XY What new smaller details would you like to see? Things! Environment! Random events! Etc.

RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

FloodBadge said:
Spammy said:


that's underwater, so.... yeah...

but i like the idea of a ghost parrot pokemon that evolves into a ghost albatross (the pirate bird)

But a ship like that would never be able to travel underwater. It would sink. So it still works.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

Thief said:
FloodBadge said:
that's underwater, so.... yeah...

but i like the idea of a ghost parrot pokemon that evolves into a ghost albatross (the pirate bird)

But a ship like that would never be able to travel underwater. It would sink. So it still works.

it sinks but floats simultaneously...
it's a chaotic equilibrium... oh, what if they had a pokemon that changed forms and types for day and night?
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

FloodBadge said:
oh, what if they had a pokemon that changed forms and types for day and night?

Wow FloodBadge... Lol I didn't recognise you because of your new avatar. (I don't pay attention apparently)

Anyways, That would be awesome. I think there is a Fakemon with that ability but I cannot remember where I saw it.

Personally, I was not a big fan of Cherrim.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

FloodBadge said:
Thief said:
But a ship like that would never be able to travel underwater. It would sink. So it still works.

it sinks but floats simultaneously...
it's a chaotic equilibrium... oh, what if they had a pokemon that changed forms and types for day and night?

That would be so cool! Maybe a werewolf. A normal type humanoid pokemon by day, a dark type wolf by night.
I was thinking yesterday after watching the trailer again last night, that it looks like you can enter the Eiffel Tower building. I think it'd be cool to be able to go to the top of the tower and look over the land seeing everything.
Thief said:
I was thinking yesterday after watching the trailer again last night, that it looks like you can enter the Eiffel Tower building. I think it'd be cool to be able to go to the top of the tower and look over the land seeing everything.

Its a gym. I noticed it like the 3rd time I passed the trailer. Other people had already noticed it though. I believe that it would be better climbing the Tower and get on the look-out and see the surrounding area of Lumiose City.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

All I want is an BA dunsparce evolution that is either normal/dragon or fairy/dragon. It's been too long.

That would be so cool! Maybe a werewolf. A normal type humanoid pokemon by day, a dark type wolf by night.

I think a legendary wolf pokemon is guaranteed due to the parallels of Norse mythology. It will probably be based off of Fenrir, the son of Loki and the father of wolves, and will look like a monstrous wolf pokemon, think Peter Hale in alpha form. I think a pure Dark type would suffice but maybe a secondary fighting type might be added or something cool like electric.
Flys Gone 2071 said:
Thief said:
I was thinking yesterday after watching the trailer again last night, that it looks like you can enter the Eiffel Tower building. I think it'd be cool to be able to go to the top of the tower and look over the land seeing everything.

Its a gym. I noticed it like the 3rd time I passed the trailer. Other people had already noticed it though. I believe that it would be better climbing the Tower and get on the look-out and see the surrounding area of Lumiose City.

Oh... Well yeah, that would be more interesting. I mean they had to choose to put a gym there? Maybe we'll still be able to do that? idk.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

They should add mini-games using the gyroscope and stuff to earn points similar to BP. You could use these points to buy rare candies, vitamins, other battle items, a special bike of some sort and pokemon like Porygon and Eevee.
Thief said:
Flys Gone 2071 said:
Its a gym. I noticed it like the 3rd time I passed the trailer. Other people had already noticed it though. I believe that it would be better climbing the Tower and get on the look-out and see the surrounding area of Lumiose City.

Oh... Well yeah, that would be more interesting. I mean they had to choose to put a gym there? Maybe we'll still be able to do that? idk.

Maybe the gym leader will be on the top and when you complete the puzzle/win you will get to see the view.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

Christian said:
All I want is an BA dunsparce evolution that is either normal/dragon or fairy/dragon. It's been too long.

That would be so cool! Maybe a werewolf. A normal type humanoid pokemon by day, a dark type wolf by night.

I think a legendary wolf pokemon is guaranteed due to the parallels of Norse mythology. It will probably be based off of Fenrir, the son of Loki and the father of wolves, and will look like a monstrous wolf pokemon, think Peter Hale in alpha form. I think a pure Dark type would suffice but maybe a secondary fighting type might be added or something cool like electric.

OMG i just got a freaky idea
if they did something like ze- wait... legendary big cats... they're already Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades.... nevermind..
I think it would be really cool to have some kind of way that if you are playing with friends either nearby or online, for them to actually appear in real time in your game so that you could go and have double battles in the wild or just have fun completing some quests together. I mean, that IS what they keep telling us, that this game is supposed to bring people together. I know they tried it with BW and BW2, but I am talking about in the overworld, running along beside you. Like an MMORPG but on a small scale (1-3 friends connected at a time). You can run around the game with your friends exploring.

Also, I think it would be cool to be able to hide an item in the world and when you connect with your friends, that item will then appear in their game and they can go look for it! Kind of like a treasure hunt. This could be done via streetpass even. Hide an item, then when you streetpass, the item and it's location will be recorded into the other person's game and they can hunt it down. "Rob234111 has hidden an item in your game!"
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

I just hope that the Pokémon are good.

Also, more integration between handheld and console games would be cool.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan along with the Machop line came out in Gen 1. Hitmontop in Gen 2. If Gen 5's Timburr line can be said to mirror the Machop line, and Sawk and Throh can be said to mirror the the Chan/Lee/Top trio, I hope we get another cool fighting type Pokémon to enter the Sawk/Throh line.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

i´ve been waiting for an dark/electric type since 3rd generation, make it happen gamefreak!
One tiny thing I thought of would be that different Pokemon of a species wouldn't all look the same.
This could be stuff like, sometimes Gogoat's horns are curved, sometimes Helioptile has smaller frills on its head etc.
There could also be different weights for all Pokemon of a species, say Fletchling is registered as 1.7 kg and 0.3 m high, but that's just the average weight/height. You could get smaller ones that are 1.5 kg and 0.2m, and larger ones that are 1.8 kg and 0.4m high.
professorlight said:
I think we will not need HMs anymore: in the conference they said that "Maybe a big rocky Pokemon will help you cross broken paths that you might not be able to cross with a bike alone. He'll allow you to bust up rocks along your way across your path."
so maybe we can surf with any water pokemon, break rocks with fighting and rock pokemon and fly with flying pokemon.

I agree. I'm thinking that we will be borrowing Pokémon from time to time from a rental place or such to travel through different terrains. In an earlier post I mentioned that 3d models makes it easier for them to make it so we can see our Pokémon when using HM moves. However to make it easier on themselves they could've just used standard Pokémon for each of those events; Gogoat to ride, Ryhorn for a Rock Climb, A water Pokémon to surf, etc etc.

P.DelSlayer said:
One tiny thing I thought of would be that different Pokemon of a species wouldn't all look the same.
This could be stuff like, sometimes Gogoat's horns are curved, sometimes Helioptile has smaller frills on its head etc.
There could also be different weights for all Pokemon of a species, say Fletchling is registered as 1.7 kg and 0.3 m high, but these are just the average. You could get smaller ones that are 1.5 kg and 0.2m, and larger ones that are 1.8 kg and 0.4m high.

I would love this and like I said earlier, 3d models makes things a lot more simple. Instead of having to change pixel sprites, they only have to edit a texture that goes over a model. I'm sure GF has an excellent team that could do these things with ease.
Thief said:
I would love this and like I said earlier, 3d models makes things a lot more simple. Instead of having to change pixel sprites, they only have to edit a texture that goes over a model. I'm sure GF has an excellent team that could do these things with ease.

It's not that simple: the 3d models the game work with several images that are "wrapped" around the 3d model to give them color, shine, transparency, etc. Changing colors would be even harder, because while before they worked with a couple sheets of sprites in dfferent states of animation (for normal and shiny), now they have to make a differently colored image for each recolor. doing it a few times is OK, but create 4-5 images for each of 700 odd pokemon? that's just too much.
professorlight said:
Thief said:
I would love this and like I said earlier, 3d models makes things a lot more simple. Instead of having to change pixel sprites, they only have to edit a texture that goes over a model. I'm sure GF has an excellent team that could do these things with ease.

It's not that simple: the 3d models the game work with several images that are "wrapped" around the 3d model to give them color, shine, transparency, etc. Changing colors would be even harder, because while before they worked with a couple sheets of sprites in dfferent states of animation (for normal and shiny), now they have to make a differently colored image for each recolor. doing it a few times is OK, but create 4-5 images for each of 700 odd pokemon? that's just too much.

i agree. the recoloring may be easy, but that's if you do it the cheap way and either change the hue and saturation, or just use the paint bucket tool and make it all cra- ...cruddy looking. then again, maybe it's not too much. i mean, even for gender differences, they need different skins (textures is not the official word for the colors on models) sometimes, or else the little effects (such as shading on the pokemon's skins) may get warped, or the pokemon model's skin may be put on completely wrong. i would have also said they had to make skins for all pokemon with the eye differences, but those count as bodygroups, so it only affects the area they're designated to.
RE: Your hopes for 6th generation?

I agree with Arami!
Either re-type Shinx's evolution line to Electric/Dark starting with Luxio, or make a good Ele/Dark!