Listening to a lot of retro songs... some Vince DiCola tracks from Transformers and Rocky 4. And then there's Instruments of Destruction, The Touch and Dare. Also Dare to be Stupid. Nostalgic.
I'm starting to listen to Avenged Sevenfold a lot more, mostly ¨So Far Away¨ and ¨Nightmare¨. Both are really good songs. Also, listening to Nirvana and System of a Down. Both are really good bands, too, but not as great as my current favorite, Five Finger Death Punch.
The Bravery's The Sun and the Moon. I can't decide if the album is good or horrendous. my opinion on it changes every time I listen to it please help me
(although one funny thing about this album is the Pitchfork Media review of it, which is the most hilariously over-the-top negative review I've ever read since their review of A Fever You Can't Sweat Out...although that album deserved the hatred a lot more than this one did. even at the The Sun and the Moon's worst it's still better than a 1.8)