XY What new smaller details would you like to see? Things! Environment! Random events! Etc.

NoDice said:
saurs said:
In your second paragraph, you mentioned customizing NPC Trainers. I thought this was an amazing ideas, but maybe in a certain area? Like, you customize a computerized group of trainers. It could be a simulation, but still with leveling up of Pokemon.

You walk up to the computer.... "Enter in the quantity of trainers, the level of their Pokemon, and the number of trainers per battle, then press enter,"

Could be cool. Also, a friend, that's not a rival would be nice to have, maybe in your hometown, that you could talk to, and they would battle you, 3 on 3, using YOUR Pokemon. They faint one of the three you have, it gets EXP. You faint one of the Pokemon they have, the Pokemon you have gets EXP. Get what I'm saying?

Expanding upon the customizing NPC idea, wouldnt it be awesome if, as with the entralink in BW, you could invite a friend to your world and battle against you and your fully customized personal gym? Ever since RBY I have always secretly wanted the ability to make your own gym for friends to challenge. It would also open up a whole new opportunity for the community to make their own gyms and elite 4 for fun, and have challengers from across the world take on their personally customized gym.

EDIT: And Im not a huge fan of RSE or its Pokemon designs, but one feature I would like to see come back as well is secret bases!
New part of Join Avenue. This, and that you could actually go to the other Avenues.
I don't know man. I pretty much screamed when I saw that dude sitting down on a bench.
DrEspeon said:
With 3D and character customization, I am pretty happy. That said, I would like challenging (and creative) gym puzzles.

BW2 really messed this up, half of them were some variation of "defeat X trainers to reach the gym leader" puzzles which I'm sick of, and most of the other half weren't very challenging or creative. The only good ones were Mistralton and Humilau, really.
One small thing I thought of would be that whenever you lose a battle, the opponent who you lost against says a line about their win.
It wouldn't have to be much, there could even be 4-5 pre set lines for each trainer class and have them say a random one.
(Gym Leaders, E4 and other important trainers would have their own unique lines)
Bolt the Cat said:
DrEspeon said:
With 3D and character customization, I am pretty happy. That said, I would like challenging (and creative) gym puzzles.

BW2 really messed this up, half of them were some variation of "defeat X trainers to reach the gym leader" puzzles which I'm sick of, and most of the other half weren't very challenging or creative. The only good ones were Mistralton and Humilau, really.

Drayden's was stunning to say the least, although quite straight forward.

DrEspeon said:
Bolt the Cat said:
BW2 really messed this up, half of them were some variation of "defeat X trainers to reach the gym leader" puzzles which I'm sick of, and most of the other half weren't very challenging or creative. The only good ones were Mistralton and Humilau, really.

Drayden's was stunning to say the least, although quite straight forward.

I do agree though, they weren't very challenging like some of the previous gens were. If they are challenging, I really feel like I earned the gym battle and even when I complete the game, sometimes I go back to try the puzzles again.
I want to be able to pick what battle music plays when I battle a friend.

Or really just a music gallery added when you beat the game like Fire Emblem: Awakening/Kid Icarus: Uprising.
P.DelSlayer said:
One small thing I thought of would be that whenever you lose a battle, the opponent who you lost against says a line about their win.
It wouldn't have to be much, there could even be 4-5 pre set lines for each trainer class and have them say a random one.
(Gym Leaders, E4 and other important trainers would have their own unique lines)

Maybe they already have things to say, but you're just so distraught over your pokemon fainting that you black out while they're talking :D

DrEspeon said:
Bolt the Cat said:
BW2 really messed this up, half of them were some variation of "defeat X trainers to reach the gym leader" puzzles which I'm sick of, and most of the other half weren't very challenging or creative. The only good ones were Mistralton and Humilau, really.

Drayden's was stunning to say the least, although quite straight forward.

Personally I'm a little tired of the super contrived puzzles they work into some gyms at the expense of atmosphere and logic... I mean, gyms are places for training and battling pokemon, not dungeons in Legend of Zelda.

Sometimes the puzzles are well designed and make sense given the gym leader, but other times simplicity and concept are more impressive. I really liked Elesa's gym in BW2 for instance, and it was literally a straight line catwalk with 3 trainers on it.
garbodorable said:
Personally I'm a little tired of the super contrived puzzles they work into some gyms at the expense of atmosphere and logic... I mean, gyms are places for training and battling pokemon, not dungeons in Legend of Zelda.

Sometimes the puzzles are well designed and make sense given the gym leader, but other times simplicity and concept are more impressive. I really liked Elesa's gym in BW2 for instance, and it was literally a straight line catwalk with 3 trainers on it.

I do like the puzzly Gyms, but you're right that they don't make a lot of sense. I also think Nimbasa Gym in B2W2 is a good example of where they should take it in the future: a relatively straightforward Gym combined with a puzzle section beforehand (the roller coaster/former Gym in Elesa's case). It would satisfy both challenge and logic, and provide incentive for them to make the cities and towns much more interesting.
I'd really like for Game Freak to allow players to know what Base Power the Hidden Power on a specific Pokemon is, like say for example I have a Pokemon with Hidden Power Ice or Grass but I don't know what it's Base Damage is unless I do some really hard math to figure it out. What If the character that tells you your Pokemon's Hidden Power also tells you what it's Base Damage is? If it's 70 then that would be really good, If it's less than 70 it's pretty bad. Of course the Stats Judge also sort of helps in this If your Pokemon with the Hidden Power you wanted also has Outstanding Potential.

One of the most annoying things about the Pokemon video games is trying to get good Hidden Powers for Pokemon that have very shallow movepools and don't have access to specific Type Coverage Moves, TM's, Egg Moves, and Move Tutor moves they need to be able to compete regardless of what Format or Tier they're in. If Game Freak can improve on this for Generation VI that would be great, I think the last time I had a Pokemon with Hidden Power Grass of Base 70 Damage was a Moltres I had awhile back and to find out I tested the move in battle. Unfortunately I traded it over on Wi-Fi for something I really needed at the time but I don't regret it though.
I think there should be some sort of trainer level, like you would do in say Dragon Quest. The higher the level, the more customisation options you have. Unlock red scarf at Trainer Level 5 like that. You get Trainer XP as well as your Pokémon getting XP.
Am I the only one who is bugged by the fact that when I lose a Pokémon battle, I have to scurry to the Pokémon Center, but when NPC's lose against me, they just stand there? This needs to be fixed IMO.
If you guys feel this idea is stupid, I can accept the criticism. What if the order in which you challenge the gym leaders is left up to the player (assuming the player has all the necessary HMs to move from city to city)? It never made sense to me, for example, that a trainer born in Humilau City has to first travel all the way to Aspertia City for his/her first gym battle, and then track all the way back to his/her hometown for the last gym. How does he/she have all the HMs to get to Aspertia? Won't their Pokémon be too strong by the time they get there? Which governing body in the Pokémon world imposes this predetermined order to begin with? In X and Y, if Lumiose City is some sort of a central hub that the player will have to visit frequently as the game progresses, and assuming that we get to visit it early in the game, I hope you can choose which route to embark upon from Lumiose City, and thus choose the order in which you challenge the gyms. The game can simply adjust the levels and identity of the gym leaders' Pokémon depending on when you challenge them.
FT10 said:
If you guys feel this idea is stupid, I can accept the criticism. What if the order in which you challenge the gym leaders is left up to the player (assuming the player has all the necessary HMs to move from city to city)? It never made sense to me, for example, that a trainer born in Humilau City has to first travel all the way to Aspertia City for his/her first gym battle, and then track all the way back to his/her hometown for the last gym. How does he/she have all the HMs to get to Aspertia? Won't their Pokémon be too strong by the time they get there? Which governing body in the Pokémon world imposes this predetermined order to begin with? In X and Y, if Lumiose City is some sort of a central hub that the player will have to visit frequently as the game progresses, and assuming that we get to visit it early in the game, I hope you can choose which route to embark upon from Lumiose City, and thus choose the order in which you challenge the gyms. The game can simply adjust the levels and identity of the gym leaders' Pokémon depending on when you challenge them.

It's a good idea in theory if you just factor in the Gym challenge aspect of the games, but there's always the other plotlines that make that strategy fall apart. Kanto wouldn't have worked if you could go beat Giovanni at Silph Co. before taking on the grunts at Mt. Moon, for example. All of the Team Whatever plot points have to happen in a certain order at certain geographical locations, and it's a lot better for the pacing of the games for the Gyms to be arranged alongside them.
DorianBlack said:
FT10 said:
If you guys feel this idea is stupid, I can accept the criticism. What if the order in which you challenge the gym leaders is left up to the player (assuming the player has all the necessary HMs to move from city to city)? It never made sense to me, for example, that a trainer born in Humilau City has to first travel all the way to Aspertia City for his/her first gym battle, and then track all the way back to his/her hometown for the last gym. How does he/she have all the HMs to get to Aspertia? Won't their Pokémon be too strong by the time they get there? Which governing body in the Pokémon world imposes this predetermined order to begin with? In X and Y, if Lumiose City is some sort of a central hub that the player will have to visit frequently as the game progresses, and assuming that we get to visit it early in the game, I hope you can choose which route to embark upon from Lumiose City, and thus choose the order in which you challenge the gyms. The game can simply adjust the levels and identity of the gym leaders' Pokémon depending on when you challenge them.

It's a good idea in theory if you just factor in the Gym challenge aspect of the games, but there's always the other plotlines that make that strategy fall apart. Kanto wouldn't have worked if you could go beat Giovanni at Silph Co. before taking on the grunts at Mt. Moon, for example. All of the Team Whatever plot points have to happen in a certain order at certain geographical locations, and it's a lot better for the pacing of the games for the Gyms to be arranged alongside them.

I agree with you. Looking back at some of the games (Kanto, like you pointed out), certain things must happen at a certain time/geographical location. But, none of the games had a true central hub-like area (I don't think Saffron City counts, because you get there too late in the game). If Lumiose City is a central area, maybe they can find a way to make it work. Maybe if Team Whatever is in a certain area causing havoc, but you've gone the opposite way, your rival or Professor can call you and tell you that shit's going down somewhere else and that you should suspend your gym challenges while you deal with it?
FT10 said:
DorianBlack said:
It's a good idea in theory if you just factor in the Gym challenge aspect of the games, but there's always the other plotlines that make that strategy fall apart. Kanto wouldn't have worked if you could go beat Giovanni at Silph Co. before taking on the grunts at Mt. Moon, for example. All of the Team Whatever plot points have to happen in a certain order at certain geographical locations, and it's a lot better for the pacing of the games for the Gyms to be arranged alongside them.

I agree with you. Looking back at some of the games (Kanto, like you pointed out), certain things must happen at a certain time/geographical location. But, none of the games had a true central hub-like area (I don't think Saffron City counts, because you get there too late in the game). If Lumiose City is a central area, maybe they can find a way to make it work. Maybe if Team Whatever is in a certain area causing havoc, but you've gone the opposite way, your rival or Professor can call you and tell you that shit's going down somewhere else and that you should suspend your gym challenges while you deal with it?

If you've heard some of the rumors, they say that there are different orders which you can challenge the gyms having, if I recall, 1, 2 and 3 in an order, but then you can choose 4 and 5 or 6 and 7 then 8 in mandatory. It might not completely make sense out of everything, but it would be a bit of a change. (Sort of like GSC and HGSS.)
DrEspeon said:
FT10 said:
I agree with you. Looking back at some of the games (Kanto, like you pointed out), certain things must happen at a certain time/geographical location. But, none of the games had a true central hub-like area (I don't think Saffron City counts, because you get there too late in the game). If Lumiose City is a central area, maybe they can find a way to make it work. Maybe if Team Whatever is in a certain area causing havoc, but you've gone the opposite way, your rival or Professor can call you and tell you that shit's going down somewhere else and that you should suspend your gym challenges while you deal with it?

If you've heard some of the rumors, they say that there are different orders which you can challenge the gyms having, if I recall, 1, 2 and 3 in an order, but then you can choose 4 and 5 or 6 and 7 then 8 in mandatory. It might not completely make sense out of everything, but it would be a bit of a change. (Sort of like GSC and HGSS.)
I havent read anything about this rumor specifically, but the rumor about each game having its own path (one to coastal first after central, the other game goes from central to mountain first) is enough to get me excited. For once, playing the game through a second time on a different card will have not only version exclusives but a different path.

EDIT: Thinking about the new bonding mechanic- Id really like it if it could affect the level at which a Pokemon evolves. It would be great to be able to lower the Hydreigon threshold about 14 levels for in game play, or even Volcarona. Lol.... one can dream I suppose.
There are two things that I'm really hoping for, but I'm almost certain they won't be included in the games. First, I want GF to re-think what it means to be Pokémon League Champion. When the player beats the E4/Champ, they become Champion. Yet, the next time you face the E4, its as if it never happened. When you become Champ, and as you complete the post-game, NPCs should react to the fact that you're Champion. Also, you should receive challenges from budding trainers who have beat the E4 and are hungry for your title. Maybe your rival could end up challenging you, or the former champion? Also, becoming Champ should unlock a feature called "Champion battle", where you battle your friends who are also Champs over wireless communication. If you win, your trainer data should be written into your friend's game so that you become Champion in their universe. Your friend will then have to challenge the E4 and beat you to regain their title. That way, you could spread your Championship reign beyond simply your game!

Also, as a small detail, I want the Kalos region to include some kind of Pokemon government institution. These would be the people who certify the gym leaders and E4, decide which cities will have gyms, regulate what's sold in poke-marts across the region, monitor the Pokémon population across Kalos, etc
Maybe they could add the ability to become a gym leader, could be in the starting town, or a city that has no gym. There could be a predetermined gym model for each type, and you choose one, and you are the gym leader (only using pokemon of that type, with level restriction), taking challenges from random NPCs during certain hours, like a job, or randomly you get a call and head back to the gym for the battle. After a certain amount of gym battles, you can challenge the league to become a elite 4 or even the champion, like volkner wanted to do in DPP.
FT10 said:
There are two things that I'm really hoping for, but I'm almost certain they won't be included in the games. First, I want GF to re-think what it means to be Pokémon League Champion. When the player beats the E4/Champ, they become Champion. Yet, the next time you face the E4, its as if it never happened. When you become Champ, and as you complete the post-game, NPCs should react to the fact that you're Champion. Also, you should receive challenges from budding trainers who have beat the E4 and are hungry for your title. Maybe your rival could end up challenging you, or the former champion? Also, becoming Champ should unlock a feature called "Champion battle", where you battle your friends who are also Champs over wireless communication. If you win, your trainer data should be written into your friend's game so that you become Champion in their universe. Your friend will then have to challenge the E4 and beat you to regain their title. That way, you could spread your Championship reign beyond simply your game!

Also, as a small detail, I want the Kalos region to include some kind of Pokemon government institution. These would be the people who certify the gym leaders and E4, decide which cities will have gyms, regulate what's sold in poke-marts across the region, monitor the Pokémon population across Kalos, etc
Maybe they could add the ability to become a gym leader, could be in the starting town, or a city that has no gym. There could be a predetermined gym model for each type, and you choose one, and you are the gym leader (only using pokemon of that type, with level restriction), taking challenges from random NPCs during certain hours, like a job, or randomly you get a call and head back to the gym for the battle. After a certain amount of gym battles, you can challenge the league to become a elite 4 or even the champion, like volkner wanted to do in DPP.
These are both awesome ideas. I've always wondered and wanted to know how to become a gym leader, and to be able to become one in game would be great. I think it could add an element of RPG to the game.