What should I play for _________?

RE: What should I play for _______?

seniors cities
meta: dialgachomp, sablelock, kingdra
decks: sablelock, chenlock, or dialgachomp
RE: What should I play for _______?

(What happened to rogue, man?)

Chenlock if probably your best choice. Reduces Kingdra's damage by 40, has a decent matchup against Sablock (If you run Smeargle) and you can one-shot Dialga.
RE: What should I play for _______?

Well, you can't use the lucario one because it isn't out, so use Yan-Ultra.
RE: What should I play for _______?

Maybe... I don't know so i added 1 more deck that i really would like to play
RE: What should I play for _______?

Event: Cities
Division: Seniors
Meta: I dont know
Kingdra Prime, or Infernape4+scizor?
RE: What should I play for _______?

@ ChaoSparx I'd suggest Kingdra prime, great deck, not easily countered by whatever your metagame may be.
RE: What should I play for _______?

Event: Cities
Division: Masters
Metagame: Mostly sp, luxchomp..some random decks..1-2 vilegar, odds are some kingra, machamp, mostly one of each listed below though 80% sp.
Notes: I know luxchomp/sp is the best DITF but honestly if I go to multiple cities I will not play luxchomp at the 2nd..(unless I top 8 at my first and then I'll stick with it) because honestly..luxchomp isn't Really Fun to me to play..just like..ok..get sps out..play cyrus..kill..repeat..etc. I played modded pluff at fall BR and went 3-2 even beating luxchomp (which surprised me). Anyway..Besides luxchomp/dialgachomp what would you reccomend (i played vilegar at BR and went 2/3, getting paired up against a mirror and also facing a turn 2 dialga G x in a different round)
What you can play: Every meta/tier game deck (kingra, luxpluff, charizard, dialgachomp, sabelock, luxchomp, vilegar, donkphan, champphan (sf, not prime), gatrzone (feral. prime, magnezone prime), steelix/scizor, going to be making gyarados soon and a seperate champ prime deck as well
RE: What should I play for _______?

IMO a good gyarados deck can destroy if there's not a ton of vilegar, and even if there is, it's real easy to tech in dialga G X and poke blower + instead of luxray.
RE: What should I play for _______?

If Sp is highly played in your area, maybe Machamp SF. I know it's hard to set up but it would help against SP.
RE: What should I play for _______?

I'll probably test/play a new champ prime/sf deck. and even bring a few different decklists so i can see what the tournament meta is
RE: What should I play for _______?

@minimidget94 I don't see how PokeBlowers would help against VileGar, because it Trainer Locks you, as for what you could run mlouden03, I'd try Donphan Lock, quick deck, great matchup against LuxChomp, and not too trainer reliant as long as you out speed the VileGar and maybe run some Judge or something to dump your Trainer/Supporter heavy hands.
RE: What should I play for _______?

Dialga G Lv.X in theory would stop Vileplume's Body, but it doesn't work as great if they have Gengar Lv.X on the field.

dmaster out.
RE: What should I play for _______?

Should I play Gyarados, Vilegar, DonChamp, LuxChomp, or DialgaChomp for Seniors Cities. My area plays Sabelock, PG-13, Gyarados, Steelix, and random decks. THANKS!
RE: What should I play for _______?

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. It's consistent, fast, and fun!
RE: What should I play for _______?

What should I play for Cities, I was thinking VileGar; most people at my locals and area uses a Machamp or Luxray Gl deck, I probably wouldn't like to use Luxray though, because my friend is borrowing both of mine, and I do not like it as much as other decks. So no Lux.
RE: What should I play for _______?

Event: Cities
Division: Seniors
Metagame: lady gaga, luxchomp, donphan,machamp, dialgachomp, and other decks
I can play:,Chenlock, or vilegar