XY What New Moves or Adjustments to Older Moves Would You Like To See?

RE: What kinds of new moves would you like to see?

P.DelSlayer said:
FloodBadge said:
Blade Cross
20 PP
Slashes the target 2 to 4 times with a sharp blade
First hit does a max of 25 damage, 2nd does 50, 75, 100

Would this be similar to Fury Cutter, or a multi-hit move? If it's the latter, then it would be seriously overpowered... a potential 250 damage per turn with no drawbacks would be destructive. If it is like that, then I would suggest lowering its PP to 10 max and/or it lowering defense by a stage.

A high-powered physical Water move (around 120 bp) is one of my major wants.

I screwed up and forgot to mention how more hits are harder to get. The chances of each hit are 90%, 60%, 30%, 10%
RE: What kinds of new moves would you like to see?

FloodBadge said:
P.DelSlayer said:
Would this be similar to Fury Cutter, or a multi-hit move? If it's the latter, then it would be seriously overpowered... a potential 250 damage per turn with no drawbacks would be destructive. If it is like that, then I would suggest lowering its PP to 10 max and/or it lowering defense by a stage.

A high-powered physical Water move (around 120 bp) is one of my major wants.

I screwed up and forgot to mention how more hits are harder to get. The chances of each hit are 90%, 60%, 30%, 10%

If the chance of getting the last one is dependent on the previous three, then then surely the chance of getting all 4 is 0.9 x 0.6 x 0.3 x 0.1= 0.0162 or 1.62% which is really unlikely
RE: What kinds of new moves would you like to see?

leecario said:
FloodBadge said:
I screwed up and forgot to mention how more hits are harder to get. The chances of each hit are 90%, 60%, 30%, 10%

If the chance of getting the last one is dependent on the previous three, then then surely the chance of getting all 4 is 0.9 x 0.6 x 0.3 x 0.1= 0.0162 or 1.62% which is really unlikely

therefore not making it too OP, but still possible. I mean, if you get all 4 attacks, it's likely to be stronger than V-create, doing the same damage as Explosion without taking out the user.
RE: What kinds of new moves would you like to see?

FloodBadge said:
leecario said:
If the chance of getting the last one is dependent on the previous three, then then surely the chance of getting all 4 is 0.9 x 0.6 x 0.3 x 0.1= 0.0162 or 1.62% which is really unlikely

therefore not making it too OP, but still possible. I mean, if you get all 4 attacks, it's likely to be stronger than V-create, doing the same damage as Explosion without taking out the user.
In order it would be 90%, 54% 16.2% 1.62% so it would be fairly balanced, with it being more likely that you get two hits than just one
RE: What kinds of new moves would you like to see?

I think bug and steel-types need some more offenses

This move is mainly for stuff like Leavanny and any other physical bugs without access to megahorn
Urticating Burst/ Bug/ PWR: 100/ ACC: 100/ Physical/ PP 10/ Effect: May lower target's defense, hit's up to 2 targets.

This move is something that gives special based steel-types a stronger alternative to flash cannon, it also gives fire-types some new coverage.
Metal Meltdown/ Steel/ PWR: 120/ ACC: 85/ Special/ PP 5/ Effect: May induce burn

Anyone remember Ash vs Gary where Charizard burned the ground under blastoise's feet?
Lava Stones/ Fire/ PWR: N/A/ ACC: N/A/ Status/ PP 20/ Effect: User regurgitates burning hot stones around the opponents team. Inflicts fire-type damage.
RE: What kinds of new moves would you like to see?

Sky Pillar said:
I think bug and steel-types need some more offenses

This move is mainly for stuff like Leavanny and any other physical bugs without access to megahorn
Urticating Burst/ Bug/ PWR: 100/ ACC: 100/ Physical/ PP 10/ Effect: May lower target's defense, hit's up to 2 targets.

This move is something that gives special based steel-types a stronger alternative to flash cannon, it also gives fire-types some new coverage.
Metal Meltdown/ Steel/ PWR: 120/ ACC: 85/ Special/ PP 5/ Effect: May induce burn

Anyone remember Ash vs Gary where Charizard burned the ground under blastoise's feet?
Lava Stones/ Fire/ PWR: N/A/ ACC: N/A/ Status/ PP 20/ Effect: User regurgitates burning hot stones around the opponents team. Inflicts fire-type damage.

To be fair Leavanny also has Leaf Blade which is a pretty solid attack itself.
RE: What kinds of new moves would you like to see?

Raptor9229 said:
Sky Pillar said:
I think bug and steel-types need some more offenses

This move is mainly for stuff like Leavanny and any other physical bugs without access to megahorn
Urticating Burst/ Bug/ PWR: 100/ ACC: 100/ Physical/ PP 10/ Effect: May lower target's defense, hit's up to 2 targets.

This move is something that gives special based steel-types a stronger alternative to flash cannon, it also gives fire-types some new coverage.
Metal Meltdown/ Steel/ PWR: 120/ ACC: 85/ Special/ PP 5/ Effect: May induce burn

Anyone remember Ash vs Gary where Charizard burned the ground under blastoise's feet?
Lava Stones/ Fire/ PWR: N/A/ ACC: N/A/ Status/ PP 20/ Effect: User regurgitates burning hot stones around the opponents team. Inflicts fire-type damage.

To be fair Leavanny also has Leaf Blade which is a pretty solid attack itself.

Leaf blade is a grass-type move, this is a bug-type move.
RE: What kinds of new moves would you like to see?

Sky Pillar said:
Anyone remember Ash vs Gary where Charizard burned the ground under blastoise's feet?
Lava Stones/ Fire/ PWR: N/A/ ACC: N/A/ Status/ PP 20/ Effect: User regurgitates burning hot stones around the opponents team. Inflicts fire-type damage.

Lava Stones and Stealth Rock together would OHKO a hypothetical Bug/Ice type upon entry... I like it.

Altho I've been thinking of ways to nerf Stealth Rock, and I think that the introduction of a new entry hazard would be the perfect time to do this.
4x resist - Immune (only because the damage would be 1.5%, making it negligible for the most point)
2x resist - 3.125%
Neutral - 6.25%
2x effective - 12.5%
4x effective - 25%

This way things that would be weak to both (like the hypothetical Bug/Ice I previously mentioned) would be taking 50% damage max, which would make it more viable, since the thought of it being immediately KO'd upon entry seems overpowered.

I just thought... Didn't WPM's source mention something about a Grass type Stealth Rock? I may be imagining this, though.
RE: What kinds of new moves would you like to see?

When I picture my pokemon battling, I always imagine them using moves in new ways to get a strategic advantage, here are some of them as standalone moves:

Field freeze - ice - field - 10 PP- sure hit
The user freezes the battlefield to get a mobility advantage.
All ice-types in the field gain +2 speed, any other types get -2 speed

Skate - ice - status - 10 PP - sure hit
Skating gracefully, the user avoids the foe.
User gains +2 speed, if used with field freeze or hail active, user gets +1 evasion

I'd use the shit out of this with my glaceon.

Eject - psychic - special - 20 PP - 90 acc.
Using telekinesis, the foe is raised in the air and crashed on the floor at high speed.
Damage calculated based on foe's weight.

Instant teleport - psychic - status - 10 PP - same accuracy as protect/detect
The user waits until the last moment to teleport, leaving it's foe off guard.
Foe misses next move, user gets x2 crit chance.

Great moves for my dear gardevoir.

Shatter - fighting - physical - 15 PP - 90 acc - 70 power
A precision hit that weakens the foe.
Removes all defense and special defense buffs from the foe. If the foe is frozen, it's an instant KO.

Courtesy of my nidoqueen and her ice beam.
RE: What kinds of new moves would you like to see?

Personally, the best one of which I would want to create would be:


Type: Fighting
Power: --
Accuracy: --
Move: Special
Effect: Raises attack and special attack by one level in battle.
PP: 10
Mostly Learned At Level: 37
RE: What kinds of new moves would you like to see?

Mind trick - psychic - status - 10 PP - 90 accuracy
"This are not the droids you are looking for". (just kidding)
The user clouds the mind of a foe, changing its allegiances temporarily.
In single battles, forces a switch. In double, triple or horde battles, the foe attacks its partners for 5 turns.

Reference aside, this move would kick serious ass.

Slow time - psychic - status - 15 PP - sure hit
The user hones its perceptions, reacting quickly to threats.
The user gets +1 speed, +1 evasion and +1 accuracy

Psychic version of coil, give this to gallade and it will be unstoppable.

Scurry - bug - physical - 10 PP - 100 accuracy - 80 power
The user flees from battle, then strikes.
1st turn disappears, 2nd turn hits.

Bug version of dig/dive, special for ariados and other sneaky bugs.

Storm - electric - weather - 5 PP - sure hit
The user summons an unpredictable storm.
boosts thunder and hurricanes accuracy to 100, being able to break through protect. Every turn, hits a random pokemon in the field with 60 electric damage (functions like a electric attack in pokemon with volt absorb, motor drive, lightningrod, etc and is affected by weakness/resistance)

Shout - dragon - special - 5 PP - 90 accuracy - 120 power
The user focuses its boundless energy in its voice.
15 percent chance of flinching.

Decoy - normal - status - 5 PP - same accuracy as protect/detect
Tricks the foe into attacking a teammate.
In single battles, functions like protect. In double, triple or horde battles, the next foe to attack, hits a partner.

Okay, I confess, I've been hitting skyrim lately.

Bubble bomb - water - entry hazard - 20 PP - sure hit
The user plants in the field explosive bubbles that burst at contact.
Water type stealth rock, deals damage by type.

I tought of this mainly for azumarill, clauncher, octillery, horsea, etc.
RE: What kinds of new moves would you like to see?

Weather Effect Move

Type: Grass
The user lets loose a store of pollen that boosts the power of Grass type moves by 30%. Lasts 5 Moves.
PP: 5

Solar Flare
Type: Fire
PP: 15
Acc: 100
Pwr: 45
The user lets loose a flare of heat to incinerate everything. The power is doubled if Pollination is in effect.
RE: What kinds of new moves would you like to see?

Move:Hyper cannon
RE: What kinds of new moves would you like to see?

Personally, I just want reasonably strong, highly accurate alternatives to all the extreme moves out there, like Focus Blast... a Special-based Fighting type alternative to that terribly innacurate move alone would make me very happy.
RE: What kinds of new moves would you like to see?

We need some more powerful Ghost, Bug, and Steel-type moves. All Ghost has is Shadow Ball (ignoring Shadow Force). Steel has some powerful moves (Gyro Ball, Iron Head, Iron Tail) but one with a set power of over 100 would be nice. Also we need some more special Fighting, Steel, Dark, and Rock-type moves. We have quite a few physical Psychic-type moves, so we should have some more special Fighting-type moves. More special Flying-type moves would be nice as well. Surely I can't be the only one wishing for these things.
RE: What kinds of new moves would you like to see?

Type: Ghost
Power: --
Accuracy: --
Move: Special
Effect: The Pokemon lets loose a curse on the field, when opponent pokemon enters the battle field they see there worst fear, takes damage.
PP: 20

Type: ghost
Power: 100
Accuracy: 100
Move: Special
Effect: Hits all opponents, User distorts reality and pummels them with there imagination.
PP: 10

Acid Rain
Type: poison
Power: --
Accuracy: --
Move: Special
Effect: Field, user summons a poison rain, poison type Pokemon heal 10% hp per turn, and all Pokemon other than poison are badly poisoned, except steel. poison moves power are increased a little bit.
PP: 5

Trick or Treat
Type: Ghost
Power: 60
Accuracy: 100
Move: Special
Effect: always hit target, ignores and buffs opponents have, also steals money from trainer.
PP: 15
RE: What kinds of new moves would you like to see?

P.DelSlayer said:
King Arceus said:
I don't see how you can really have special flying moves besides Hurricane and Gust.

I think what they meant to say was that they wanted a Flying type move akin to Flamethrower in terms of power?
also, Air Slash & Air Cutter are special Flying type moves, maybe more special flying moves similar to those?

*Also, to Lady Gaga, we have Power Whip for a high powered Grass type move*

My wants:
I want a high-powered Special Fighting move (similar to Aura Sphere) that is widely available by TM.
Some kind of Physical Hidden Power
A Water variation of Double Edge
A high-powered Dark type move (can be either physical or special)
A high-powered physical Ghost move
Some kind of Sacrificial move (I had an idea for this on another thread, where a Pokemon would Sacrifice itself but heal all pokemon involved in the battle so far, enemies included)
High-powered special grass move with no drawbacks

Yeah, that Flying Flamethrower equivalent would rock

Trainerhan1 said:
Burst (I know this is lame, if you can come up with something better say so)

The user explodes and stealth rocks, 3 layers of spikes, and 2 layers of toxic spikes are are scattered on both players fields. (This is affected by damp)

So freaking OP. Would totally break metagame
RE: What kinds of new moves would you like to see?

Move: Night Fang
Type: Dark (Physical)
Acc.: 100
Power: 75
PP: 10
Basically a dark type version of Giga Drain/Drain Punch. The user uses its sharp fangs to drain the energy out of its opponents.

Move: Mind Shatter
Type: Psychic (Special)
Power: --
Accuracy: 100
PP: 5
The user charges and harnesses its psychic powers. The user will endure any following attack. The user then unleashes all of its psychic powers at once taking out its opponent. The user also faints. (Basically an endure followed by KO move that sacrifices the user)

Move: Spin Storm
Type: Flying (Special)
Power: 65
Accuracy: 95
PP: 15
The user summons a fast and powerful storm that damages the opponent. All entry hazards are sent toward the opponent.

Move: Swan Song
Type: Fairy (Special)
Power: --
Accuracy: 100
PP: 5
( The battle effect is the same as Mind Shatter) The user starts glowing and chanting a harmonious song. The user endures any following attacks and on the next turn unleashes a wave of powerful magic using all of its power that takes out the opponent. The user then faints.

Move: Depth Charge
Type: Water (Physical)
Power: 120
Accuracy: 100
PP: 5
The user surrounds itself in water and shoots itself at the opponent like a torpedo. The user sustains major recoil. This move has a 30% chance of causing paralysis.

Move: Magic Frenzy
Type: Fairy (Special)
Power: 70
Accuracy: 85
PP: 15
The user attacks the opponent with unpredictable magic. There's a 50% chance of being either burned, paralyzed, frozen, poisoned, or sent to sleep. There is also a 20% chance of causing confusion or being a critical hit.

Move: Brutality
Type: Dark (Physical/Special)
Power: 95
Accuracy: 100
PP: 10
If the user's Attack is higher than their Sp. Attack, then this move is Physical. If their Sp. Attack is higher, then this move is Special. The user attacks the target mercilessly. The user is stuck on this attack for five turns. After every attack the chance for landing a critical hit increases.
RE: What kinds of new moves would you like to see?

Instead of Solar Wind, how about a move called Beanstalk?
A small little bean is planted (duh) and a giant beanstalk erupts from the underground and squeezes the opponent in vines and roots.
The beanstalk then forcefully chucks the Pokemon to the ground.
RE: What kinds of new moves would you like to see?

98Greener said:
Instead of Solar Wind, how about a move called Beanstalk?
A small little bean is planted (duh) and a giant beanstalk erupts from the underground and squeezes the opponent in vines and roots.
The beanstalk then forcefully chucks the Pokemon to the ground.

I actually would use that if the attack had an awesome animation like the new tail whip. (I will use this for until the pokemon that knows it can get an attacking move.)