What deck do you think will win Worlds 2009?

That is a good point, I don't know if this would do good in worlds but run Flyvile with slaking that could be killer i run slaking with weavile right now ad it is insane
^You are right that Slaking attacks every other turn, but I think if you run Dialga G Lv.X it should prevent the Slaking's bodie from working.
^50 damage increase? Machamp's Take Out does 40 damage to Slaking, and add 30 for weakness. That's 70 for one. Now, just add the damage downfall. That becomes 120 on Slaking. Against Machamp's Hurricane Punch, for two heads it does a total of 140 damage. Yeah, it still wouldn't be that good. Plus Slaking is slow, as you need to get out 4 energy and Dialga G Lv.X. Machamp can outspeed that.
^Kingzel is good, but not fantastic to survive the meta. With Luxray GL being ever so popular with Lucario GL, Trash Bolt would own Kingdra. Then, even if you do damage Luxray they could just Poke Turn him. And then what? Bright Look over Floatzel GL Lv.X and then KO it. Soon, with so many Bright Look's, you'll be losing so many Pokemon quickly.
I expect Legos, Luxape, Gengar, Flygon, and Speedrill to appear at the top.
SP Decks are consistent, probably Tier 1, Speedrill has the RR Beedrill to make it Tier 1.5, and Gengar and Flygon, if played well, run 3-3 or 4-4 Claydol, so Power Spray can't ruin them. That's why Legos is SO strong, it shuts down ALL powers, no matter how many Claydols you have, for hopefully 4-6 turns.

....So I expect all those decks to make a big performance, personally I want SP Decks to win....
Come on Machamp! Win! :D

Speedrill, it depends on too much powers, trainers, and stuff to get out. With Dialga G out, it will be slowed down a lot with shut down, maybe even Legos can stop it.

Gengar, not so much... I've seen a lot of them and they CAN be played around pretty dang easily.

Flygon, it's fast, I think it can make it to the top... But with so many speed decks out there, this won't be such a great player's choice for Worlds.
Here's a better idea. Why don't you just look it up your self? It's a pretty popular deck, so it's not exactly hard to find a list for it. Not trying to be rude. I'm just really tired of people asking for lists.
85dakota85 said:
could somebody send me a speedrill deck list or type one in I want to check it out.

Here is an article on it:


It also has a decklist to start you off :)
Well, the way I think of it a decent list is:

3/1-2-2/2 Beedrill (GE-RR-RR-GE/RR)
2-2 Claydol
1 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA

16 Pokemon

The one in PokeChamp's article is sort of outdated, since it didn't really compete in today's meta.

My top candidates have come down to:

Machamp (good build, though)
Mother Gengar

Legoes, is, amazing! I mean, the extreme power locks possibly on your first turn totally ruins opposing Uxie, Claydol, Crobat G, and other decks along with a lot of Uxie for draw power, Azelf for prize checks, Crobat G for added damage, and any other instant play techs plus the ability to clear your bench (benifit) and your opponent's bench (benifit to you) is fantastic. Machamp has a decent chance only because SP's are popular, but the fact that he too is easy to play around and what happens if he can't pull a T1 donk ruins him. Only a good build would allow a Machamp player to go pretty far. Otherwise, I don't see so much in him. Gengar requires a decent build, but has a chance to win the Worlds. The fact that he can Shadow Room+Crobat G snipe down powers is what makes him pretty good. And a smart player would just play Gengar the way you would play any other deck. It's a 50/50 chance on Fainting Spell after all. Unown G also stops Gengar. Now comes to LuxApe, who really doesn't have so many bad matchups and can type trump many cards. He may be a tricky deck to play, but a good build can go far. Flygon is great, espicially with Weavile. Nothing much to say.
I'd Love for a random Gallape or eeveelution deck made it to number, just to show that decks don't have to be meta to win
A deck doesn't have to be meta to win, is has to be good and have good matchups to the metagame.