BW/BW2 What new attacks do you want?


Steam Blast - 100
A blast of scorching steam is shot out at the opponent. Reduces accuracy.
Water Type

Aqua Arrow - 60
A narrow blast of water is shot out at the foe. Decreases special defense.
Water Type

Flash Flood - 55
The user suddenly released water at the opponent. Hits before a Pokemon can switch out, and does more damage.
Water Type

Downpour - N/A
The user waters down the opponent, resetting their stats.
Water Type


Flame Dart - 50
Several fireballs are shot at the foe with incredible speed. Always strikes first.
Fire Type


Power Sprint - 80
Uses residual energy from the move used beforehand to attack in a powerful sprint at the opponent. Becomes the type of the move used before. May cause opponent to Flinch.
Normal type


Sleek Ice - N/A
User creates ice beneath their feet to increase their speed.
Ice Type


Nullify - N/A
The user concentrates and cancels the opponent's ability.
Psychic Type


Heartbreak - 40
The user breaks the opponent's heart by sending a wave of energy into the mind of the foe that creates the sad sensation. Does twice the damage if the foe is infatuated. Ends the effects, though.
Dark Type


Ion Pulse - 150
The user blasts out an electrically charged ball of energy at the foe. The user's special attack sharply falls.


Solar Power - N/A
User harnesses the sun's energy to increase its attack.
Grass Type


Landslide - 120
The user causes the ground to shift and hit the foe. The user cannot attack the next turn.

Clay Armor - N/A
User coats themselves in clay to increase their defense and special defense. Makes user resistant to electric attacks if not ground already.


Tail Spin - N/A
The user spins in the air, increasing evasiveness.
Flying Type
Black Ice- User creates slippery surface, increasing evasiveness and speed of the teem.
Crystal Blast- User charges the foe with a blast of ice, likely freezing the foe.

Geyser- Strong jet of hot water blasts the foe.
Hurricane- Strong rain and wind blasts everyone in battle, slightly damaging HP. Flying types are unable to battle.

Weedwacker- The user cuts the foe with a large blade, damaging HP.

...yeah I got nothing xD
Hellion said:
@kangaskhan: Great idea! We'd probably need a moon weather condition (Is this possible?o_O), though.

For the weather condition maybe darkness - Increases Dark types moves by 50% weakens Psychic type moves by 50%. Ghost types get an evasiveness raises by 2 stages.

Moon Shadow - The user nullifies the sun causing darkness for five turns, powering up Dark-type moves.

ShamrockBlast - blasts a Rainbow beam with shamrocks at the foe powerfully
Type: Grass
Power: 90
ACC: 95

@ManhattanTheStarr there is lava plume that is fire type move surf.
Extra: 10% chance of finding 100P at the end of the battle
Tsunami- 200 Damage. 1 PP.

Hits all targets in battle (this INCLUDES in triple battles when the leftmost can't hurt the right most). User faints and's friendship is lowered by two stages.
I want to see and attack that makes the effect of the next attack 100% sure to happen. m just gonna call this attack Boost. So itd be like:
"Zekrom used boost. Foe's Mijumaru used Bubble. Zekrom used Thunder, Foe's Mijumaru is paralyzed."
Full Moon said:
I want to see and attack that makes the effect of the next attack 100% sure to happen. m just gonna call this attack Boost. So itd be like:
"Zekrom used boost. Foe's Mijumaru used Bubble. Zekrom used Thunder, Foe's Mijumaru is paralyzed."

This move sounds wonderful. It seems like a very viable in-game move. I hope somehow that makes it into the game.
The move I would like to see is:-
Hurricane - Flying - PP 5/5 - 120 damage - 100 ACC - Will switch the Foe's Pokemon with a nother of the Foe's Pokemon from there party. If a double battle, the foe's both pokmeon will have to switch other two from there party! (random)

I also think that every type should get a massive move with PP 5/5 and makes at least 100 Damage
Flock Call:
5 PP
150 Damage, 90 Accuracy
Powerful, but requires recharge

Thunder Beam:
150 Damage, 90 Accuracy
Powerful, but requires recharge

150 Damage, 90 Accuracy
Powerful, but requires recharge
Full Moon said:
I want to see and attack that makes the effect of the next attack 100% sure to happen. m just gonna call this attack Boost. So itd be like:
"Zekrom used boost. Foe's Mijumaru used Bubble. Zekrom used Thunder, Foe's Mijumaru is paralyzed."

We already have a move like that, it's Aim
Skittycat said:
We already have a move like that, it's Aim

Uhm.... no we don't.

Dragon Blood
Type: Dragon
Power: -
Accuracy: 100
Effect: Pokemon becomes the Dragon type.

Pokemon like Charizard, Gyarados, etc. could learn this move. Granted it's not that useful, but it would make me feel a little less annoyed that they aren't the Dragon type!

Clear Skies
Type: Flying
Power: -
Accuracy: 100
Effect: Weather conditions are removed.
oakbark said:
Uhm.... no we don't.

Dragon Blood
Type: Dragon
Power: -
Accuracy: 100
Effect: Pokemon becomes the Dragon type.

Pokemon like Charizard, Gyarados, etc. could learn this move. Granted it's not that useful, but it would make me feel a little less annoyed that they aren't the Dragon type!

Clear Skies
Type: Flying
Power: -
Accuracy: 100
Effect: Weather conditions are removed.

Hey mate I like the Clear Skies move, that will defintely upset a team's stradegy lol!:p
Splash(Uber version XD)
Effect:Hits 3 times

Splash(more realistic)
Effect:power increases by 10 each of your turns
Skittycat said:
We already have a move like that, it's Aim

Pardon me if I'm incorrect, however, I believe that the effect of the move "Boost" is supposed to guarantee the chance of a secondary effect (paralysis, burn, flinch, etc.) happening on the following turn.

(i.e: A Pokemon uses Boost, then, say, Thunderbolt the following turn. Thunderbolt would then have a 100% chance of paralysis the turn after Boost was used.)

It's perfectly understandable, I think, to confuse "Boost" with say, Lock-On (which is what I assume you mean by Aim?). :)

Anyways, more uncreative moves from me, hooray.

Type: Fighting / PP: 20 / BP -- / Other / Accuracy: --
Effect: Raises Special Attack and Speed (think: Special Dragon Dance)

Type: Dark / PP: 5 / BP: -- / Other / Accuracy: 100%
Effect: Randomizes the stat boosts on the field. Can only raise up or lower up to two levels of a given stat. If the user or the target does not have any stat boosts, the move fails.

(warning, the below is pretty tl;dr. scroll down at your peril. if there's a way to put some sort of a hide/spoiler tag around the below, could someone please tell me? D: thanks!)


Umbreon: +1 Attack, +1 Defense
Togekiss: +1 Attack, +1 Defense, +1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense, +1 Speed

Umbreon used Shuffle!
Umbreon's Defense rose!
Umbreon's Speed rose!
Umbreon's Attack fell!
Togekiss's Attack rose!
Togekiss's Defense fell!
Togekiss's Speed fell!

At the end of the turn:

Umbreon: +2 Defense
Togekiss: +2 Attack, +1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense

Example 2:

Togekiss: +2 Special Defense
Umbreon: no stat boosts

Umbreon used Shuffle!
But it failed!

Example 3:

Umbreon: +6 Defense
Togekiss: +6 Attack

Umbreon used Shuffle!
Umbreon's Attack rose sharply!
Umbreon's Defense fell sharply!
Togekiss's Attack fell sharply!
Togekiss's Defense rose sharply!
I would honestly love if certain attacks could be combined to create "super attacks."
For Example, if you're triple battling, and you have a water type on both ends and a ground type in the middle, If you use, Surf, Earthquake, and Surf, The end effect should be, instead of three separate attacks, One Giant attack, called Tsunami, which hurts everyone in battle, but does a lot of damage to your opponent.
Corycorcor said:
I would honestly love if certain attacks could be combined to create "super attacks."
For Example, if you're triple battling, and you have a water type on both ends and a ground type in the middle, If you use, Surf, Earthquake, and Surf, The end effect should be, instead of three separate attacks, One Giant attack, called Tsunami, which hurts everyone in battle, but does a lot of damage to your opponent.

I was thinking about combinations as well, like they do in the anime in pokemon contests!
How about one called Sweep Sleep where a ghost sought of foot hits the opponent and the opponent falls over and may cause the pokemon affected to get sleepy. Also it does massive damage and it's a fighting type move. (Dmaster said he'll leave this open that's why he's the best moderator)