Pokemon What if Pokemon were Real...

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How many threads have I seen like this before? xP

What would you be?(Trainer, Cooridinator, Breeder, etc.) I would probably be a Trainer.

Who would you start with? Lickitung

What Pokemon would you have? lickilicky, Manoswine, Exegutor, Electrode, Kanghaskan, ...

if Pokemon were real then I don't think legendary Pokemon would be alive, they would nothing than a mere myth. Also if they were real and it was all happy like in the anime then I personally think the World would be in a better place.

However, in a realistic point of view then the World would suffer, quite badly...
moo5100 said:
What would you be?(Trainer, Cooridinator, Breeder, etc.)

Who would you start with?

What Pokemon would you have?

I would be a trainer, start with Totodile, and have a Bagon, Ampharos, Chansey, Scizor, and Pidgeot.

I would be a trainer.
I would start with Charmander (Kanto).
I would have a Charizard, Lapras, Raichu (It pawnz), Dragonite, Nidoking and Rhydon.

I'd probably be a trainer, but participate in the occasional contest.
I'd start with.. probably some form of domestic pokemon. I own a dog in real life, so maybe a poochyena? :S
Since No. 78's approach sounded realisitic (I mean really, I doubt I'd get any rare pokemon. xD), so I'd probably have pokemon that lived around my area.

So I'd have..

Poochyena (I have a dog. Yeah..)
Pidgey (So many pidgeons in my garden. Oo)
Probably a caterpie
And I'd probably have a grass pokemon of some sort.. from the woods by my house. Perhaps a Seedot?

So.. after lots of training, my team would be Mightyena, Pidgeot, Gyrados, Butterfree, Pelipper, and Shiftry. But I doubt that I could raise them to those levels. xD
There has been so many of these threads lol....

Anyways I'd be a trainer. I'd start with a Cyndaquil and end up with a Pikachu, a Jolteon, a Houndoom, and a Rhyperior
I'd just pile every Pokemon I caught into my team. Everyone would be dying so horrifically from the horrific effects of Pokemon on the world that I'm sure no-one would notice the 278 Shuckles, 15 Gyarados, 72 Staraptor and a bazillion Bibarel trailing behind me. =)
I'd probably have a team of Kingdra, Gardevoir, Ninetales, Delcatty, Pikachu and Altaria. I would jsut be a regular Trainer and maybe become a Gym Leader, Frontier Brain or an Elite 4 member.
If pokemon were real it would be heck on earth...

anyways on topic: I would be the leader of team rocket and fire jesse and james....Team Rocket would turn into a world wide orginazation and with me at there lead we would rule the world...seriously like world domination and stuff.

My pokemon would be:
wartortle that will never evolve

that would be the pokemon who would be with me...I would have others in storage.

If you want it to be realistic then fine:

Poochyena: looks like my dog.
Cherubi: looks like a flower near my house.
Rotom: I have tons of electric stuff in my house.
Meditite: This place near my house is religious and that's like psychic so yeah.
Skitty: tons of cats near my house.
Cacnea: cactus near my house.

My final team would be:
Mightyena, Cherrim, Rotom, Medicham, Delcatty, and Cacturne.
No78 and Lenny made all of the points I would have made, so no need to restate them. xP

I'd definitely be a trainer, so long as that's enjoyable (and hopefully profitable). As for a realistic team for me...

Pachirisu - Like Lenny's situation, there are a lot of squirrels here... And they're all really cute, so I'd try to catch one. xP

Stantler - There are a bunch of deer here, so I'd try and catch a Stantler. =0

Poliwag, Tentacool, Psyduck, Shellder, Krabby, Magikarp, Staryu, Wooper (rare), Wingull, Corpish, Buizel (rare) - All of these are pretty common here, except for the ones marked as rare. I'd probably go with Poliwag, since it'd be most common.

Feebas: Of course, bass are extremely common here, and Feebas being one of my favorite non-legendaries makes it onto my list quickly. =0

Tangela, Oddish, Hoppip, Sunkern, Budew, maybe a Shaymin (pushing it) - All common here, at least as far as the plant life they're based off of goes. As for Shaymin... You never know. A hedgehog that hides amongst the flowers... You may just find one. ;0

Murkrow, Pidgey, Taillow, Starly, Zubat, or Kricketot - All of these would be somewhat common. Probably go with Kricketot, since it'd be most common/easiest to catch.

Other options:

Teddiursa: There are a few bears in the area, but they're rare. Still an option, though.

Zigzagoon: Some raccoons here, too, but also somewhat rare.

Smeargle: Maybe to have a sketching partner, or something. xP

I really like the idea of choosing a realistic team based off the various animals or plants found in one's area. It's revitalized some sort of childish view I had on everything, how I'd imagine that clump of vines was a Tangela, or something. ;_;

As for an unrealistic team, well... Arceus. ;0
I'd be a trainer travelling so I wouldn't have to catch the boring pokemon around my house:

Swampert - starter
Hippowdon - 'cause Hippowdon rock
Eevee - it's Eevee, you can get almost any type
Flygon - for flying purposes
Crobat - speed
Toxicroak - just love 'em
I'd be a trainer for sure, and I'd start with Charmander or Squirtle.


Very unrealistic, but I think that would be pretty sweet lol.
I would definitely be a trainer, and I am definitly gonna do some teams



Kangaskhan(Ammumammu(An inside joke between me and my friend, but its cry does actually sound likt that!)

Leafeon, or Umbreon, or Jolteon(Soul.XD)

Sceptile(havent thought of a name yet.)

Milotic(I dont have a name for it yet.)
I would be a trainer, and probably start with either cyndiquil or turtwig. My final party(without my starter) would be Lugia, Politoed, Rotom, and well , that is really all I can think of lol!



Ehhh... a little overdone lol!
Well here goes....this is bound to be pretty long so if you wanna skip over this post, do it now.

Heres my story.

Growing up under my parents, both Pokemon breeders, I grew up learning all of the family secrets to breeding the absolute strongest and most talented pokemon.

With my trusty Abra, I got into pokemon breeding at an early age. My dad would send me out with his Pidegot and give me some pokeballs to go out and catch some good pokemon to breed with. We caught everything-from Abras, to Gastly to Eevee, Dratini, Magikarp, Ditto and much more.

I finished breeding my team at age 16--yeah, I know, a bit old for a beginning trainer, right? My parents thought so too....they would always tell me "Andrew, you should really start your journey if you want to complete the Kanto league before you're 30."

I got it done though.....I wanted my team perfect....the only pokemon I had ever wanted to catch and not to breed is Azelf and Rayquaza....those I couldn't breed. To do that, I had to travel from region to region and encounter these rare beauties of pokemon, and then catch them, an impossible task for most.

So at 16 I set out on my own to begin my quest for mastery of pokemon. I made sure to train my pokemon so that they would gain in the stats they specialize in, and because of that had an advantage from the start. My pokemon often overpowered those of my opponent....even moves found to be ineffective would end up doing damage to my opponents pokemon. I collected my 8 Kanto badges quickly.....the Elite Four was a different story. Alakazam and Dragonite had their share of problems.....with Dragonite getting Ice Beamed by Lorelei's Dewgong in only the first battle! Then, my Alakazam took a critical hit Shadow Ball from Agatha's Gengar and if it wasn't for my own Gengar, we would have surely lost that one. A couple of revives later, my pokemon were healthy and ready to battle and we took on Gary and beat him with ease.

I am now 18 years old....and on the SS Anne traveling to none other than the Johto region....I hope to do a fair bit of exploring here.....I heard there was a man in Azalea Town named Kurt who made these really rare pokeballs, so I'm excited to say the least to enter the Johto region and explore the new wonders and surprises that await me!

So I just whipped this up to give a little background on what I would be if pokemon were real.....sorry, my "inner writer" kinda went off and created myself if pokemon were real. I figured that if pokemon was real, the regions, characters and places were too.

-Black Rayquaza
Id be a trainer.
probably start with charmander or piplup
final team would be

I would love to have arceus or mew in my team, but I never include legendarys. =P
I mean if you really went on a journey as a pokemon trainer, I hardly doubt your team would be all or half legendary, or even have just one of them >.>
I like how many of you think about it based on real life location.

With that in mind it would get really annoying with all the spinarac around. (spider pokemon) lol

Based on my location an stuff,

I would realistically have:

Pigeot-We have hawks out back. close enough.
Milotic-can be on land too.
Flygon-would travel to find one.
Magnazone-Factory near by...

these are based on animals in my area.
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