XY What new spin off games would you like to see in Generation 6?

RE: What new spin offs would you like to see in Generation 6?

Bolt the Cat said:
This sounds like a really bad idea. First of all, I think Pokedex 3D's Pokedex will be integrated into XY, making any future Pokedex 3D entries pointless. Second, I don't think they'd make the legendaries that easy to get, and they certainly won't put anywhere near that many in (probably about 5 at most). And probably not event ones at all (it is very rare for an event Pokemon to be obtainable in a spinoff without some sort of download event).

Well that's nice :(

On the other hand you guys all have some great ideas.

Paddy185 said:
I thought of an idea that would be a 3DS app, which allows you to send your Pokemon to it, and it almost be a Day-Care like feature. Whilst in said app, you can play games with your Pokemon, train them to learn special moves they can't normally use (e.g. train an Excadrill to learn Crush Claw), and level them up (obviously having a limit depending on where you are in the game). Also, the more you play and train with them, they would get happier. Also, they wouldn't evolve in said app. You would send your Pokemon to it in a special device-thing found in the Daycare (wherever it is).

Great idea. I think this way your pokemon could learn tutor moves for free. Also got a quick question. Will this app allow Pokemon to learn HM Moves? It bugs me (pun intended) that Yanmega cannot learn fly
RE: What new spin offs would you like to see in Generation 6?

Paddy185 said:
I thought of an idea that would be a 3DS app, which allows you to send your Pokemon to it, and it almost be a Day-Care like feature. Whilst in said app, you can play games with your Pokemon, train them to learn special moves they can't normally use (e.g. train an Excadrill to learn Crush Claw), and level them up (obviously having a limit depending on where you are in the game). Also, the more you play and train with them, they would get happier. Also, they wouldn't evolve in said app. You would send your Pokemon to it in a special device-thing found in the Daycare (wherever it is).

Great idea. I think this way your pokemon could learn tutor moves for free. Also got a quick question. Will this app allow Pokemon to learn HM Moves? It bugs me (pun intended) that Yanmega cannot learn fly

The only reason why not would be because it may seem confusing to children playing the game that a Pokemon could learn Fly in the Daycare app but not ingame (unless their movepools were changed to include said HM). But otherwise, I don't really see any reason why not.
RE: What new spin offs would you like to see in Generation 6?

All right, so I was watching some playthroughs of both Pokepark games to gain some perspective on the series (note that I didn't see the entire game, I watched up to the beginning of Iceberg Zone in 1 and up to when Snivy is unlocked in 2, but also a little of Rockridge Fort to see how Tepig plays), and I have to say, it looks like it has quite a bit of potential. I'd certainly like to see a Pokepark U 6th gen, but here's my thoughts on the series and what they should do to change it:

-Isn't this series supposed to be about mini games? So why the hell am I spending so much time befriending Pokemon, and wandering through hubs like an action RPG (maybe I don't need that real time battling spinoff after all because you spend a lot more of the game doing that than I thought). Not that there's anything inherently wrong with that, but it does seem like the game is being padded a bit too much with those RPG elements because you're not spending much time in the actual mini games. So to put more emphasis on the mini game aspect of the game, here's some things I'd do:

-More mini games in the storyline, maybe about 15-20. There'd also be some multiplayer only mini games that take advantage of Wii U's asymmetrical multiplayer structure.
-I'd like to see mini games (and the gameplay in general) not be so focused on the motion controls, I have a feeling that's going to be really annoying.
-Each mini game has hard mode versions (like the one you do with Cofagrigus).
-You can also challenge (or more likely, be challenged by) NPCs in the game in the mini games, and you must get a higher score than the opponent to win.
-A "mini game marathon" of sorts, in which you compete in several different mini games consecutively, and whoever has the highest total score at the end wins (you also get bonus points for your total based on your ranking).
-More boss battles like the Cofagrigus battle, that's an interesting way to combine the game's mini game and RPG elements into one.

-Bigger variety of Pals to play as. I liked having multiple playable characters in the overworld to use in 2, it really added to the exploration. But I'd like to see more, with a bit more diversity than we got, at the very least add the regional bird or something to the game so we have something that can fly. Also, allow Water types to swim underwater. And what would be really nice (but not necessary) is if we could have legendary Pokemon as Pals, but we probably wouldn't get to play as those until post game. In general, the list of Pals will consist of several popular Pokemon (using 5th gen as an example, you'd probably have in addition to the four in 2, Pidove, Zorua, Riolu and Axew, maybe more). Oh, and give them all colorful personalities like they did in 2, I absolutely loved the characterization for some of the Pals in 2 (most notably Snivy and Oshawott, their dynamic was pretty great).
-Change the currency system a bit. Instead of berries, you would earn "Friendship Points" when you complete a Skill Game with a Pokemon the first time through (although you can still earn berries in subsequent challenges), and certain amounts of Friendship Points would be required in order to progress through the game (much like how you need a certain amount of friends to enter Wish Park). Berries would be earned by completing mini games and searching the overworld, encouraging you to replay mini games.
-Bring back the ability to play as friends in mini games. You would need to befriend every Pokemon and have them beat their challenge score to reach 100% completion in this game (and you would get some sort of nifty reward for doing so, IDK what).
-Give Pals the ability to evolve. Pals can only evolve after leveling up each of their moves once and then paying a hefty amount of berries (like, 1000 or something) for "special training" (and they can only level them up once before evolving). Pokemon that have additional requirements for evolution will need to fulfill those as well. Pokemon that evolve by item will of course require that item, which would be well hidden in one of the zones and requires several different characters. In addition, any Pokemon that evolves by friendship can only evolve when a certain Friendship Point total has been reached.
-A variation of the Chase Skill Game where this time, the opposing Pokemon chases you, and you must evade the opponent until the clock runs out. Like in the original Chase game, you can use your attacks to slow down the opponent.

tl;dr Combine what 1 and 2 did, and expand the focus on mini games more than either of the first two.

ryter78 said:
I've been dreaming of a game like that forever, it would be very fun. I would imagine it implemented in to a colosseum game and maybe later on inside a main series game.
Programming all the pokemon would be such a pain however, they might need to cheap out and only do the latest set of pokemon.

This is a very, very good point, and I think because of that this idea will never fully happen with every single Pokemon in existence. However, after watching playthroughs of Pokepark 1 and 2, we don't need to, those games handle this sort of thing very well, actually. The only thing I'd say they need to do differently is have more than 4 Pokemon playable, I'd say they should at least double that number.

Paddy185 said:
I thought of an idea that would be a 3DS app, which allows you to send your Pokemon to it, and it almost be a Day-Care like feature. Whilst in said app, you can play games with your Pokemon, train them to learn Egg/Tutor/otherwise unobtainable moves (e.g. train an Excadrill to learn Crush Claw), and level them up (obviously having a limit depending on where you are in the game). Also, the more you play and train with them, they would get happier. Also, they wouldn't evolve in said app. You would send your Pokemon to it in a special device-thing found in the Daycare (wherever it is).

This might be a good idea, actually.
What about an app you can get on 3DS that tells you all information about every pokemon in X and Y. It tells you their dex info, where to find them, their male/female ratio, moveset, chance of finding them, what trainers in the game have them, etc. It would be like a Bulbapedia for the 3DS!
Reggie McGigas said:
What about an app you can get on 3DS that tells you all information about every pokemon in X and Y. It tells you their dex info, where to find them, their male/female ratio, moveset, chance of finding them, what trainers in the game have them, etc. It would be like a Bulbapedia for the 3DS!

That's basically what Pokedex 3D is for 5th gen.
^I imagine they will simply update Pokedex 3D Pro to include the 6th Gen (obviously when it is released); there's not really any point having a Pokedex app which features all Pokemon, and then make another small one only for the 6th gen, it just seems a bit redundant.

Maybe they'll update it on the day/day before of X/Y's release so people have the app to learn about the new Pokemon whilst they play X/Y?
P.DelSlayer said:
^I imagine they will simply update Pokedex 3D Pro to include the 6th Gen (obviously when it is released); there's not really any point having a Pokedex app which features all Pokemon, and then make another small one only for the 6th gen, it just seems a bit redundant.

It's not. With a new generation (and on a smaller scale, a new game) comes changes in things like movesets, so it wouldn't be accurate for 5th gen games. If someone wanted to replay a 5th gen game on a whim, they couldn't use an updated version of Pokedex 3D that has 6th gen data. They'd need a separate version for each game, and it'd just get ridiculous. That's why it's better to have Pokedex 3D features in the main games.
I just got an idea!

How about a FREE app for the 3DS that transfers one of your Pokemon to the game. You can play mini games, find items, and befriend up to 2 Pokemon. These Pokemon can't be found in the game, this helps you complete the national Pokedex quicker. You can improve a Pokemon's IVs EVs and Frendliness, and You can bring back the two Pokemon you befriended and they will be put in your box or party. If both are full you may not bring them back. The Pokemon befriended will have a special egg move. You can also bring back up to 5 items you obtained.


You bring in Fennekin. You start by going to find items. You find 3 Oran Berries and 2 Moon Stones. You befriend your first Pokemon, a Zoura that knows extrasensory. Then, you go play with your Fennekin and raise its attack EV by 2 and its speed IV by one. You also make it 4 more friendly. Then you run into a Deino that knows Dark Pulse. Finally, you find a Thunder Stone. You bring back Zoura,Deino, and Fennekin, and 2 Oran Berries as well as 2 Moon Stones and a Thunder Stone.

I know this seems unlikely but I would like an app or game that allows you to raise IVs and EVs and Friendliness.
Reggie McGigas said:
I just got an idea!

How about a FREE app for the 3DS that transfers one of your Pokemon to the game. You can play mini games, find items, and befriend up to 2 Pokemon. These Pokemon can't be found in the game, this helps you complete the national Pokedex quicker. You can improve a Pokemon's IVs EVs and Frendliness, and You can bring back the two Pokemon you befriended and they will be put in your box or party. If both are full you may not bring them back. The Pokemon befriended will have a special egg move. You can also bring back up to 5 items you obtained.


You bring in Fennekin. You start by going to find items. You find 3 Oran Berries and 2 Moon Stones. You befriend your first Pokemon, a Zoura that knows extrasensory. Then, you go play with your Fennekin and raise its attack EV by 2 and its speed IV by one. You also make it 4 more friendly. Then you run into a Deino that knows Dark Pulse. Finally, you find a Thunder Stone. You bring back Zoura,Deino, and Fennekin, and 2 Oran Berries as well as 2 Moon Stones and a Thunder Stone.

I know this seems unlikely but I would like an app or game that allows you to raise IVs and EVs and Friendliness.

This sounds a lot like the DW.
I for one would enjoy a Mystery Dungeon game that ISN'T like that potential-wasting monstrosity we got for the 5th Gen. On one hand the upgrade to 3D was wonderful and a needed improvement for the graphics, and I really liked Companion Mode which actually let you play as whoever you wanted (a bit like the old Red/Blue Rescue Team). Also building up your base is fun.

On the other hand...the story, while good as usual, was just way too short compared to Explorers. And they were impossibly lazy on the level design. I thought the smaller Mon roster was just because they didn't add much of any new things to the post game, but when you encounter the exact same enemies in really different dungeons five times in a row it's kind of obvious that they didn't try at all, and that's really sad because I liked what they DID have.

So yeah new gen 6 PMD game that doesn't look incredibly rushed because of X and Y.
And here's what I think they should do for the next Mystery Dungeon game:

-Bring back the personality quiz to determine your starter.
-Includes (but is not limited to) the following starter options:

-(more 6th gen Pokemon, and maybe some past gen as well)

-Includes (but is not limited to) the following partner options (in addition to unused starters):

(more 6th gen Pokemon, and maybe some past gen as well)

-Not every Pokemon in existence needs to be recruitable (I think we're getting to the point where that's no longer feasible), but a good portion of them need to be (way more than 150, closer to about 400some). But all 6th gen Pokemon, all 5th gen Pokemon not featured in Gates to Infinity, and a good portion of the 1st-4th gen Pokemon should be.
-Unrecruitable boss legendaries are fine, as long as they're not mascot legends or something otherwise important to the storyline (whoever decided that the Tao Trio should not be recruitable in Gates to Infinity deserves to be shot) or something that's too new. Basically, if we haven't had the opportunity to play as a particular legendary before, we should get that opportunity now. So that would include (but is not limited to):

-Black Kyurem (obtained by fusing Zekrom and Kyurem by using some alternative method to the DNA Splicers)
-White Kyurem (obtained by fusing Reshiram and Kyurem by using some alternative method to the DNA Splicers)
-Cobalion (not sure what role they played in Gates to Infinity having not played it, but in my headcanon they would make a great legendary rescue team, kind of like Team Charm or Team Raiders in Time/Darkness/Sky)
-Xerneas (plays a prominent role in the storyline, of course)
-Yveltal (also plays a prominent role in the storyline)
-Mewtwo (if Mewtwo really does get a new form, it will need to be showcased in this game)
-all additional 6th gen legendaries (minus any event legendaries that they may wish to keep secret)

-Include multiple entrances and exits through overworld sections that could allow you to do neat things like having secret exits (reachable in ways such as using locked doors and obstacles such as water which require certain Pokemon) that can lead to either treasure, entirely new dungeons (mostly optional ones, but you could have some instances in the storyline where you need to revisit areas and take the alternate exit to reach a tougher dungeon).
-A co-op mode. If you have a friend who has another 3DS, he can take over as one of your partners and you can both explore dungeons together.

Reggie McGigas said:
I was kinda hoping for a 3ds dw feel.

Why do we need a separate game like this for 3DS? Why can't they just integrate your ideas into the DW?
Bolt the Cat said:
Reggie McGigas said:
I just got an idea!

How about a FREE app for the 3DS that transfers one of your Pokemon to the game. You can play mini games, find items, and befriend up to 2 Pokemon. These Pokemon can't be found in the game, this helps you complete the national Pokedex quicker. You can improve a Pokemon's IVs EVs and Frendliness, and You can bring back the two Pokemon you befriended and they will be put in your box or party. If both are full you may not bring them back. The Pokemon befriended will have a special egg move. You can also bring back up to 5 items you obtained.


You bring in Fennekin. You start by going to find items. You find 3 Oran Berries and 2 Moon Stones. You befriend your first Pokemon, a Zoura that knows extrasensory. Then, you go play with your Fennekin and raise its attack EV by 2 and its speed IV by one. You also make it 4 more friendly. Then you run into a Deino that knows Dark Pulse. Finally, you find a Thunder Stone. You bring back Zoura,Deino, and Fennekin, and 2 Oran Berries as well as 2 Moon Stones and a Thunder Stone.

I know this seems unlikely but I would like an app or game that allows you to raise IVs and EVs and Friendliness.

This sounds a lot like the DW.

It strikes me as kind of a souped-up PokéWalker - and since the 3DS has a built-in pedometer, that would actually be a pretty fantastic addition.
Mitja said:
I'm hoping for a WiiU game that's compatible with the main games, but done properly. (PBR did way too much the wrong way)

Not necessarily with a story like Col/XD, but at least locations where you can actually walk around with a 100% customizable character and inetract with NPCs.

Think a HUGE BATTLE FRONTIER with more than everything that belongs there, but includes even a
-professional breeding center
-awesome move tutors
-EV training facilities
-berry planting place
-mini games
-ways to obtain rare items
-tons of trainers, GAINING EXP (except in serious battle facilities which have set levels obviously)
and anything they can come up with that competitive players would find awesome (cause thats what the console game should be about. there is always some pokepark crap for everyone else)

Add some special pokemon catching places (akin to PalPark/TransferLab/SafariZone/BugCatchContest), where new "areas" and pokemon with hidden abilities or exclusive moves are released as DLC every now and then.

Your pokemon could be copied over from any gen 6 game, but youd get enough if you didn't too (like one of gen 1-5 starters and some ways to catch and train them if you want)

Amazing wifi battle options, the possibility to do 6&6vs6&6 multi battles etc.

And then you'd have one game worth buying, unlike PBR.

I didn't get to play Pokemon Battle Revolution, so how was it the wrong way?

Reggie McGigas said:
Bolt the Cat said:
This sounds a lot like the DW.

I was kinda hoping for a 3ds dw feel.

@Luna_cat agreed

What is a DW? Sorry, I'm not used to abbreviations in the world!
@Bolt: You listed like all of my ideas of how it should be fixed.

Personally though, I think the starters should include like every single starter in the gens, and then one extra for each generation (Pikachu for 1st, etc.), except for maybe two in Gen 6 to show off their new anime mascot Pokemon? Leaving out the ordinary trio starters in the selection would be kind of a waster if it weren't just one trio being featured.

Recruiting thing definitely agreed. Just as many Pokemon as they need for the post-game and the story! As in don't make it like GTI where there's an extremely varied group in multiple different types of dungeons, but actually have them fit like in the other games where the desert/canyon mons would be in the desert/canyon dungeons? I guess it made sense that they made side dungeons where you could recruit Pokemon that were in the story dungeons with the overworld puzzles (which I really loved), but it kind of took out the challenge of going through a tough dungeon all the way again just to recruit a Tropius or something like Rescue Team's Sky Tower.

I kiiiiind of disagree with you there in that I think every legend that's in the game should be recruitable, but maybe the tough and challenging bosses (or the important storyline bosses on the other side) should just be really hard to earn the respect of and maybe need special requirements, like you need to have all three muskedeers in your party to recruit a Keldeo. Though that's mostly because I miss rampaging through Beach Cave as Giratina... u~u

And don't they already have something similar to a co-op mode in GTI where you can use any of the Pokemon in Paradise to go on missions with your friends? Though I suppose that doesn't include your starters.

@HoOhLugia: PBR was pretty much "oh hey you get to see all your favorite Pokemon in 3D...BUT THEY ALL NEED TO BE TRANSFERRED FROM YOUR DS GAME BECAUSE RENTALS DO NOT EXIST". Also unlike Colosseum or XD, there wasn't any storyline to go along with the actual game. I did like the trainer customization though.
Bolt the Cat said:
HoOhLugia said:
What is a DW? Sorry, I'm not used to abbreviations in the world!

The Dream World.

Oh ok.

Luna_Cat16 said:
@Bolt: You listed like all of my ideas of how it should be fixed.

Personally though, I think the starters should include like every single starter in the gens, and then one extra for each generation (Pikachu for 1st, etc.), except for maybe two in Gen 6 to show off their new anime mascot Pokemon? Leaving out the ordinary trio starters in the selection would be kind of a waster if it weren't just one trio being featured.

Recruiting thing definitely agreed. Just as many Pokemon as they need for the post-game and the story! As in don't make it like GTI where there's an extremely varied group in multiple different types of dungeons, but actually have them fit like in the other games where the desert/canyon mons would be in the desert/canyon dungeons? I guess it made sense that they made side dungeons where you could recruit Pokemon that were in the story dungeons with the overworld puzzles (which I really loved), but it kind of took out the challenge of going through a tough dungeon all the way again just to recruit a Tropius or something like Rescue Team's Sky Tower.

I kiiiiind of disagree with you there in that I think every legend that's in the game should be recruitable, but maybe the tough and challenging bosses (or the important storyline bosses on the other side) should just be really hard to earn the respect of and maybe need special requirements, like you need to have all three muskedeers in your party to recruit a Keldeo. Though that's mostly because I miss rampaging through Beach Cave as Giratina... u~u

And don't they already have something similar to a co-op mode in GTI where you can use any of the Pokemon in Paradise to go on missions with your friends? Though I suppose that doesn't include your starters.

@HoOhLugia: PBR was pretty much "oh hey you get to see all your favorite Pokemon in 3D...BUT THEY ALL NEED TO BE TRANSFERRED FROM YOUR DS GAME BECAUSE RENTALS DO NOT EXIST". Also unlike Colosseum or XD, there wasn't any storyline to go along with the actual game. I did like the trainer customization though.

I know! I've seen my best friend play it, but I just didn't see all of it. Some one said it was wrong.
Luna_Cat16 said:
Personally though, I think the starters should include like every single starter in the gens, and then one extra for each generation (Pikachu for 1st, etc.), except for maybe two in Gen 6 to show off their new anime mascot Pokemon? Leaving out the ordinary trio starters in the selection would be kind of a waster if it weren't just one trio being featured.

I don't think they should do every single starter in existence anymore, that's too overwhelming. Having 2 or 3 sets of starters based on whichever ones are relevant seems like a good compromise.

Luna_Cat16 said:
And don't they already have something similar to a co-op mode in GTI where you can use any of the Pokemon in Paradise to go on missions with your friends? Though I suppose that doesn't include your starters.

Maybe, I haven't actually played GTI yet, so I'm not familiar with every single feature that exists in those games. As long as you can use it in dungeons, then they can just stick with that.