XY What new smaller details would you like to see? Things! Environment! Random events! Etc.

GoobieDoob said:
Oh crap! I didn't notice Pokémon B/W2 had 24 :p. Thought it only had 8 like Pokémon Black and White. I'm am the biggest derp ever. BTW, maybe make it like 30 in each PC box like normal. Then have 30 PC boxes. That should make room for 900 Pokémon. More than enough for the 800 (I'm guessing, I just added the usual 151 Pokémon) Pokémon + their other forms (excluding shinies and other genders). Then there is about room for 70 more Pokémon of your choice (probably for breed and release purposes.

What else I'd like to see is the day-care more in front of the game like it was in the original BW. In B/W2 you had to actually beat the game and then battle your way almost completely to Striaton City. What a downer ...

Another thing: Partner trainers. Not necessarily someone following you around the whole game, but another column in the start/x menu. Someone to Double Battle with or something like that. You could even switch out to play like them to level them up too! Thing is, that would require A LOT of Audino training (at least I'm hoping, otherwise my Pokémon are doomed!) This is actually a very sucky idea.

Theviking06 said:
I think your missing that GoobieDude said to go with 40 instead of 30, or give us back 18 boxes. Yes if they did 40 and 18 it would be the same as what we have now, but why would they have to give us back our 18 boxes if they have already given us 24.

I do agree that more space would be nice. I would also like some kind of 3DS app kind of like the Pokewalker, but you could use it for pokemon or for eggs. I like the idea of having to take actual steps to hatch eggs.

PS, my name's GoobieDoob. Sorry for the double post. I'll probably never reveal the inspiration for my username. BTW is there a way to change it. Listen to me, off topic. (Sorry :()

Sorry didnt even notice :/

And I agree with the Day-Care. I know they didnt want to have to move it or anything like that, but isnt BW2 the only game that you had to beat the game to have access to the day-care?
Theviking06 said:
And I agree with the Day-Care. I know they didnt want to have to move it or anything like that, but isnt BW2 the only game that you had to beat the game to have access to the day-care?

FRLG as well. But that game had a legitimate excuse, since they kept it post game to keep baby Pokemon out of the Kanto Dex.

Making the Day Care post game was one of the dumbest things they did in BW2, I hope they never make that mistake again.
Onthe subjest of daycare, i wish they'd implement something where the daycare calls you or something when one of your pokemon learns a new move and asks you which to delete.
Eggs recieved with a full party are sent to the pc
Some form of incubator to store and hatch eggs without compromising room in your party
leecario said:
Onthe subjest of daycare, i wish they'd implement something where the daycare calls you or something when one of your pokemon learns a new move and asks you which to delete.
Eggs recieved with a full party are sent to the pc
Some form of incubator to store and hatch eggs without compromising room in your party

Love this idea! But I would want more then 1 spot for an egg since I like many others breed for Natures/IVs/Other crap and so I generally hatch more then 1 egg at a time.
I'd like someone to give you an egg. From Pokemon GSC when eggs were first introduced until HGSS, someone gave you an egg in some sort of way. In BW and BW2, if I remember correctly, no eggs were given to you. No Cleffa, no Wynaut, no Togepi, no Riolu. Those were the egg Pokemon I remember, and those are the Egg Pokemon that made me happy when they finally hatched. Now I am forced to use the daycare. *Sob, sob*
GoobieDoob said:
I'd like someone to give you an egg. From Pokemon GSC when eggs were first introduced until HGSS, someone gave you an egg in some sort of way. In BW and BW2, if I remember correctly, no eggs were given to you. No Cleffa, no Wynaut, no Togepi, no Riolu. Those were the egg Pokemon I remember, and those are the Egg Pokemon that made me happy when they finally hatched. Now I am forced to use the daycare. *Sob, sob*

In BW2, you got a Happiny Egg post game.

I don't think you got one in BW1, though.
Bolt the Cat said:
GoobieDoob said:
I'd like someone to give you an egg. From Pokemon GSC when eggs were first introduced until HGSS, someone gave you an egg in some sort of way. In BW and BW2, if I remember correctly, no eggs were given to you. No Cleffa, no Wynaut, no Togepi, no Riolu. Those were the egg Pokemon I remember, and those are the Egg Pokemon that made me happy when they finally hatched. Now I am forced to use the daycare. *Sob, sob*

In BW2, you got a Happiny Egg post game.

I don't think you got one in BW1, though.

Larvesta was given as an egg in BW on Route 18.

The bench interaction is nice. I hope for more environmental interaction.
A few things, mostly simple requests (except one of them).

1. Big one first. I would like to see a an added menu in the Pokémon stat page for OOB abilities like Surf or Fly. When you use an HM your Pokémon would learn the attack as well as the OOB ability. You could then delete the attack if you wish, and still retain the skill. Replace Fly with Brave Bird, but still be able to fly from place to place.

2. I would like to change the attack Teleport to the Psychic version of Protect or Detect, change the PP to a more reasonable level, and change the out of battle effect into exiting buildings, like a building version of Dig. I think it would be more useful without ruining any balance in the game.
Eric said:
A few things, mostly simple requests (except one of them).

1. Big one first. I would like to see a an added menu in the Pokémon stat page for OOB abilities like Surf or Fly. When you use an HM your Pokémon would learn the attack as well as the OOB ability. You could then delete the attack if you wish, and still retain the skill. Replace Fly with Brave Bird, but still be able to fly from place to place.

2. I would like to change the attack Teleport to the Psychic version of Protect or Detect, change the PP to a more reasonable level, and change the out of battle effect into exiting buildings, like a building version of Dig. I think it would be more useful without ruining any balance in the game.

I think we will not need HMs anymore: in the conference they said that "Maybe a big rocky Pokemon will help you cross broken paths that you might not be able to cross with a bike alone. He'll allow you to bust up rocks along your way across your path."
so maybe we can surf with any water pokemon, break rocks with fighting and rock pokemon and fly with flying pokemon.

About 2, I always tought the same, teleport should be; maybe not like protect, which just stalls; but maybe raise evasion, or be like lucky chant and give yourself a status that makes you evade attacks successfully in a 1/3d chance for a number of turns. maybe with 5 or 10 PP so it's not very overpowered.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

PLEASE be backwards compatible with Gen 5!! That is my only major hope. It is a deal-breaker for me, as I don't want to lose my shiny friends!
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

GBA was compatible with DS, so why the heck not? Even if it had to involve a cord.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

Whitefire said:
GBA was compatible with DS, so why the heck not? Even if it had to involve a cord.

that's not how it worked. DS has pal park where oyu could transfer pokemon from the GBA game in the DS's GBA slot

Gen IV - V used DS Download Play

maybe X and Y could use this whole infrared thing for backwards compatibility?
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

I just hope they let us transfer in larger groups because six took too long to get them all over
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

It is confirmed, fennekins final type is Taco type, at least i hope so.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

Ghost/Steel w/ levitate. That would be amazing.

It's a strange idea, mainly because pokemon should be creatures and not inanimate objects as that really doesn't make sense, but lets say everyone would be okay with it: a sunken ship pokemon, i.e. based on the Titanic! XD Holes in the hull and what not. A ghost ship pokemon! How levitate makes sense in that scenario is beyond me. It's a ghost. Deal with it. B-)
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

Pokemon have always included inanimate objects, and people who "aren't okay" with that are being ridiculous. Inanimate object monsters are even deeply important to Japanese mythology, where they are known as Tsukumogami, and many object pokemon are based directly on popular types of Tsukumogami.

Ghost ships actually levitate in most myths and fables; they float high above the water, even up in the sky :)
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?



Anyway, you make a good point about inanimate objects.

I'm getting my ghost ship! :3

@ the person who said Stage 4: i know it's kinda silly because we hear stage 1 and think that's the first Pokemon, but actually the first stage of a Pokemon's life is called the Base. Stage 1 is the first evolution, Stage 2 is the second evolution. So I suppose you can look at it like the numbers represent how many time a Pokemon has evolved. The point I'm trying to get across is that Stage 4 would mean a Pokemon evolves 4 times (i.e. it would actually be Base > Stage 1 > Stage 2 > Stage 3 > Stage 4). To me, Stage 4 just seems reeeeeallly extreme. Stage 3 even seems a bit much, considering Zweilous evolves at level 64 into Hydreigon, I can only imagine what level a Stage 3 or 4 would evolve at. I'm sure there will be some gimmickmon that does that in the future.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

Spammy said:
@ the person who said Stage 4: i know it's kinda silly because we hear stage 1 and think that's the first Pokemon, but actually the first stage of a Pokemon's life is called the Base. Stage 1 is the first evolution, Stage 2 is the second evolution. So I suppose you can look at it like the numbers represent how many time a Pokemon has evolved. The point I'm trying to get across is that Stage 4 would mean a Pokemon evolves 4 times (i.e. it would actually be Base > Stage 1 > Stage 2 > Stage 3 > Stage 4). To me, Stage 4 just seems reeeeeallly extreme. Stage 3 even seems a bit much, considering Zweilous evolves at level 64 into Hydreigon, I can only imagine what level a Stage 3 or 4 would evolve at. I'm sure there will be some gimmickmon that does that in the future.

Only the TCG really uses that terminology, most people use Stage 1 to refer to the first form Pokemon instead of Basic.

As for having Pokemon evolve more than twice, that's very unlikely to happen. New evolutions require better stats, and most Pokemon would be too OP if they had a 4th stage.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

Spammy said:


that's underwater, so.... yeah...

but i like the idea of a ghost parrot pokemon that evolves into a ghost albatross (the pirate bird)