What do/did you think about turning teenager?

Do you like being a teenager?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 52.9%
  • No

    Votes: 6 11.8%
  • I am under 13 but I will enjoy it

    Votes: 8 15.7%
  • I am under 13 but I won't enjoy it

    Votes: 4 7.8%
  • I have already been a teenager and I did enjoy it

    Votes: 4 7.8%
  • I have already been a teenager but I didn't enjoy it

    Votes: 2 3.9%

  • Total voters


Loving Wifi in my life...
The title says the question. I will be 13 this November, I'm am excited and not excited. What do/did you think about turning 13?
Well its really not much different to being a kid and you don't even notice the.... changes.... kicking in too. The only thing I hate about it is that adults always think your up to something bad:(
Gamefreak734 said:
Well its really not much different to being a kid and you don't even notice the.... changes.... kicking in too. The only thing I hate about it is that adults always think your up to something bad:(

I think that adults think teens as negative, its not fair for yous really...
For me, it wasn't anything special. Heck, even being 18 is nothing special to me, though I understand it is for most people. I seem to lack the understanding about age meaning anything as far as "new things to do, new boundaries, etc.", because I really don't do much socially. Oh, well. Just be sure to enjoy childhood while it lasts, and you'll have already accomplished the most important thing about being young.
I agree. With both points. Teens are always accused of doing the worst thing possible. And Xous, you also have a point. Age means nothing outside of government (being allowed to drink, etc.) Other than that's, it's like "Hey! You're now one step closer to dying! Congrats!"

Well, I'll be turning 13 this November as well, and I have to say, I'm a bit excited. I've been subjected to age prejudice my entire life, whether it be on the streets or on the internet, my age has mattered. Hopefully by turning 13 I can break this pattern of people underestimating and ignoring me and my ideas just because of my age.
I'm turing 13 this October but it won't be a big difference to me. People that don't know me think I'm 14 or 15 so...guess I've already been 13 to some people lol
Well for me its ok I guess. The good part is that I can go places by myself and I am allowed to go like 15 miles from my house by walking (that may just be me). I'm 14 now and there is that whole your in 8th grade and you still like pokemon thing. And I always get blamed first for everything. So those are pretty much the only bad things.
Only thing I worried about was puberty. I guess that's normal, right? ;o Yeah, there's really nothing to get excited over really.

dmaster out.
Turning thirteen was very exciting for me as most of my friends have always been at least a year older than me because I started school early. I do get the whole adults thinking I'm up to no good because of how I dress and that I am a teenager. It really annoys me, so when something comes up where I am accused of something I always have my facts straight and they can't do anything about it.

As fun as it is to become a teenager it will become incredibly stressful at times and all you will be able to do is deal with it. You will start to be challenged more everyday in real life not just school.

All I can say is take life head on and enjoy being a kid, it won't last long.
1st half is terrible, 2nd half is niiiiiiiiiiiiice.

In reality, 13 is practically nothing. To the rest of the world you're still an ignorant little kid. And for 99% of 13 year old's, it really is the case.
It's awesome! :D

Now you can do stuff!

But there's waaaaaaaay to much work from school. I'm a pretty stereotypical 13 year old, long hair, element sweatshirt. I'm like 6 feet tall though, so I seem older.

Then you start puberty which is...interesting. We learned all about that stuff in health class, which is really boring and pointless.

Also, sometimes when I do something stupid, people just say; "Well, he's going through adolescence and all...give him a break." And then there's my math teacher who just hates me.
Being teen means growing up. Growing up means "Shut up and do your work" which also means " stop complaining"

Being a 16 is even harder. When I was 13, I rarely felt being a teenager because I'm still playing and doing senseless stuff, wasting my years. Hope you don't waste your years though, you will surely regret it.
Being a teen: because the adults think you're rebellious, the kids think you're a bad example, and the other teens treat you like an outcast.

Still the best years of life though.
Bahh, it really isn't that fun. After the first few years you'll realize that being a teen does not cause anyone to respect you more. TBH, 13yr - 15 yr olds tend to be some of the most annoying people on the planet. The whole emotion changes also get old after a while.
Being a teenager is hard work. You have to set an example for your younger siblings, do more work, take responsibility for your actions, and pretend to like it when adults give you clothing for Christmas instead of pokemon cards :(. Children, run away from adolescence and never look back. Other than that, being a teenager is pretty cool. I get to stay up later, and I get an allowance :p. I bet it'll be fun later on in adolescence.
Well I'm 12 and I'm sutternly not lookign forward to turning 13 in July O_O
I'm almost 14 and so far, Its been the best time of my life. (exept the puberty part):(