XY What new smaller details would you like to see? Things! Environment! Random events! Etc.

I want a feature that automatically changes Pokemon names to the new mixed-case format when the game detects that it matches the species name. I'm tired of having Reshiram, Zekrom, Palkia renamed to have lowercase letters, and a DIALGA from the GTS. It's a weird feeling.
I wish there was a house that you get in the hometown. Sort of like in Pokémon Emerald, where you could buy furniture and stuff. In this game, it should be the same except it would replace a PC. You can store your Pokémon there and get them back when you want them. I think that would be really cool!
Bolt the Cat said:
AtmosphericThunder said:
Pokemon X and Pokemon Y will be in 3D, so they will probably be relatively more realistic than previous Pokemon games.

Think for a second -- what would be more realistic to keep in a backpack: a bicycle or a pair of roller blades?

If you've payed attention to the item descriptions, you'd know that the bikes in the main games are foldable, which allows them to fit in the backpack easier. But the games don't care about realism. The biggest issue in including the bike is creating a bike animation for the character in the overworld, and even then, that may not be that problematic.

I said, "...relatively more realistic." by the way.

While the games have hardly ever been about realism, X and Y will introduce the most drastic upgrade of graphics in the history of the handheld Pokemon games.

It is not unfounded to say that they will include more realistic features, like storing roller blades in a small backpack, rather than a bicycle.

Only time will tell. I could be onto something. Who knows yet?
AtmosphericThunder said:
It is not unfounded to say that they will include more realistic features, like storing roller blades in a small backpack, rather than a bicycle.

Maybe not, but just because the graphics are realistic doesn't mean that the games suddenly have to follow real world physics or logic. The removal of the Bike (assuming it is removed) has nothing to do with its adherence to realism and likely more so because they found it too hard to animate the player character riding the Bike.

That being said, I hope the roller skates are not in fact a replacement for the Bike, but an alternative alongside of it. Similar to how you could choose between the Mach Bike and Acro Bike in RSE. And hopefully this time you can keep them both in your bag instead of having to switch.
Bolt the Cat said:
AtmosphericThunder said:
It is not unfounded to say that they will include more realistic features, like storing roller blades in a small backpack, rather than a bicycle.

Maybe not, but just because the graphics are realistic doesn't mean that the games suddenly have to follow real world physics or logic. The removal of the Bike (assuming it is removed) has nothing to do with its adherence to realism and likely more so because they found it too hard to animate the player character riding the Bike.

That being said, I hope the roller skates are not in fact a replacement for the Bike, but an alternative alongside of it. Similar to how you could choose between the Mach Bike and Acro Bike in RSE. And hopefully this time you can keep them both in your bag instead of having to switch.

I agree that the bike should be kept in the game. It wouldn't make much sense to use roller blades in a forest or other rugged terrains.

Maybe they'll implement something like:
roller blades in easily accessible places with smooth ground and bicycle for gravel/grass/dirt/etc.
I'd love for more vibrant environments now that we have full 3D graphics.

Aside from visuals, I'd really like if legendaries were harder to get. They could include this in any way, be it random events, or more difficult and confusing caves to get to them, or countless other ways, but I'd really like legendaries to be more legendary than they already are. :)
Speaking of full 3D more cutscenes.....for example the ones in BW2 were neat. But just imagine you've reached a secluded part of a beach, mist is everywhere, *cue ominous music*, you see a shape out in the open ocean then whoooosh! All around you the mist dissipates, palm trees flail in the wind, you're blown back, and out of the shoreline you see......a Lugia.....approaching you. All in full on 3D. Now that's some pretty cool stuff. Or imagine you enter an Volcano.....you see a shape crawling on the ceiling....leaving x shaped footprints....you trail the monster throughout the mountain/cave (always out of grasp cause it's crawling along the ceiling)...then as you approach a single cavern....magma seeping from cracks....light plays off the all surfaces....then you look up.....eyes glowing...its a Heatran...who as soon as he knows you acknowledge him drops to the floor landing in a shallow lava pit. spewing lava. creating a reddish hue....as it awaits you. Cue battle and epic legendary music.
I'd really like to see something done about impossible trades in the GTS. I'm so sick and tired of looking for, say an Azelf, and out of the 8 (is it?) trade partners, about 80% of them are plain old Azelf, some shiny, having a "looking for Reshiram level 9 and under!" request.
If there was some way of making impossible trades useless, it would be so appreciated by fans everywhere.
There could just be an automatic function where if you request an illegal Pokemon (say a Landorus lv.9 and under), it immediately has a message which says "There is something wrong with this request, please change it."
And obviously have set levels for evolved Pokemon (ex. it would be impossible to ask for a level 45 Hydreigon), so douchebags kids don't ask for those either.
Another GTS thing that would be a nice function would be to see people who requested your Pokemon.
ex You put a lv.50 Tornadus on. You search for people who want a lv.50 Tornadus. The following entries come up:
-Giratina lv.47
-Thundurus lv.35
-Yveltal lv.53
-Virizion lv.43
And then you can take your pick of what you want there and then.

Another thing, all of the trade partners come up at once, so it's possible to see them all at once.
I know most won't care, but some sort of "recorder" that can play the one-time music themes of things like legendary encounters, special NPC trainers, etc. as well as the ability to remix the themes as well, just for fun. Maybe make that a puzzle you have to solve to get into a gym or something? I don't know. Also, I want that mixer thing from DPPt back, where you can slow down the cries of Pokemon. It was small but fun. On that note, I also want them to keep that weight and height scale from BW and B2W2 as well. I like seeing the real size of the Pokemon, but also add in the ability to change your character's height and weight as well, for accuracy.
CyberCat5555 said:
On that note, I also want them to keep that weight and height scale from BW and B2W2 as well. I like seeing the real size of the Pokemon, but also add in the ability to change your character's height and weight as well, for accuracy.

Oh that good ol' weight, if they could just fix it, instead we have Golems with the density of styrofoam.
lol Platinum
CyberCat5555 said:
I know most won't care, but some sort of "recorder" that can play the one-time music themes of things like legendary encounters, special NPC trainers, etc. as well as the ability to remix the themes as well, just for fun. Maybe make that a puzzle you have to solve to get into a gym or something? I don't know. Also, I want that mixer thing from DPPt back, where you can slow down the cries of Pokemon. It was small but fun. On that note, I also want them to keep that weight and height scale from BW and B2W2 as well. I like seeing the real size of the Pokemon, but also add in the ability to change your character's height and weight as well, for accuracy.

That seems like a good feature, but I can see immature little monsters abusing the feature.
inb4 mah chracter iz fat hudred pownds!
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

Link720 said:

That's probably not gonna happen...seeing how they're one of the main "guiding" features of the initial journey through the region.

But I do wish they would do something radical about them.
Like turn them into "skills" instead of moves, meaning they would not take precious move slots.

I would personally make it so every pokemon can learn 1 skill.

Meaning youd still want to have a pokemon capable of flight in your team if you want fast travel, but it would be a proper team member instead of a hm slave etc.
CyberCat5555 said:
Also, I want that mixer thing from DPPt back, where you can slow down the cries of Pokemon. It was small but fun. On that note, I also want them to keep that weight and height scale from BW and B2W2 as well. I like seeing the real size of the Pokemon, but also add in the ability to change your character's height and weight as well, for accuracy.

I really liked those pokedex features too.

Also, I wish they would show a new pokemon's pokedex entry upon evolution, when you've never acquired it before. I can't understand why that's never been implemented.
Some other minor thing I'd like to see is to be able to move Pokemon in your party around in the same way that you can in the PC. In other words, make an Insert option so you can take the last Pokemon in your party and Insert it in between your 3rd and 4th for example, to save time in rearranging your party. I hate having to switch my Pokemon 5 times to get a certain order.
Now that we have a map of our region and coastal/rivers is confirmed (like I had any doubt) I really want to see migrations of water Pokemon based on seasons. Like land, water Pokemon should migrate too. For example; Feebas is found on some specific route in the "ocean" but during a season it migrates up river and can be found (and is more common) on a river route.
only one thing i can think of that they need to really add
a fly minigame, like, when you're flying, it'd play a quick animation of the trainer riding the pokemon (the pokemon, not some shadowy bird bat) above the clouds, and it'd be possible to encounter a wild pokemon up there
Bolt the Cat said:
Some other minor thing I'd like to see is to be able to move Pokemon in your party around in the same way that you can in the PC. In other words, make an Insert option so you can take the last Pokemon in your party and Insert it in between your 3rd and 4th for example, to save time in rearranging your party. I hate having to switch my Pokemon 5 times to get a certain order.

I think they should allow you to drag and drop your pokemon. I don't think that would be too hard and would save us a lot of time.
Has anyone ever thought about Team Rocket making a third appearance in the main series?

Also, I would like it if different Pokémon of the same species' weights and heights differed. In 4th Gen, there was that guy wanting a big Magikarp. But they're all the same. Make the listed height and weight be an average. It doesn't have to be drastic. Just enough so I can have a giant, epic, ruler-of-all, 5-inch tall Joltik. :)