XY What Pokémon Do You Want in Your Team for X / Y? Post Your Current Team / Ideas Here!

RE: What Pokemon Do You Want in Your Team for X / Y? Post Your Ever Changing List Here!

Alright, here's my X team. Before I start, I wanna say that I'm exclusively using Gen IV Pokemon. Using all Gen V Pokemon in my White playthrough really maximized the experience for me, personally. Additionally, every team I use for the main story must have a grass, fire, water and flying type. I usually leave the other two as freebies, but I wanted to try out the Faires, to that left me with o e left. Well, here we go.

Chespin > Quilladin > Chesnaught
I loves the first two Froakie evolutions, but the last one just doesn't do it for me. Something about that tongue scarf and pointy just deters me away from it so much that I can't see myself using that thing. Anyways, Chespin is the next best thing, and after seeing his final evo, I'm set.

Fletchling > Flecthinder > Talonflame
I'll be honest, I did not like Fletchling or Talonflame when the were both revealed. In fact, I hated them. However, I realized that I needed a fire, flying and fairy type Pokemon. None of the new fire or flying Pokemon in this region caught my eye that much, so I decided to take one last look at Fletchling. When I did, I realized that he wasn't so bad, and kinda looked cool when he evolved. Picking Fletchling also gave me another freebie slot, since it's both a fire and flying type, two of the "mandatory" types.

Swirlix > Slurpuff
Everybody wants to try out the new type, and I'm no exception. Swirlix is absolutely adorable, and I knew that he was gonna be the Fairy type of my choice. However, I was pretty bummed when I found out it was an X exclusive, as I originally was going to get Y. However, I did change to X after all, and this guy was a must.

Honedge > Doublade > Aegislash
When I first saw Honedge, I thought he looked pretty cool, but I wasn't going to use him. I expected him to be a stand-alone Pokemon that maybe a shield counterpart or something. After Doublade was revealed, I still didn't expect to put him on my team. It wasn't until after chose the other five Pokemon for my team that I decided to pick up Honedge. I was looking for one last Pokemon that would seem fun to use. I was surprised to discover that he got a third evolution. At that point, I was sold.

Tyrunt > Tyrantrum
He's a T-Rex. The first second I laid my eyes on him, I knew instantly that I had to use him on my first playthrough. He's part rock type, which I feel is one of the most fun to use for some reason, as well as dragon, which certainly isn't bad. Not much else to say, since he just looks like a monster.

Clauncher > Clawitzer
Alright, alright, here's where I've got some explaining to do. Clauncher and Skrelp are the reasons why I decided to switch from Y to X. I was originally picking Skrelp as my water type, but I was dismayed to find out that he lost his water typing and became part dragon, and I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who thought that. I'm incredibly OCD when it comes to creating teams, and I cannot—CANNOT have two of the same types. And I wasn't getting rid of Tyrunt, no way. Also, I NEEDED a water type, again for OCD reasons. Barbaracle was not cutting it. No way I'm putting that abomination on my team. So, the only option left was to go ahead and switch to X—where I could get Clauncher, who looked pretty decent.
RE: What Pokemon Do You Want in Your Team for X / Y? Post Your Ever Changing List Here!

DrEspeon said:
Drohn said:
Could you please elaborate on what you are looking for in a team and why you want the Pokémon you mentioned? Understanding your wishes is critical for giving advice.

While this might not be too helpful, here is how I chose my team.

i. Type - I decided to run a team like a gym leader/elite four.

I loved making single typed teams for a play through, and your post makes me want to try that again.
Strangely enough it feels like one of the easiest types to do this with is dragon as all the new dragons have different type combos.
Charizard X
Garchomp or Zygarde

Come at me fairies!
RE: What Pokemon Do You Want in Your Team for X / Y? Post Your Ever Changing List Here!

Its a shame there is so many new dragons, I wanna have a diversity in my team but also dragons.
Most likely my team will be:

Greninja : Starter poke, Water/dark is a useful typing, I need a water type in my team so he is in, I also love dark types
Charizard: Fire type pokeymon, I also want a pokemon that can megavolve, He is ma man
Noivern: Im going to use noivern as my flying type, He is dragon, but ill put fly on him and use him as a flying type
Aegislash: I like have Ghost types in my team, this one is steel so he has almost no weaknesses and an awesome ability
Lucario: He is one of my favourites and his Mega form is Badass so why not?

Sixth pokemon I don't know
Bug: Charizard
Rock: Greninja
Fighting: Aegislash
Grass: Charizard/Noivern
Electric: Gogoat or possibly another pokemon
Fairy: Aegislash
Psychic: Greninja
Ice: Charizard

Elite 4
Steel: Charizard
Dragon: Noivern/other pokemon
Fire: Greninja
Water: Gogoat

So i need either an ice type or ground type, might go with aurorus because it looks pretty cool even though id prefer tyrantrum, possibly dragalge?
RE: What Pokemon Do You Want in Your Team for X / Y? Post Your Ever Changing List Here!

BCWD93 said:
DrEspeon said:
While this might not be too helpful, here is how I chose my team.

i. Type - I decided to run a team like a gym leader/elite four.

I loved making single typed teams for a play through, and your post makes me want to try that again.
Strangely enough it feels like one of the easiest types to do this with is dragon as all the new dragons have different type combos.
Charizard X
Garchomp or Zygarde

Come at me fairies!

Are you planning on trading for CharizardniteX (wow, that mega stone's name is awful) or for skrelp? Just out of curiosity.
RE: What Pokemon Do You Want in Your Team for X / Y? Post Your Ever Changing List Here!

Pokemon X team-
Chesnaught-i love the bulked up, spiky design and its stats
Charizard- i love charizard and its mega form is epic
Raichu- ive been wanting to use one for so long
Aegislash- looks sick and looks like a good poke
Aurorus- really nice ability and can probably takes some hits
Octillery- so overrated, i have to use this lol

Pokemon Y team-
Delphox- my favorite of the kalos starters, love the witch, mage like design and the typing is sick
Blastoise- i never use this, its my least favorite kanto starter, might as well see how good it is
Heliolisk- its a frilled lizard, too cool
Dragalge- poison/dragon, i wanted this type combo for so long and its stats are pretty nice
Mawile- its has fairy typing, typings that can defeat fairies and dragon and a sweet mega evo+huge power
Gliscor- never really used one, been itching to ever since 4th gen

What i want in a team is variety and overall balance, i want to look at my team and know that were not gona be beaten that easily, i might not have the strongest pokemon or best type coverages but i like to have those pokemon that might not have the best base stats but become absolute monsters in battle. You should always have a sweeper, a tank, a flying type and a water type (and maybe and odd type like poison or ice) to have a pretty balanced team for the story mode and not online. Last but not least, dont ditch the charizard, he might get killed by stealth rocks in multiplayer but in single player he's a monster, give him some slack lol.
Most of this is opinionated
RE: What Pokemon Do You Want in Your Team for X / Y? Post Your Ever Changing List Here!

DrEspeon said:
BCWD93 said:
I loved making single typed teams for a play through, and your post makes me want to try that again.
Strangely enough it feels like one of the easiest types to do this with is dragon as all the new dragons have different type combos.
Charizard X
Garchomp or Zygarde

Come at me fairies!

Are you planning on trading for CharizardniteX (wow, that mega stone's name is awful) or for skrelp? Just out of curiosity.
Probably just trade skrelp.
seems fitting to keep X mega in the X version.
RE: What Pokemon Do You Want in Your Team for X / Y? Post Your Ever Changing List Here!

Update list for X:

Chespin - I always start with the grass starter (even though I'm not in love with its final evo)

Charmander - Because I can't pass up that awesome mega.

Mareep - Ampharos is one of my favorite pokemon and I want to use its mega as well.

Amaura - I'm looking forward to using its ability Refrigerate. (Ice-type Hyper Beam? Oh lord!)

Not sure about the last two slots. I'll have to wait and see what catches my eye.
RE: What Pokemon Do You Want in Your Team for X / Y? Post Your Ever Changing List Here!

Well, since we know just about every Pokemon in the Dex now (assuming there's no post-release-second-half-of-the-dex Illuminati BS), I think I can safely make a post here. Still feels tentative though.
Later on I'll train stuff like Bulbasaur (Mega Venusaur is the best) and Zygarde (naming it Sestren, as both seems to be beings of keeping order), but these are my main story bros:

Chespin/Quilladin/Chesnaught: Had this picked out as my starter from the beginning and I don't plan on changing it now. I'm a little annoyed at the secondary Fighting type since it feels overdone on starters at this point, but I'll live with it.

Hawlucha: Obligatory Flying type to fly me places. I say "obligatory" like it's a bad thing, but in this case it's not. I am head-over-heels in love with the design. So much so that I can even ignore the fact that this makes two Fighting types on one team! d:

Clauncher/Clawitzer: For Surfing, plus the name and design are awesome. A pistol shrimp was a long-overdue animal to make into a Pokemon. I was going to have Skrelp instead since I'm getting Y, but its evolution, Dragalge, is a Dragon type :/ Me no gusta. It's ok though, because Clawitzer's Special Attack will actually let it use Surf to decent effect.

Spritzee/Aromatisse: I'm not too excited about the huge boom of Fairy types in this generation, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to try one out. Aromatisse reminds me of a more frilly version of one of my personal characters, so I'm positively biased about its design, even though I can't tell what the hell it's supposed to be. It doesn't look like its stats will be too great, but we'll see.

Tyrunt/Tyrantrum: It's a t-rex. I've been waiting for a big ugly t-rex since Generation I. This decision was automatic. As a plus, I like to have a Rock or Ground type in each team if I can, and this is the best choice as far as I see it. The Dragon-typing is ehhh but sacrifices must occasionally be made for the sake of the greater good.

Dunsparce: Because I'm secretly hoping there's a new evolution we still don't know about Because it's my favorite Pokemon and I haven't use one on an in-game team since my first HeartGold file. Originally I was going to restrict myself to just Pokemon from Generation IV, but seeing as how Dunsparce is available so early, I think I should roll with it again.
RE: What Pokemon Do You Want in Your Team for X / Y? Post Your Ever Changing List Here!

Drohn said:
Could you please elaborate on what you are looking for in a team and why you want the Pokémon you mentioned? Understanding your wishes is critical for giving advice.

1) Looks come first, typing second [unless it's fairy, then no] and availability/whatever else after that.

2) Delphox is the starter I dislike the least and ive wanted fennekin from the start.
I love Fletchling, and it's line isn't too bad.
Pyroar is a fire cat, and if Shinx is in this game that would be fabulous~
Blaziken is the event thing and I really only added it to make a full-fire team. Probably won't use it story mode.
Charizard is because i'm eventually trading over my first mon from my first game* and he's special, no matter how stupidly CHARZARD is named~
Skrelp final because i accidentally caught a glimpse of it when i didn't want to see more leaks [I know i know, get off the internet...] and it looked pretty cool, while poor clauncher turned into a dumb.

*I got Silver used, and is my true first game. FireRed i got for my birthday or Christmas, and was my first new game. Also ive been getting my starter ribbons from every generation and transferring him up. ATM he's stuck in SoulSilver needing a ribbon/to be transferred. Not sure what i'm gonna do about Unova, i dont think they have ribbons? ;-;
RE: What Pokemon Do You Want in Your Team for X / Y? Post Your Ever Changing List Here!

So that's 5 fire types! So far in-game trainers haven't been very difficult to beat, but don't you think it might be handy to use a bit more more diversity in types? I agree the designs are really great and I plan to use those Pokémon as well! I rotate my team, however, and I won't have too many similar types in my team unless I go against a Gym Leader and need the super effectiveness.

Most Fire-types do have different secondary types so you will have plenty of offensive diversity.

Since you said you don't want to see more leaks it will be difficult to give feedback on the team regarding what Pokémon you could possibly add.

In generation 5 you could only obtain ribbons through events.
RE: What Pokemon Do You Want in Your Team for X / Y? Post Your Ever Changing List Here!

Drohn said:
So that's 5 fire types! So far in-game trainers haven't been very difficult to beat, but don't you think it might be handy to use a bit more more diversity in types? I agree the designs are really great and I plan to use those Pokémon as well! I rotate my team, however, and I won't have too many similar types in my team unless I go against a Gym Leader and need the super effectiveness.

Most Fire-types do have different secondary types so you will have plenty of offensive diversity.

Since you said you don't want to see more leaks it will be difficult to give feedback on the team regarding what Pokémon you could possibly add.

In generation 5 you could only obtain ribbons through events.
I agree; people should have a little more type coverage because if they had mostly fire types, they're going to get smashed in a water gym; but I do understand that they really like those Pokemon, and I do too, but it will make the game easier if you have more variety on your teams.
RE: What Pokemon Do You Want in Your Team for X / Y? Post Your Ever Changing List Here!

I'm gonna do; Greninja, Charizard, Toxicroak, Jolteon, Trevenant and I was hoping Scyther, since he is my favorite, but it looks like he won't be in the game pre-Nat dex again :( I might do Escavalier instead, we'll see about that last spot.
RE: What Pokemon Do You Want in Your Team for X / Y? Post Your Ever Changing List Here!

Drohn said:
So that's 5 fire types! So far in-game trainers haven't been very difficult to beat, but don't you think it might be handy to use a bit more more diversity in types? I agree the designs are really great and I plan to use those Pokémon as well! I rotate my team, however, and I won't have too many similar types in my team unless I go against a Gym Leader and need the super effectiveness.

Most Fire-types do have different secondary types so you will have plenty of offensive diversity.

Since you said you don't want to see more leaks it will be difficult to give feedback on the team regarding what Pokémon you could possibly add.

In generation 5 you could only obtain ribbons through events.
I usually aim for type diversity, even if it meant nixing things i liked. This gen i thought i'd toss that out and pick my favs. Thankfully I like most of this gen [exclusive fairy evos why gamefreak why].

I'd hope for my first runthrough to be all new mons, so that takes out Blazi and Chari, leaving two spots

Without the Chari I would need another mon for sky battles, so i guess Noivern could fill that gap.

Delphox [fire/psy]
Talonflame [fire/fly]
Pyroar [fire/normal]
Noivern [fly/drag]
Skrelp final [poison/water][type assumption]
__________ [open]

Open to anything except fairies that are not Xerneas and past gen mons o3o

*[mod]Drohn[/mod]: Could you maybe give us the options to choose from? I have some ideas, but since you don't want to be spoiled I'm not sure if I can tell them or not. *
RE: What Pokemon Do You Want in Your Team for X / Y? Post Your Ever Changing List Here!

So I decided to switch my team up with the advent of the entire pokedex being revealed.

Greninja- I really loved Fennekin and Braixen, but Delphox left me unimpressed, and Greninja just looks so awesome I just had to pick him. His signature move also looks really good, and he in general looks really attack oriented and I really like that.

Venusaur- My second favorite of the Kanto Starters, I would pick Blastoise, but that would just be too much water types, especially since Blastoise doesn't have a second type.

Tyrantrum- I fell in love with this guy the second Tyrunt was shown, I've always wanted a T-Rex fossil and he fulfills all of my requirements.

Talonflame- I love Fletchingling, and Talonflame looks cool, and will most likely be a pretty good beginning bird, for in game flying/fire is pretty good.

Goodra- I know I said I can't pick Blastoise because he is water, but I just need to get Goomy, he is so super adorable I need him.

Gourgeist- Basically the same reason as Goodra, I love him, Pumpkaboo is so adorable, and I'm really hoping that his fat mode is awesome looking. If he isn't I might just have to go to Helopitile.
RE: What Pokemon Do You Want in Your Team for X / Y? Post Your Ever Changing List Here!

I try to cover as much types I can so here's mine!

Chesnaught- I chose Chespin the minute I saw him. And I wasn't disappointed. Plus he's part Fighting. 2 types covered!

Charzard (X)- I needed a fire and flying type and I couldn't resist. I loved it when I saw Mega Charzard X. I loved it;s color scheme, Plus it;s DRAGON! FINALLY. That's 2/3 types covered. Except I won't use the Mega stone until Im in a pickle :p Or to create an epic final battle against a Gym Leader or something xD

Slurpuff- I needed a Fairy type and he;s just so adorable. Pink Chef will now slay some dragons :D

Goodra- I needed Goomy. I just can't....it's too adorable. Plus he'll be my main Dragon type. I can't remember correctly, but i'm pretty sure he has high Special Defense? (correct me if i'm wrong).

Aegislash- I never wanted Honedge at first. It looked like a stand alone to me so I didn''t bother. But when Doublade was introduced,I felt so bad at all the hate it was getting. I though it's design looked much better than the other inanimate objects that were previously introduced. Then when I saw Aegislash....I was hooked. I loved it. Plus it has a Blade/Shield form change I think. I found that cool and unique.

Malimar- I just like it's typing. Plus, if those rumors were true, it has a unique way of evolving. Im all for new ways to evolve I thought about iit over and over if this thing has Surf. I mean it has to, right? If it doesn't I will disappointed at GF. Shame on you for not giving a SQUID a water type attack. But it does learn Surf right? Please tell me cause I have no clue.....

So I wanted to start fresh and new (the exception being Charzard of course).
RE: What Pokemon Do You Want in Your Team for X / Y? Post Your Ever Changing List Here!

Uhh, hey guys, newbie ;D. I wanted to see if this team was a little too lategame-intensive.

Anyway, here's probably what I'm going with.

Chesspin > Quilladin > Chessnaught - Normally, I'm partial to the water type starter. However, since most of my friends are going with Froakie and Greninja honestly does nothing for me, I decided to go with Chessnaught since he's so sweet.

Inkay > Malamar - Honestly liked this little guy since the start, and it turns out he works great with my team compostion I have planned. Plus, he's weak to only Bug, I think.

Goomy > Sliggoo > Goodra - I just think it looks so derpy. It was honestly a tough decision for me between him and Skrelp, but I decided on the little goo blob. Hope to god it can learn Surf, though.

Amaura > Aurorus - The little hipster that lives with in all of us beckoned to me and said, 'Justin, you must pick the not-dragon-one'. Personally, I think it's adorable, and Freeze Dry is a nice perk.

A flying type, possibly Hawklucha - Not having fly on my team is just a bother in my eyes, so I tend to pick up a flying type. Talonflame honestly does nothing for me, so I will probably end up going with Hawklucha,

Sylveon - Who needs a mega evolution! I definitely wanted to get my hands on the new type of this gen, so the first of this type unveiled seemed like the perfect choice.

Anyway, is this good? And PLEASE tell me if Goodra or Malamar can learn surf, because I need to know. Q.Q
RE: What Pokemon Do You Want in Your Team for X / Y? Post Your Ever Changing List Here!

Crossover said:
Uhh, hey guys, newbie ;D. I wanted to see if this team was a little too lategame-intensive.

Anyway, is this good? And PLEASE tell me if Goodra or Malamar can learn surf, because I need to know. Q.Q

Looks good to me, you only have fighting as a recurring type unless you replace Hawlucha with Talonflame or a mega like Charizard Y.

As for being a bit late game: we heard about Goomy pretty early so you may just need to search a bit. Also I'm sure we can find an Eevee not to far into the story.
Edit: The first instance we saw Inkay was in a grass patch on a small island, so you may have to wait until you find the HM surf.

But your team can be whatever Pokemon you feel happy with!
Hope this was of use to you.
RE: What Pokemon Do You Want in Your Team for X / Y? Post Your Ever Changing List Here!

Oh teambuilding, how much do I love you.

Poker the Greninja: Because Ninjas and frogs are awesome. AND A NINJA FROG IS TWICE AS AWESOME. Plus he is speedy and has high special attack

Blackjack the Pangoro: His design screams "Awesome", and he gives me something against foes with high special defense. (I may have 2 dark types but IDK, I love both of them)

Roulette the Sylveon: I have used every single one of the past eveelutions, not using the new one would be madness. And I have to try out the fairy type to take down some of those nasty dragons pokemon has in store. (I just hope they give me a female Evee, so it can sort of "Match up" with its design and nickname.)

Yahtzee the Talonflame: He looks like the lovechild of a phoenix and a Hawk . Do I really have to say anything else? (Plus you always gotta have one of them flying pokeymans)

Domino the Meowstic (female): Psychic has always been my favorite type. And the fact that it is a cat that feels no emotion (Just like in real life) makes it even more awesome.

Bingo the Trevenant: Good typing, and some awesome design. (But I may replace it with either Aegislash or Tyrunt, OH THE DECISIONS)

I am so exited for X & Y and for my new team :D (Yes, the naming theme was absolutely necessary)
RE: What Pokemon Do You Want in Your Team for X / Y? Post Your Ever Changing List Here!

Whitefire said:
Drohn said:
So that's 5 fire types! So far in-game trainers haven't been very difficult to beat, but don't you think it might be handy to use a bit more more diversity in types? I agree the designs are really great and I plan to use those Pokémon as well! I rotate my team, however, and I won't have too many similar types in my team unless I go against a Gym Leader and need the super effectiveness.

Most Fire-types do have different secondary types so you will have plenty of offensive diversity.

Since you said you don't want to see more leaks it will be difficult to give feedback on the team regarding what Pokémon you could possibly add.

In generation 5 you could only obtain ribbons through events.
I usually aim for type diversity, even if it meant nixing things i liked. This gen i thought i'd toss that out and pick my favs. Thankfully I like most of this gen [exclusive fairy evos why gamefreak why].

I'd hope for my first runthrough to be all new mons, so that takes out Blazi and Chari, leaving two spots

Without the Chari I would need another mon for sky battles, so i guess Noivern could fill that gap.

Delphox [fire/psy]
Talonflame [fire/fly]
Pyroar [fire/normal]
Noivern [fly/drag]
Skrelp final [poison/water][type assumption]
__________ [open]

Open to anything except fairies that are not Xerneas and past gen mons o3o

*[mod]Drohn[/mod]: Could you maybe give us the options to choose from? I have some ideas, but since you don't want to be spoiled I'm not sure if I can tell them or not. *

Oh, ok. I know the Goomy line, Hawlucha, Aegislash, um, idk much else of the leaked things, though i did get a glance at some i didnt want to see but oh well;

Clawitzer, Draga-something, Z legend [this one was thanks to facebook], Noibat [saw a picture on tumblr this thing is adorable]
RE: What Pokemon Do You Want in Your Team for X / Y? Post Your Ever Changing List Here!

So...the ENTIRE Pokedex...has been revealed.....guess that means I can officially have six members on my team now.

Fennekin, Braxien, Delphox
Game Freak did it.
They made a mage. THEY MADE A WIZARD.
It's so amazing! It can create a VORTEX OF FIRE.
And finally, we have a Fire starter that isn't part Fighting type! YAAAAAAY!
I also look forward to petting her in Amie....I've seen some videos of her...
Tsundre Delphox.

I'll go back to my corner.

She will be Princess Pyr. I don't care. I always get the female.

Skiddo, Gogoat
Yeah yeah, we know.
It's a goat you can ride, based on a motorcycle.
And it can feel you through its horns.
We've gone through this a hundred times. Or three.
