XY What new spin off games would you like to see in Generation 6?

VictiniMegaFan55 said:
I want either a new Pokemon Stadium or a DS Player for the Wii/Wii U

This is exactly what I don't want to see in a console Pokemon game, a Stadium/Battle Revolution type game that offers little more than the cheap thrill of battling on your TV screen. Which is even more pointless this gen because XY battling already resembles what we've seen from those types of games. Really, they could get the same effect through DLC for XY, the only difference being you wouldn't need a Wii U to play it (or a Wii, they won't be making any more Wii games at this point).

If they're going to do anything of that sort, they should do a Colosseum/XD style adventure game, something that can stand on its own as opposed to a tacky add on to existing main series games.
i definetly want a pokemon battle revolution/stadium/colosseum/etc I mean, a game made with that format. I think it could be a success, with all the pokemon so far.