What does it take to win a BR or a City event?

the only time you should ever have luck in your games are the first 7 cards you draw, what you pull of claydol, and the 1 card you get each turn. everything else should be skill and strats. thats how i try to make my decks work =D
Luck does matter - but a good player never depends on luck.

The 3 key issues that I've found with playing well in a tournament is;

Knowing your Metagame
Knowning your metagame is really important because you wouldn't want to play a deck that has got a huge disadvantage to what 70% of all players in your division at the tournament are playing. This also helps with how you can run your deck and what techs should be making it onto the field.

Shuffling is, IMO, the most important thing that you can do to win. Without shuffling properly you will end up with bunched up cards which are useless unless they are cards like Pokedrawer.

Knowing your deck
You have more chance at winning a tournament with a deck you know then a deck you built at 4am in the morning and have tested with twice. The more expeirence you have with a deck means the more situations you can play around and know what to do in.
elekid957 said:
the only time you should ever have luck in your games are the first 7 cards you draw, what you pull of claydol, and the 1 card you get each turn. everything else should be skill and strats. thats how i try to make my decks work =D

I agree. But Ive seen lots of games where that is the Game Changing draw.

This isnt a science. Beyond the basic deck set up, you cant control the next card you draw. You cannot control or predict your next move accurately if it involves a coin flip.

Gengar and Fainting Spell is a good example of a luck based win/loss. You dont know if it will be heads or tails.

In the end here, I think my problem is my decks construction.
My deck CHOICE is good, my skill is fine. Sure, I make stupid mistakes at times, but we all do at times.

I just need to refine my decks consistancy for starts more.

I myself dont rely on luck, it never hurt anyone to hope for good luck.
Luck does play a roll any time you draw, your hand, Claydol/Uxie, beginning of your turn, etc... But when you set up your deck to improve these instances it becomes less sheer chance because you are now playing a roll in your own luck, effectively taking a large portion of the luck out. The reason I say luck doesn't matter is because of the chance that is left that you can't control, at that point you have to just play smart. Build your deck so that your chances increase for you to execute your strategy but don't focus on something you can't change.
well IMO,
I hate when people say they lost because they didn't top deck a card they needed or there opponent top decked what they needed.

cuz you know what, its a bad excuse. There just trying to find some cheap way of saying how they coulda won.


I don't think coin flips are that big either. Ive gotten many tails on ssu, fainting spell, etc and is still able to win. Flipping heads just makes the game easier.


Personally I don't think luck even counts as half.

More of what your deck is and how consistent it is.

and of course practice. You learn and get more advantages that only practice can give you.
Luck changes with every deck u play if ur playing with sf gengar don't rely on feinting spell just hope it helps u rely on gengars atks and the teks u put in to help u don't realy on ssu its jut there to help u coin flip cards are like getting a easy button if u get heads ur game just got easier but the point is to build ur deck to b able to tough it out and win without the easy button think of them as alternative ways to play ur game not how u have to play ur game. Basicly learn every way possible to play ur deck what happens when u get the heads on a coin flip and what happens when u get tails then what u do after both situations a good deck has 2 or more roads it can go down and still win a game options is the key to ur victory and taking away ur options is the key to ur opponents victory. Srry for the long message I got carried away lol
So basically, the message Im getting out of all of this is;

A well designed deck will USUALLY get you a decent/good start.
A good deck will work just fine from start to finish.
And if I get stuck top drawing or somthing really bad like that, its totally because I made a poor choice at some point in the game.

I still think luck has its role.

WHat about Gamble moves?

Moves that you make that MIGHT pay off, but MIGHT not.

Ive been in situations where I cant decide between 2 moves. If I do move A, its a guarentee, but with less pay off.
If i do move B, Its a risk, but with BIG rewards.

Whats the best way to decide things like that?
Luck should never be a factor in your deck unless it is an added bonus (Fainting spell). I just started pokemon last year. I went to my first Cities this year. I wasn't expecting much from myself. But I did lose quite badly.

This was due to my : Inexperience, Relying on luck, major misplays, competition etc. Now you must eradicate each and every possibility I stated and more. I made a deck which relied on luck. This mean't that I had to rely on my opening hand which was never good a good idea. Even when I did start playing I made major misplays, lost concentration and was not really confident in my abilities.

Add all those together and you surely have a recipe for disaster.

But something came out of it which was worth a lot to me. Learning from my mistakes.

This then made me make these rules which I make sure I recite before I make a deck and before I go to a tournament.

1. Play a competitive deck
2. Make sure that it is near impossible for luck to ruin your game
3. Consistency is paramount to any deck
4. Study your deck
5. Be comfortable with your deck
6. Always concentrate. I know it is obvious yet sometimes people forget to do a certain move or don't read the situation properly
7. Be 3 steps ahead. This is the same as chess. If you lose a pokemon be ready to fight back harder
8. Finally make the right choice. Another obvious one but the right choice will always win you the match.

I know these rules may seem n00by but I am a beginner. Don't be harsh :p
Skill and consistency is key. Luck is just a factor that happens from time to time. I'm not saying some people are more 'unlucky' I'm just saying you should know your deck well and make it consistent. For example, 4 call/rose/bebe with sableye tech or something that can turn a bad start into a good/decent one.
I disagree with some of you saying that you NEED to play a competitive deck to win. Look at my signature and I top cut with LUCARIO/GOLEM and GOREBYSS/ELECTRODE when GG/plox was big. Skill is more important than deck choice.
^hey someone who agrees with me :). i think i posted something exactly like that last page. yes skill>deck choice, i can't really prove it but its just true =P
Skill and luck are a lot of it. I played Flychamp and there were so many SP decks that I Top Cutted twice in a row, but never won. Luck was there, and then gone.
The game just works like that, all games do, so get used to it.
I say there is some luck in it but yet even more math. heres some examples:

Playing Blazeray

Youve got these pokemon lines(the mains only

3-1 Blaze FB X
2-1 Luxray X
2 Bats

Here are the probabilities of some of them before you start drawing your 7.

Blaze X 1 in 60
Luxray X 1 in 60
Luxrays 1 in 30
Blazes 1 in 20
Uxie 1 in 60
Azelf 1 in 60
Bats 1 in 30

As we go down the draws these probablilties get higher. its all some math play the cards you need for probability to get them and it will follow. i have done that as of today and will test my deck ASAP. Calls and rosy's are key. My mom works for a person thats son is in the top 5 in wisconsin because of LOGIC. The probability of cards coming up is basically what he uses. Which is now why i will be basing my decks on this for awhile until it either fails or just keeps working. Use LOGIC and it will get you where you want. i have top cutted at cities once and thats about it. however it can work.
If the game is luck based why did Jason win worlds twice? Why does Takuto consistantly make the worlds top 4? The game's luck factor is small. My tips:

- deck choice is EVERYTHING: you'll get destroyed if you make a bad play
-don't choose a deck based on your play style. Pick the best deck and learn how to play with it
-before you make a choice in-game, always think what will happen the next couple turns after you make it. Think out each option
-Listen to either empire state of mind or let it rock before round 1
-when in doubt, play the call energy!
-chatot= bird jesus
-when in doubt, undertech. This does wonders for consistancy.
-have a good decklist. Try it against QUALITY PLAYERS. I don't mean your local scrubs I mean people who win consistantly. Try things like Redshark to have a bigger choice of people to test with

that's my advice. Now go win states
Deck choice is not EVERYTHING. Did you listen to what I just said? Elekid me and other rogue players can top cut and do well in tourneys with ROGUE DECKS. Elekid won more than me which supports my point even more :p

Look at my signature for 07-08 records. Plus, that was my very first year also.

I'll just chime in and say that even though I've not played this game as long as most other TCG players, I've learned one thing: Your opening hand decides pretty much everything. You can play a consistent deck that sets up amazingly almost every game, but there will be a time when you get dealt a horrible hand. At that point, you have to rely on top decking.
#1weavile said:
Deck choice is not EVERYTHING. Did you listen to what I just said? Elekid me and other rogue players can top cut and do well in tourneys with ROGUE DECKS. Elekid won more than me which supports my point even more :p

Look at my signature for 07-08 records. Plus, that was my very first year also.

I agree, deck choice does not matter, but there is a very fine line too. You cant play somthing super random and expect to win. Meaning, you can play a starter deck and honestly expect to win. However, a good rogue deck can win just as easily as another teir 1 deck can.
Elekid could take my BlazeTran deck and top cut I bet!

Amt said:

I'll just chime in and say that even though I've not played this game as long as most other TCG players, I've learned one thing: Your opening hand decides pretty much everything. You can play a consistent deck that sets up amazingly almost every game, but there will be a time when you get dealt a horrible hand. At that point, you have to rely on top decking.

I agree with you here. THe oppening hand can really decide an outcome. Im using Gengar and if my hand has: Gastly, Spiritomb, and Baltoy, Thats a good hand. Provided I have an energy to play as well.

But If I had like 3 energy, 1 basic, and a few supporters, thats not so hot.
Summary of Points So Far

So... after 30+ posts, what have we decided?

If we were to tell a brand new player how to be successful, what would we tell them?

I think we can agree on the following -

• Use a good deck

"Good" can be interpreted different ways. I say "Tier 1", others say they can win without "Tier 1" -- simply put, both ways can work. What would I tell a brand new player? Easy, go with one of the Tier 1s

• Practice

Practice a ton. Really know what you can accomplish with your deck. Know how to get out of tight spots. Know how to keep 'em down once you've got 'em by the jugular. Tweak your deck if you see that it has weaknesses. Simply put, PRACTICE!

• Keep a positive mental attitude

Keep playing your best until the last prize has been drawn. Believe in yourself and in your deck. Be confident.

• Enjoy luck when it comes, but don't rely on it

Luck is always going to be a part of this game. It's your job to make it a smallish part. Deck choice, deck construction, and in-game play choices help reduce the effect of luck on the gam.

• Understand the Meta Game

Don't handicap yourself by bringing a deck that has horrible matchups against the majority of the popular decks in your area. Try to do some research and figure out how to avoid playing a disadvantaged deck.
With that in mind, How does anyone fight against Machamp using an SP deck an win? I mean really?

Unknown G? There goes your E-Gain.
you dont. its very hard to win against a machamp with SP. therefore if you meta is full of SP play flychamp or at least something with machamp.