What deck do you think will win Worlds 2009?

Gengar. Somebody will probably try to get Gengar X so they can fit it in and blow everybody away with "their awesome skills" (more like cheap crap) before foreign cards are taken away. Unles AoA comes out here before Worlds. I forget when Worlds is....
Pulse of the Frontier comes out just after Worlds (August 18th).

Advent of Arceus will be the winter release, so November/December it will be released here.
I'd like to see a lone porygon z promo do well at worlds, but I'm not really sure how it matches up with all of the super fast decks like gengar and luxape. It does have a nice damage output, assuming you can protect your TM's.

I'm predicting a mother gengar win though.
It depends on the division. Sps don't do well in juniors, but win in masters. For seniors, I hope Inferay wins because its a great deck and is better than Mother Gengar.
Here are my predictions:

Juniors: a well played Machamp deck, with something beside it, or a Flygon deck
Seniors: Gengar, Mother Gengar, or Legos
Masters: LuxApe, some kind of SP toolbox, or Legos
Seniors: MEGA LEGOS, Gengar varient, Dialga G varient.
Juniors: Machamp
Masters: SP deck

Gengar is a very good deck right now, but I don't know what new tech will be in the deck.
Yeah that guy's got it.
I mean one of those two will win, if not both.
Also a rogue possibility-Glaceon Lock, as long as dialga g doesn't appear and they play unown g.
Lol^ I'd like that Uxie Power deck to win. Albeit it would just be a donk deck. :F

dmaster out.
Strictly speaking for the masters division,

Lux/Ape probably. But I think people will be better prepared for it at Worlds.

Maybe some Dialga/Palkia/Luxray variants have a shot too.

I think Azelf MT is catching on in alot of decks to give SP decks trouble, so I'd expect to see it show up in some winning decks.

Decks that wont win:
Don't know. Hopefully not a Machamp deck. So many people are using them. If it won, I wouldn't be surprised, just mad.
Wow sounds good.

Juniors: Machamp
Seniors: Gengar Variant or Mother Gengar
Masters Luxape or SP deck

This what has mostly been said as winning decks so far.
I'm like the only person here that wants Machamp to win for Seniors.

Well, Legos will make the cut, it's very good right now. Even with Luxray out.