Some people love 'em. Some people hate 'em. What about you?
Flys Gone 2071 said:I actually like them. Most of them have a good design. I don't see a problem with them being "human-like". I don't like Jynx though. Not because it is a woman but because it is a watermelon in a dress using lip stick.
AdamLambert said:Flys Gone 2071 said:I actually like them. Most of them have a good design. I don't see a problem with them being "human-like". I don't like Jynx though. Not because it is a woman but because it is a watermelon in a dress using lip stick.
I've never heard the 'watermelon in a dress wearing lipstick' theory. That made me lol.I personally like Jynx. I also love Gothitelle. Idk why it gets so much hate.
Flys Gone 2071 said:AdamLambert said:I've never heard the 'watermelon in a dress wearing lipstick' theory. That made me lol.I personally like Jynx. I also love Gothitelle. Idk why it gets so much hate.
I also like Gothitelle (and all human-like Pokemon that aren't Jynx). I don't "hate" Jynx, I just dislike it (I don't hate any Pokemon but there are some I dislike).
Elite Stride said:@Everyone
Please don't turn this into a favorites thread. The topic is for discussions over your thoughts on human designed Pokémon. Saying something is your favorite is an opinion, sure, but there's nothing to discuss from that.
For me, it really depends. Kind of like the OP hints at, I'll either like them or hate them. I think Gardevoir is a pretty powerful looking Pokémon (even though she's technically not in the human egg group), but when I look at Jynx, she just looks like a joke to me. Now that I think of it, a lot of the Pokémon I like the most (as far as looks and ability) are human-like. I guess the whole bi-pedal aspect makes them seem more sophisticated or maybe more relatable. Like Lucario for example kind of looks more powerful than he really is because of the human like design.
To illustrate, if you placed Lucario and Eevee next to each other and asked someone who knows nothing about Pokémon which they thought was better, they would probably pick Lucario- and I would say it's because of that human like design; it just looks superior. So I really like the human-like Pokémon; they add a lot of character/badassness to the Pokémon pool.
Elite Stride said:To illustrate, if you placed Lucario and Eevee next to each other and asked someone who knows nothing about Pokémon which they thought was better, they would probably pick Lucario- and I would say it's because of that human like design; it just looks superior. So I really like the human-like Pokémon; they add a lot of character/badassness to the Pokémon pool.
frezgle said:I like them (yes, even Jynx, Mr. Mime, and the Kami trio). I think the reason for a lot of peoples' distaste has to do with the Uncanny Valley effect, which is basically this: The closer a thing is to human, the more likable it is, unless it gets TOO close, in which case it quickly becomes disturbing for most. And it's up to personal opinion if any Pokemon fall into that range; for me, none do.
The only problem I have with some human-like Pokemon is part of the fandom's attitude that some of them should be one certain gender or the other- e.g., "why do male Gardevoir exist?" They're human-LIKE, but they're not human. d:
Elite Stride said:To illustrate, if you placed Lucario and Eevee next to each other and asked someone who knows nothing about Pokémon which they thought was better, they would probably pick Lucario- and I would say it's because of that human like design; it just looks superior.
Metalizard said:I think they would say that because Lucario is simply cooler than eevee. Of course, it looks more powerful, it's an evolved pokémon. Plus, I don't consider Lucario a human-like pokémon.