What is the new way to get energies out, after Rosen is gone?


The Title was clear enough. How people can still run a deck with few energies?

Does anybody has an explaination to that?
more draw power, and more importantly cyrus's conspiracy. Even if you don't play SP engine, you can still get a supporter for next turn, and an energy. For decks that need more energy, you can use bronzong SF.
Energy exchanger help you to get the energy you want, but not the number of energies you need. Is Cyrius Conspiracy the only thing?
^Interviewer's Question works too, but is more suited for decks that run more Energy.
Don't tell him stupid stuff like running Cyrus in NonSP and IQ in... anything. Guys, energy search power is NOT needed. People are just being whiny about it. Energy Exchanger is all you need if you have certain types (DCE) of energy. In a deck that runs only a few, have a VERY STRONG CORE of TSS, and you should do fine. Cyrus is stupid if you can't actually benefit from it, and IQ is nearly always stupid. Only reason I can see IQ being played (not saying I endorse it) is for gatr. Keep in mind there is a lot of math to this game. I would say Energy Search > Cyrus when not in SP, and Energy Search >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IQ in almost everything. IQ has about a 40% chance of being better than ES... and you still burn a supporter. You'd be better off POVing and then ESing or something of the sort.
@Zero, what if you are trying to limit the amount of trainers in your deck? However, I agree with you. A deck running just a few energies you probably want to run energy search.

You can also use starters that get you energy, like Skarmory UD. I do not prefer that though.

Interviewers is good if you run a deck that utilizes a lot of energy like Gatr or Charizard.

Don't be so fast to dismiss Cyrus' though. Even in non SP. Its not a terrible idea to tech one in, especially if you run Sableye. It will end your turn anyway and you will have the supporter and energy you need on your next turn.
What are the pros and cons of energy search and energy exchanger?

On the face of it i'm preferring energy search but maybe there's something i'm missing with exchanger?
Energy Search gets BASIC energy out of your deck.

Energy exchanger allows you to search out any energy as long as you already have one in your hand.
Zero, what kind of T/S/S?

You are not going to put 4 energy Search in a Deck. What if after using a Supporter like PONT, no energies? Then you can t attack.

What is Gatr?
IMO, Interviewer's Questions can be a very very good energy grabber. It just depends on the deck you're running. It was almost perfectly suited for my Tyranitar deck, which had 7 special energy and 6 basic. I'm not going to get more than half of my energy by using Cyrus, so I popped in 2 IQ. I didn't necessarily need them, but when I used them I was often rewarded. There have been numerous times where I've grabbed at least a Special Dark, a DCE, and a basic dark. It really depends on your deck.
Whats so good about energy search? Why not just add another energy? Meta game deck atm only run one energy on the most part.
"@Zero, what if you are trying to limit the amount of trainers in your deck? "-- Then you should learn how to play the game. Anyone in question of IQ, do the math. There is a tiny chance of having it be better than ES. It should never be used. Gatr is the only exception (not even Charizard makes it work it). Zitong, if you can't draw into an energy, then playing IQ won't help. You should never waste your supporter on such a stupid thing. If you have a fair amount of draw, you will draw into energy. If you need to draw DCE, play EE. There is no reason IQ or Cyrus (nonSP) should be used... ever...
That's your opinion. In MY opinion, IQ is a perfectly acceptable alternative to any energy searcher. I get at least one energy out of it (usually), so why not? I rarely pull energy through PONT or Looker's, but I get usually 4 from one IQ. Just my experience.
I have to aggree with Zero that IQ will not work in zard, then Again, I run 10 fire, and 4 call which doesnt seam like many with how much energy a zard deck requires, but it works just fine
You shouldn't play energy search aether (if you don't play 3 or more different energy types). If you have the room for 4 energy search just switch them to energy of your choice to make it more likely of drawing the energy.

Let say that we have 14 energies, just like what LucarioXFroslass said and we are not playing SPs. Then we are in the middle of a game and I have 35 Cards in my deck.

14/60=8.17/35 Which means that We have only 8 energies left. By using IQ:

14/60=8.17/35=1.87/8 On 8 cards I have more chance to get only an energy or up to 2. I am not less than 1.

Plus, Energy search doesn t work against Trainer Lock, compare to IQ.
In addition IQ gets any energy you find (warp, dce, rainbow).

There are many reasons to run 1 IQ in a deck. I am not saying every deck, but it has it's value.