BW/BW2 What new attacks do you want?

^im sure that surf will effect the whole field in triple battles.
and i just thought of another move called deflect.
it blocks a move used on the user in a triple or double battle and makes the move used on it hit a partner pokerman
and @hellion, i dont really have a reson besides that i just like to call it that. i guess its a joke on how some people who know nothing about pokemon sometimes call it that. but mainly because i feel like it
Playerking95 said:
A steel type slash? Metal claw is a steel type slash. How about shadow jet a variation of aqua jet for dark Pokemon.

no it isnt, metal claw=50 base power, 95 accuracy, and has a 10% chance of raiseing the user's attack by one stage. slash=power 70, acc 100, increased critical hit rate.
we need some other special ground moves and rock moves. if only for flygon.
wild shot 100 to random pokemon
mental block-prevents sp atk moves
power bind-prevents atk moves
blockade-protect for another pokemon
improvise-uses a move already used in battle
also would it be ok if i started an ability thread?
I don't care about accuracy and base power tyranitard, the only thing i care about is what the attacks look like, what affect they have and how powerful they are. Also how about spark rip which could paralyze and and lower the speed of the foe.
^what they look like doesnt mean crap, and the power and effect of metal claw and slash are different!
and you contradicted yourself:you said" i dont care about accuracy and base power.....the only thing i care about powerful they are"
Playerking95 said:
I don't care about accuracy and base power tyranitard, the only thing i care about is what the attacks look like, what affect they have and how powerful they are. Also how about spark rip which could paralyze and and lower the speed of the foe.

Paralysis already cuts speed in half. You're being redundant.

How about a Water type Giga Drain? Called Soak Up or something?
pp-5-8(pp max)
description:The user employs the foe into a horrible nightmare thus shattering
the dream.This move doubles in power if user has bad dreams.Only works on sleeping foe.

Description:The user disrupts the foes shatter ending the nightmare and heals the target.Heals double the damage if the user has insomnia.Only works on sleeping pokemon.
tyrannitard said:
^what they look like doesnt mean crud, and the power and effect of metal claw and slash are different!
and you contradicted yourself:you said" i don't care about accuracy and base power...the only thing i care about powerful they are"

No i'm not i care if an attack knocks out a Pokemon but i don't care about the statistics of a move. They mean crud to me so respect other people's opinions. Also i'm not being redundant i have no idea of all the affect's of all the attacks. Spark rip takes a 5th of you health, it causes paralysis and it it could make the opponent confused.
^ok, now it makes sence
but, the statistics of a move are what make them powerful, you could have a typhlosion use flamethrower and fire blast, and fire blast would do more damamge, solely because of the statistics of the move
i thought you knew this basic information, so thats why i said you were being redundant
Ok lets stop arguing. Statistics make or break movesets period. I prefer flamethrowers accuracy, but others like the raw power of overheat. You dont see me hating on them.
Spark rip would just make thunder wave useless, unless its not on a lot of pokemon which would be uselees as well.
How about making triattack hit all 3 foes for no reduced damage?
A triattack would be sweet. Just what could we call it? We all ready have an attack called tri attack.

Edit: My bad. I thought he was talking about a NEW tri-like attack. Maybe I should have read it more carefully.
Actually i was thinking it would be for tri attack but it could also be for split beam(a move i came up with earlier).
Solar flare-causes a sever burn but if in sunlight, will do 100 damage as well. Does nothing in the rain. Also i would upgrade all tms. They are not permanent but can still be useful.
Rock smash starts at 20 but increases in power as the pokemon levels up. This way it can be found easily but not overpowered.
I doubt defog will be used but it would upgrade to 60 damage.Cut and flash would not exist. Instead, any cutting move(pretty much any of gallade's moves) would be cut.
^i would like to get rid of the cut tm and have all slash moves work instead
and i think rock smash is fine, and how would defog do damage? it just clears away the field
and about the tri attack thing, you were talking about the already existing tri attack, right?
i said that guys comment was derpy because he thought you were talking about making a new move called triattack
i always thought they needed non flying type moves for flyers:

acc: 95
effects: the users wings start to glow with water/fire surrounding them as the aim towards the opponent. may cause burn. may cause soaked (which i also thought could be a side effect of some water moves, it makes all electric moves hit no matter what).
Maybe a Signature move for Denchura? He is awesome enough to deserve one.

Shock Hair
Power: 90
Acc: 95
Effect: Electric hairs are fired at the Opponent, which can cause Paralysis or Poison.
30% chance of either.

(Taken from the fact that real tarantulas kick hairs from their back at predators, which can cause bad things to the skin)