What should I play for _________?

RE: What should I play for _______?

Azelf Master said:
Whay should I do Legos?
Use Donphan/Mesprit. All decks that aren't named Luxchomp are slowed down by losing powers, and Luxchomp can't use Dragon Breath/Bright Look if you dropped Mesprit last turn. You can also try for a donk too.
RE: What should I play for _______?

johnkalli1990 said:
It must be a division between senior & juniors.
Please clarify on what you're talking about.
RE: What should I play for _______?

Event: Nats
Division: senior
Metagame: Gyarados, luxchomp and every SP varient, machamp, cursegar and jumpluff.
What you can play: Gyarados, Luxchomp, mother gengar, knigdra and donphan. i don't know what to play though.
RE: What should I play for _______?

Dragonzong said:
Event: Nats
Division: senior
Metagame: Gyarados, luxchomp and every SP varient, machamp, cursegar and jumpluff.
What you can play: Gyarados, Luxchomp, mother gengar, knigdra and donphan. i don't know what to play though.

LuxChomp is probably the best option I see out of that list. If you're a really good player with it, you can win against Gyarados, faster than Machamp and Cursegar. Jumpluff is also close, but Luxray can normally take it. And then you have Mewtwo, Ambipom G, and Promocroak G for Mirror.

dmaster out.
RE: What should I play for _______?

Division: Senior
Metagame: SP and Gyrados
What you can play: LuxChomp, Kingdra, Gengar.

Same here dude!
RE: What should I play for _______?

I would go for gengar, its great against gyarados and unless SP means dialga G then its good against SP
RE: What should I play for _______?

Event: BR's and testing
Division: Masters(Now atleast) :(
Metagame: New England Sablelock here, Sablelock there, LuxChomp Luxpluff, etc etc
What you can play: Donphan(Though I'd rather not), Sablelock, LuxChomp, LuxChompPhan,LuxChomp w/ ERL, SP Entei raikou, LuxLock
RE: What should I play for _______?

I would go for Luxchomp w/ ER Legend. It beats Jumpluff...which is good. Gotta test that Sablelock matchup though. It could be a doozy. Actually, Sablelock isn't a bad choice itself. Still have to test the mirror either way.

dmaster out.
RE: What should I play for _______?

Wat should i play for Donphan Prime? Ursaring Prime? Flygon? Just local.
RE: What should I play for _______?

sadams252 said:
Wat should i pay for Donphan Prime? Ursaring Prime?

What Event is it? (Use the Form, please.)

dmaster out.
RE: What should I play for _______?

Event: Battle Roads
Division: Seniors
Metagame: I saw Kingdra, Donphan, and Luxchomp (Which otherwise isn't popular O_O) last BR's, my meta isn't too slow-paced, only two seniors I know of play pretty slow decks. I don't know if Seniors play too much SP where I am.
What you can play: Rogues (I don't play meta) been thinking of a Viletomb varient, or something that can shut down these quick low energy decks like Dusknoir SF.
RE: What should I play for _______?

Event:Battle Roads
Division: Seniors:
Metagame:First tournament but expect lots Machamp based on my league
What can you play: Just like Tyranniking, I play rouge, thinking about Magnelock w/ ERL or should I just go with regular Magnelock?
I CAN play Sablelock I just do not what to :/
RE: What should I play for _______?

Event: Battle Roads
Division: Seniors
Metagame: SP,Jumpluff,Gyarados,Cursegar,Machamp
What Can You Play: Sps,Flygon,Jumpluff,Rogue,Donphan,
RE: What should I play for _______?

pokefan1234 said:
Event:Battle Roads
Division: Seniors:
Metagame:First tournament but expect lots Machamp based on my league
What can you play: Just like Tyranniking, I play rouge, thinking about Magnelock w/ ERL or should I just go with regular Magnelock?
I CAN play Sablelock I just do not what to :/

Go with Regular Magnelock--ERL/Magnelock will only hand clog or hurt you.
RE: What should I play for _______?

actually, the 3 or so games I played against a Magnelock/ERL on redshark, the ERL was really a deciding factor. Its a great tech, since magnezone cant play mewtwo like cursegar.
RE: What should I play for _______?

Event: Fall Battle Roads
Division: Seniors
Meta: TONS of Luxchomp, a variety of decks like Cursegar and Toxitank, and some rogue
What can you play: Sablelock, Jumpluff, Gyarados w/o Luxray, Rogue

RE: What should I play for _______?

Event: Fall Battle Roads
Division: Seniors
Meta: Cursegar, Luxchomp, Sablelock, some rouge
What you can play: Charizard, Kingdra, Ampchomp, Crobat/Gengar (yeah, I only play rouge)