What deck do you think will win Worlds 2009?

I didn't go to Nationals, plane trip got canceled.

Legos should make top cut. I expect to see something involved with Dialga G Lv.X in the finals of Worlds.
I'll bright look it when it's on bench and bam there goes your only one in the deck, Even if you do kill ONE luxray i'll just kill your toxicroak G. With an uxie Lv.X.
^ Legos is not dead at all and that card makes its matchups even better, go a head and bright look and knock it out say hello to aarons collection and bam its back again byebye luxray and the non promo toxicroak g can handle uxie lv.x
Pokebeach players are terrible (Except for a few.) So don't even talk to me. Also Legos didn't even top at nats.

And when I one shot you. No it can't. FAIL.;
@ Soul Seeker.
you have said that already, and you gave me a network.
but the only one there is chuck norris.
if you are chuck norris, then your never on line anyways.

chefz11 said:
red blastoise said:
Azul said:
I'm going to Worlds. :)

Has it beaten Dialga G? lol! Everybody says their deck is going to win Worlds.

oh yeah, it went 2-1 against it.
but the 2 I won where really close.
but every deck has a bad matchup :p
Is it Bibarel? That would be funny.

it isn't
but it looks a damn lot like it!
Azul said:
I'm going to Worlds. :)

Has it beaten Dialga G? lol! Everybody says their deck is going to win Worlds.

Lolno. Not with LuxApe and possibly Blazetran there. Legos has more of a chance of winning, but it still gets pwned by LuxApe.

dmaster out.
Well, for Legos, you run the surprise promo Toxicroak G in case of the LuxApe.

Well, If I play Dialga G for Grinders against, I can call for a Luxray GL and something else or I can deafed them. They can't set up, I Level up Dialga, Warp or switch or something like that. Then bring up Luxray GL, level up and bright look, and kill the torchic. Then Dialga locks the Heatran's body and Palkia G lv.x can do some stuff to other things too.
Azul said:
Well, for Legos, you run the surprise promo Toxicroak G in case of the LuxApe.

Well, If I play Dialga G for Grinders against, I can call for a Luxray GL and something else or I can deafed them. They can't set up, I Level up Dialga, Warp or switch or something like that. Then bring up Luxray GL, level up and bright look, and kill the torchic. Then Dialga locks the Heatran's body and Palkia G lv.x can do some stuff to other things too.
That one car doesn't take down the whole deck you still lose just plain and simple.
awsome_umbreon said:
Azul said:
Well, for Legos, you run the surprise promo Toxicroak G in case of the LuxApe.

Well, If I play Dialga G for Grinders against, I can call for a Luxray GL and something else or I can deafed them. They can't set up, I Level up Dialga, Warp or switch or something like that. Then bring up Luxray GL, level up and bright look, and kill the torchic. Then Dialga locks the Heatran's body and Palkia G lv.x can do some stuff to other things too.
That one car doesn't take down the whole deck you still lose just plain and simple.

The only thing in Luxape that can OHKO Toxicroak G is Infernape Lv X, which can be OHKOed by Palkia G and a Flash Bite. Otherwise, Toxicroak can easily get back to the hand with Leap Away/Poketurn. If it does get KOed, you can just use Aaron's Collection or Night Maintenance.