XY What new smaller details would you like to see? Things! Environment! Random events! Etc.

^While it is true that past games have not been completely successful in keeping water routes diverse, that's something that should be maximized as much as possible. At any rate, it doesn't really do you much good to have all 4. I think the best way to handle it would be to get rid of the Rippling Water, since that and the rest of the phenomena aren't really adding much to the distribution (it only serves to make rare Pokemon more rare, and to allow you to catch certain evolved species of Pokemon that probably shouldn't even be catchable). Then we can have Fishing early on, Surfing about midway through the game as always, and then the Super Rod can be post game for National Dex Water types just like it was in DPPt, BW1, and BW2. And maybe Diving as well late game.
Just did some Poke Transfer fun in White 2 and I think it would be cool to have a massive transfer method from gen 5 to gen 6. Gen 5 did do it right by removing the 24-hour time limit, though.
I'd love some new overworld puzzles and obstacles.

Perhaps using electricity to open an electric door, or using fire to burn away a fallen log, or using Dig to open the wall of a cave.
On the PokeTransfer, I realllyyy want them to take away that awful minigame from Gen.V, and have something more akin to the Pal Park. I found the transfer game annoying, particularly when all I want to do is quickly send over a couple of legendaries.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

Mabye a poison-type legendary. It's the only type without a legendary yet (excluding Arceus).
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

Hegafire0 said:
Mabye a poison-type legendary. It's the only type without a legendary yet (excluding Arceus).

I want to see Poison have more emphasis overall. I've always thought that the lack for Poison Gyms were because the evil teams predominantly used them, but I think the time has come that they get a high-levelled Gym / used as an E4 type.

Also, please, no Dragon legendaries. At all. They've been seriously overdone, and I think it's high time that they stepped down and gave other types the limelight, especially types that haven't been seen as version mascots (Fighting, Dark etc.)
They should also not throw a certain version under the bus. This mostly comes from annoying my friend to get her send over a bunch of pokemon from White Forest over to me and my Black. It's annoying, and the only thing Black had going for it was Ice-resistant Reshiram.
Other than that, I swear if they get rid of the bike, I'll throw a car through their office.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

Hegafire0 said:
Mabye a poison-type legendary. It's the only type without a legendary yet (excluding Arceus).

I'm also still waiting on a proper Fighting legendary.
Not ones with it as extra like the musketeers, but where its their main type.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

I don't think there's much they can do to improve Poison as a type until they give it more type advantages. Having only one type advantage which happens to be a type with four other weaknesses makes it nearly useless.
Haunted Water said:
Other than that, I swear if they get rid of the bike, I'll throw a car through their office.

I dunno, roller blades are pretty hip and make a lot more sense for carrying around in a backpack :cool:
oakbark said:
I'd love some new overworld puzzles and obstacles.

Perhaps using electricity to open an electric door, or using fire to burn away a fallen log, or using Dig to open the wall of a cave.

Oh man, that reminds me, I'd love to see another version of the Trick House from Hoenn. That was my favorite side quest in the whole series.

Also secret bases, more like the Hoenn overworld ones than the Sinnoh underground ones. They were a great little addition to personalize your game, and I've missed them for a while.
garbodorable said:
Haunted Water said:
Other than that, I swear if they get rid of the bike, I'll throw a car through their office.

I dunno, roller blades are pretty hip and make a lot more sense for carrying around in a backpack :cool:

Yeah, but Bicycles are wayyy cooler than rollerblades, to which I hate.
Haunted Water said:
garbodorable said:
I dunno, roller blades are pretty hip and make a lot more sense for carrying around in a backpack :cool:

Yeah, but Bicycles are wayyy cooler than rollerblades, to which I hate.

Hey as long as it gets me around I don't care! It does make it seem much more logical and realistic than a bike.
Haunted Water said:
garbodorable said:
I dunno, roller blades are pretty hip and make a lot more sense for carrying around in a backpack :cool:

Yeah, but Bicycles are wayyy cooler than rollerblades, to which I hate.

Pokemon X and Pokemon Y will be in 3D, so they will probably be relatively more realistic than previous Pokemon games.

Think for a second -- what would be more realistic to keep in a backpack: a bicycle or a pair of roller blades?
AtmosphericThunder said:
Pokemon X and Pokemon Y will be in 3D, so they will probably be relatively more realistic than previous Pokemon games.

Think for a second -- what would be more realistic to keep in a backpack: a bicycle or a pair of roller blades?

If you've payed attention to the item descriptions, you'd know that the bikes in the main games are foldable, which allows them to fit in the backpack easier. But the games don't care about realism. The biggest issue in including the bike is creating a bike animation for the character in the overworld, and even then, that may not be that problematic.
Yeah, there is a such thing as collapseable bikes.
If they want to be realistic, they could bring back the maximum carry limit like they had in Gens 1 & 2. Because, let's be honest, do you think the game is anymore realistic now?
I don't see why this whole backpack/bike thing is even being discussed. It's a video game, suspension of disbelief is required. Are we forgetting how Link doesn't even have a backpack, yet he carries a bunch of bottles and bombs around? Or, to use an example from the series, I have hundreds of Potions, Full Heals, and Repels on me at any given time; those all fit inside my bag without an issue. :/

This is nothing new, the Pokemon video games were never realistic to begin with.
Haunted Water said:
If they want to be realistic, they could bring back the maximum carry limit like they had in Gens 1 & 2. Because, let's be honest, do you think the game is anymore realistic now?

Pokemon never had to be realistic IMO. And puttng a limitation on something that has been here for a long time wouldn't be welcomed.
Just a small thought I had, some kind of Type Section on the PokeDex, where it basically outlines the type and explains their type matchups?

eg Dragon
These are all of the strong mythical beings, that take a while to find, and even longer to train, but are worthwhile when they get very well trained.
They have huge rivalries with other Dragons, and use more power whilst battling other Dragons. (explains Dragon weakness)
They hate the cold for some reason (explains Ice weakness)
They breathe fire, so firey attacks don't do anything to them (explains Fire resistance)
They are impervious to lighting (explains Electric resistance)
Most of them are good swimmers, and some of them can utilise the water to attack with (explains Water resistance)
Leaves and branches can't hurt their thick skin at all (explains Grass resistance)

or something of the sort. I always thought it would have been nice to have something like this in a Pokedex.