What should I play for _________?

RE: What should I play for _______?

Division: Seniors
Metagame: Donphan, Mr. Mime MT
What you can play: Anything, Legos, CurseGar
RE: What should I play for _______?

^Go with Dialgachomp. Dialga locks Donphan from the -20 and healing. Dialga G also locks Mr. Mime, as well as slowing down Donphan. Plus, Dialgachomp is a good deck and does well in the meta.
RE: What should I play for _______?

Division: Seniors
Metagame: Donphan, Gechamp, Flygon, Plox, Some Gyarados
What you can play: Flychamp, Any Sp decks, Gyarados, Machamp, Gechamp. [/align]
RE: What should I play for _______?

Either Gyarados or SP. Gyarados hits hard on Donphan, being almost an auto-win if they don't donk you. With resistance and not a large power abuse, you can hold a game against Gechamp. To play around Fainting Spell, use Crobat G. Flygon is basically around your speed. Hit hard, and recover when needed.

SP decks that run Luxray, for example, would hurt Gyarados with the weakness. Play Lucario GL, and you can often one-shot G-dos with Luxray. If you are running a Dialga-based SP deck, then it does some damage to Donphan by locking the deck's bodies while slowing them down some. Same with all of the others thanks to Deafen. Either way, Garchomp C would be Flygon.
RE: What should I play for _______?

Gyrados,cursegar,SP varients(luxchomp mainly)
Anything really
RE: What should I play for _______?

Division: Seniors
Metagame: Loads of Donk decks(Shuppet Machamp Donphan), Luxchomp/any other SP Varient, Plox, Flygon varients, some Gengar varients
What you can play: DialgaChomp,Luxchomp,Blazeray, any Gengar Varient, Dumbo (aka Donphan/Flygon), Kingdra, Luxape, Gardevoir/Gallade, KFC and i think thats about it.
RE: What should I play for _______?

Division: Seniors
Metagame: Donphan, Mr. Mime MT
What you can play: Legos, CurseGar

(Just having trouble picking one...)
RE: What should I play for _______?

Mr.Ferrari said:
Gyrados,cursegar,SP varients(luxchomp mainly)
Anything really

I would play the Cursegar mirror with either a Nidoqueen/Dusknoir tech to take on other Cursegars. Mr. Mimes and Spiritomb screws up the other decks.

GarchompKing said:
Division: Seniors
Metagame: Loads of Donk decks(Shuppet Machamp Donphan), Luxchomp/any other SP Varient, Plox, Flygon varients, some Gengar varients
What you can play: DialgaChomp,Luxchomp,Blazeray, any Gengar Varient, Dumbo (aka Donphan/Flygon), Kingdra, Luxape, Gardevoir/Gallade, KFC and i think thats about it.

I'd probably play Flygon/Donphan or Spiriplox. Both are fine against SP and donk decks but I'm not sure about the last three decks...

Luiserebii said:
Division: Seniors
Metagame: Donphan, Mr. Mime MT
What you can play: Legos, CurseGar

(Just having trouble picking one...)

Legos. You should be able to lock Donphan quickly and hit for Weakness and Mr. Mime isn't a HUGE issue, since Palkia takes a lot of Energy usually.

dmaster out.
RE: What should I play for _______?

Im trying to get ready for regionals so...
Division: Seniors
Metagame: Gengar Varients, Sp varients, other strong psychic (maybe legos).
What I can play: Gengar Varients, Flychamp, Gyarados, Dialgchomp, and Gardallade
Note: I been playing in seniors for 2 years and i have NEVER seen a gyarados deck. l guess the seniors don't know what goes on with gyarados.
RE: What should I play for _______?

regionals here

Division: seniors
Metagame: luxchomp, gyarados, flygon lock
What you can play: malicious fat man, tangrowth/ landmin
RE: What should I play for _______?

I'm trying to get some advice on what to play for Regionals.

Division: Masters
Metagame: Usually GG-Lock, Gyarados, or Rain Dance, with Donphan here or there (probably)
What I can play: GG-Lock, Gyarados (maybe), Cursegar (maybe), Scizor+Cloudy Cherrim, Flygon

Flygon didn't do too well at states for me; I went 1-4. I'm sorta leaning towards Gyarados but am not exactly sure what to do. My biggest problem is not getting good setups, so I want to run a deck with small chance of bad setups.
RE: What should I play for _______?

DNA said:
I'm trying to get some advice on what to play for Regionals.

Division: Masters
Metagame: Usually GG-Lock, Gyarados, or Rain Dance, with Donphan here or there (probably)
What I can play: GG-Lock, Gyarados (maybe), Cursegar (maybe), Scizor+Cloudy Cherrim, Flygon

Flygon didn't do too well at states for me; I went 1-4. I'm sorta leaning towards Gyarados but am not exactly sure what to do. My biggest problem is not getting good setups, so I want to run a deck with small chance of bad setups.

I'd say Cursegar. With the Trainer lock, you will slow down Donphan tremendously while locking any Trainers Gyarados uses after a KO. You can also switch to Mime, which would lock Donphan if it doesn't have three energy on it. If you run two Mime and both are in play, then you can lock Gyarados unless they use Luxray GL Lv.X/Reversal.
RE: What should I play for _______?

Division: Seniors
Metagame: Mr. Mime, Gengar variants, Gyarados, Donphan variants, Dialga G, Rogues, and A LOT OF Luxchomp.
What you can play: Anything. I'm thinking of Gyarados, CurseGar (I have most of the cards for this deck), and Palkia G Lock, though.

EDIT: Ignore this. I already have it answered. >.<
RE: What should I play for _______?

Midwest Regionals
Division: Seniors
Metagame: Everything (I hate Wisconsin being such a competitive state D: )
What you can play: Anything that is easy to build and to play.
RE: What should I play for _______?

I'm trying to get some advice on what to play for Regionals.

Division: Seniors
Metagame: LuxChomp, Dialga/Garchomp, Donphan, Plox, and Machamp.

Top Choices:
- Sabledonk
- HoPe
RE: What should I play for _______?

Come on, I really need something to play ;_;
RE: What should I play for _______?

You guys have to be more specific on your metagame. If you don't know the main decks, play something you're the most comfortable with and like the best. There's really no other help to give.

dmaster out.
RE: What should I play for _______?

Great Lakes Regionals
Division: Senior
Metagame: Gyarados, Plox, Cursegar, and SPs
I could play anything.
RE: What should I play for _______?

Mudkip said:
Great Lakes Regionals
Division: Senior
Metagame: Gyarados, Plox, Cursegar, and SPs
I could play anything.

Anything w/ DGX, I'll shut down everything but Gyra, Probly Lady GaGa or just Lux and DGX
RE: What should I play for _______?

piplup234 said:
Anything w/ DGX, I'll shut down everything but Gyra, Probly Lady GaGa or just Lux and DGX

Thanks for the advice. I'll prolly play something, go 3-0, take of my lucky socks, and then proceed to end with 3-3! :[