What deck do you think will win Worlds 2009?

spread will never die as can be said for any deck type, they just popularity has dropped but spread can be done mother gengar is 1 deck so just find a tech to deal with queen that can also do something against anything else (like maybe spread with a sniper tech'd in)
Decent Spread sniper------->starmie LA. Also pokeblower and aimed cut.
But I bet that at least 1 rogue will win Worlds. Don't really care about the other winners. Just the rogue.
chefz11 said:
red blastoise said:
@ Soul Seeker.
you have said that already, and you gave me a network.
but the only one there is chuck norris.
if you are chuck norris, then your never on line anyways.

chefz11 said:
red blastoise said:
Azul said:
I'm going to Worlds. :)

Has it beaten Dialga G? lol! Everybody says their deck is going to win Worlds.

oh yeah, it went 2-1 against it.
but the 2 I won where really close.
but every deck has a bad matchup :p
Is it Bibarel? That would be funny.

it isn't
but it looks a darn lot like it!

What could look like bibarel. Bidoof? XD

no, but i know someone using about 2 decks, bibarel, and a deck using the card i'm talking about.

you are really ignorant aren't you?
did you get an invite to worlds? what place did you came in at nats?
well, i'm sure many players here got an invite to worlds, and i'm pretty sure we have some really good people here.

on topic: soul seeker has beat the crud out of me using t-tar, but that was only 1 match up he has played against >:D
kevkev77777 said:
^starmie isn't a good sniper^ I think that T-Tar has a slight chance but it seems Luxape is going to win.

Starmie does 50 to anything with Powers OR Bodies for the same energy as Shadow Room and can't be blocked by Unown G. Other than it's low HP, it's a good sniper.

Good job getting yourself banned, awsome_umbreon. And thanks for the laughs. Also, have you ever heard of a card called Poketurn?
TruTruSky said:
kevkev77777 said:
^starmie isn't a good sniper^ I think that T-Tar has a slight chance but it seems Luxape is going to win.

Starmie does 50 to anything with Powers OR Bodies for the same as Shadow Room and can't be blocked by Unown G. Other than it's low HP, it's a good sniper.

Good job getting yourself banned, awsome_umbreon. And thanks for the laughs.

in a SPREAD deck starmie is a beast sniper. since about EVERYBODY runs at least 1 or 2 powers/bodies. pickup scraps, and also able to get out if it survives. 90 HP would've made it so much better IMO...

on topic-i still stand by my other comment about the rogue. It proves that even in this format a non-archetype can still win. It would be awesome if one won in masters.
I don't think a rogue has ever won Masters(unless you count that Anti-Meta deck that Tom Roos won with) , but they have had some notable rogue decks do well.
Eeveelutions did well a couple of years ago, so maybe Eeveelutions could somehow do well again. I mean it is inconsistent but if you can have two great days of starts and lucksacking it could.
awsome_umbreon said:
TruTruSky said:
awsome_umbreon said:
Again yet another part to the game of chess but as I said and you agreed I am faster And will probably win I know for a fact that legos doesn't run enough energy to come back from 3 or four kills especially on dialga or plakia UNLESS ITS A BAD BUILD.

btw just cuz the kid did well doesn't mean that you will. He's probably the only good one in the country.

You look at my profile yet you don't realize I am from a State, not a Country? And you completely ignore the fact that I got 7th in the Canadian National Championships as well. (Yes, I played in the Canadian Nationals despite living in the USA).

But if Aaron's Collection or Night Maintenance is being run, those energy can be retrieved easily. Snce Toxicroak can be set up in one turn, Luxray can be KOed in one turn. Then you Bronzong to Dialga or Palkia, then Leap Away/Poketurn. Attach Energy Gain and an energy and they do 50.

I'm pretty sure you already used two energy gain from what you say is a one turn bounce back, but I'm sure you would have used one before maybe two most decks don't run four gain anymore UNLESS they're a bad build, Also, Canada is one of the countrys that doesn't care as much thus making them less competitive, I'm SURE that if you went to the US nats you wouldn't have even topped to me you sound like a terrible player just because you live in the same state of a kid who won doesn't mean that YOU are good so stop bragging for him. You quite obviusly don't know how to play well, (Along with everyone else on the beach, Besides me :/ ) if you think that you can beat inferay with Legos, MAYBE JUST MAYBE if you get the donk then can you beat it but the way you make yourself sound, You probably couldn't even donk with Machamp.

Oh and what if you get taiuls on leap away, What if I power spray it? You can't rely on it late game YOU ARE A TERRIBLE PLAYER>

I actually agree with this guy. Too bad he got banned. he has a point legos is terrible no and luxape has the win so quit fighting a wake up to reality.
Zane433 said:
awsome_umbreon said:
TruTruSky said:
awsome_umbreon said:
Again yet another part to the game of chess but as I said and you agreed I am faster And will probably win I know for a fact that legos doesn't run enough energy to come back from 3 or four kills especially on dialga or plakia UNLESS ITS A BAD BUILD.

btw just cuz the kid did well doesn't mean that you will. He's probably the only good one in the country.

You look at my profile yet you don't realize I am from a State, not a Country? And you completely ignore the fact that I got 7th in the Canadian National Championships as well. (Yes, I played in the Canadian Nationals despite living in the USA).

But if Aaron's Collection or Night Maintenance is being run, those energy can be retrieved easily. Snce Toxicroak can be set up in one turn, Luxray can be KOed in one turn. Then you Bronzong to Dialga or Palkia, then Leap Away/Poketurn. Attach Energy Gain and an energy and they do 50.

I'm pretty sure you already used two energy gain from what you say is a one turn bounce back, but I'm sure you would have used one before maybe two most decks don't run four gain anymore UNLESS they're a bad build, Also, Canada is one of the countrys that doesn't care as much thus making them less competitive, I'm SURE that if you went to the US nats you wouldn't have even topped to me you sound like a terrible player just because you live in the same state of a kid who won doesn't mean that YOU are good so stop bragging for him. You quite obviusly don't know how to play well, (Along with everyone else on the beach, Besides me :/ ) if you think that you can beat inferay with Legos, MAYBE JUST MAYBE if you get the donk then can you beat it but the way you make yourself sound, You probably couldn't even donk with Machamp.

Oh and what if you get taiuls on leap away, What if I power spray it? You can't rely on it late game YOU ARE A TERRIBLE PLAYER>

I actually agree with this guy. Too bad he got banned. he has a point legos is terrible no and luxape has the win so quit fighting a wake up to reality.

When did I ever say Luxape wouldn't win? Luxape has a distinct adavantage and would win the majority of the time, but it wouldn't be impossible for Legos to turn the match around. Teching a Toxicroak G would really help Legos, possibly giving it the ability to win, which is what my point was. And thanks for calling me terrible, I really appriciate it.
because they'd either sheer speed or slow down T-Tar to breaking point its not that T-Tar isn't good its just thats he's too slow to win at the higher tiers, i still thinks its a worthwhile deck and its worth taking to tournament just for the "lets see how far it can go" factor
I can personally see Machamp winning Worlds, but a smart one with techs to beat LuxApe and Gengar 0_0

Maybe even Blazetran or Kingdra but running 3 Unown G.
blazetran will not be released by the time worlds is over, unless someone goes to the pre-release and gets every card and like 3 copies of said card to make the deck in like 5 days before worlds, which i doubt is a doable thing...but i see Luxape taking it to the top. If the top 4 are 4 metagame decks, like Luxape, Mother Gengar, Machamp and Legos(just an example), Luxape will go all the way. Its to fast of a deck to beat, i mean it is pure speed, and backed by some crazy good power its just not a good matchup for anything...

EDIT: Sorry, i thought you said blazetran FB, not just plain blazetran. Lol...but Blazetran cant, its to slow. Its a solid deck idea but it will get crushed by dialga or palkia x or luxape
Seth1789110 said:
blazetran will not be released by the time worlds is over, unless someone goes to the pre-release and gets every card and like 3 copies of said card to make the deck in like 5 days before worlds, which I doubt is a doable thing...but I see Luxape taking it to the top. If the top 4 are 4 metagame decks, like Luxape, Mother Gengar, Machamp and Legos(just an example), Luxape will go all the way. Its to fast of a deck to beat, I mean it is pure speed, and backed by some crazy good power its just not a good matchup for anything...

He means Blazetran without Blaze FB.

And no matter how fast you get the Blaze cards, it WILL NOT be legal.