I'm probably leaning towards Froakie. I <3 Frogs, he's a bleedin' Ninja(!), and he has an epic beard..
I hope Fennekin's evo isn't bipedal (and Fighting), honestly, there has never been a non-bipedal Fire Starter, right? (Even Typhlosion's sprite stands on 2 legs..
Chespin looks like it can either end up looking mad cool, or go the Samurott route and look stupid [and be useless].
I hope Fennekin's evo isn't bipedal (and Fighting), honestly, there has never been a non-bipedal Fire Starter, right? (Even Typhlosion's sprite stands on 2 legs..
Chespin looks like it can either end up looking mad cool, or go the Samurott route and look stupid [and be useless].