What deck do you think will win Worlds 2009?

Look, Luxape was talked about the second the scans came from Japan. Just because you didn't know about it doesn't mean anything. Anyone who is anyone knew about the deck since regs.
I heard right after Battle Roads that Mother Gengar was the new meta, until Nationals happened.
It's funny, I actually built a Mother Gengar deck when the scans came out and decided GeChamp was a better play because of all the new SP's. Man was I wrong. :p

I'm thinking that these will be the winning decks:

Juniors: GeChamp. As far as I know, the meta is mostly SP's, making GeChamp a pretty solid play. It also has a pretty good matchup with Machamp. And it can stand up to Bees pretty well. Its problem is Mother Gengar, but I didn't see too many of those in the Juniors top cut list. I'm not 100% sure about the Mother Gengar numbers though.

Seniors: This is pretty hard to tell. Obviously only decks with a chance vs. Gengar will make it in, considering how popular Gengar is. That pretty much means every deck. XD I'd say this will either be Flygon or an SP. Dark Flygon has a pretty good chance vs. Gengar and is reasonably fast. It seems that if it sets up vs. SP's then it'll beat them. Plus Flygon can run a lot of techs and is fairly consistent. A rogue could win this, too though.

Masters: Lol, I have no idea whatsoever. Probably a good SP deck.
^You did make 1st with GeChamp for Regionals and how can you be wrong?

So far most of the people had said the same deck well win Worlds like Nationals or Rouge decks well win.
Palkia/Anything, Gengar/Anything, and Luxray/Anything will win at least 2/3 divisions. These are the decks to beat at worlds. Go beat them everyone!
i think some SP deck will win. Like Luxape, or anything else like Alakazam or Gallade. Mother gengar maybe win any of the lower divisions like junior or senior. I know nationals at my place Gengar won Nationals in senior, so any gengar deck maybe wins.

Hard to know. The best counter deck probably wins.
Be cool if Flyvile won Seniors. KOing every Gengar in its way, if the deck is fast enough.
Ugh, I don't really know. I'm just worried about making it into Grinders, so enough about that. xD

Does the grinders and worlds deck have to be the same?
No^, you can change your decks, but I don't really see a point if you do really good in Grinders.

dmaster out.
That's true.

I still have your Taco.

I was planning on Switching so that if/when/maybe I make it into Worlds, and I face the same person, I'll know their strategy and they won't know mine, eh? ._.
Welcome to PokeBeach!^

There could be a chance he might win again. Unless Pooka, from PokeGym, defeats him.
Shadowwiidragon said:
Welcome to PokeBeach!^

There could be a chance he might win again. Unless Pooka, from PokeGym, defeats him.

Or someone else defeats him :/
I could see a rogue deck winning my friend is taking my rogue deck and of course im hoping it wins
its called mother superior.
tyranitar77 said:
I could see a rogue deck winning my friend is taking my rogue deck and of course im hoping it wins
its called mother superior.

Nidoqueen Rhyperior or something?