condition. More of a dark type version of Sunny Day, I suppose.

"Pitch Black" or "Heavy Fog" ?

Dark type and maybe poison moves increase in power, fairy decreases as well as grass type.
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

I would LOVE to see some sort of Ice type Wolf/Husky like Pokemon. Holy bonkie boo boo that would be the best .^_^.
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

ArcanineArco said:
I would LOVE to see some sort of Ice type Wolf/Husky like Pokemon. Holy bonkie boo boo that would be the best .^_^.

Like an opposite of Arcanine with a pre-evo like growlith?
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Ohman177 said:
ArcanineArco said:
I would LOVE to see some sort of Ice type Wolf/Husky like Pokemon. Holy bonkie boo boo that would be the best .^_^.

Like an opposite of Arcanine with a pre-evo like growlith?

Yeah pretty much :)