Pokemon what would happen if pokemon were real?

RE:  what would happen if pokemon were real?

Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:
If Pokémon were real, the world would end as we know it.

Tyranitar levels mountains. Charizard burns small villages to the ground, not to mention burn people to death. Tons of Electrode demolish cities using Explosion. Powerful Water-types are capable of flooding what's left, drowning plant life.

And that's just normal Pokémon. You wanna talk legendary... total annihilation.

look,there are over 10 Billion people on this earth we could catch the powerful pokemon and if pokemon were killing they would be attacked by 100+other Pokemon
RE:  what would happen if pokemon were real?

Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:
If Pokémon were real, the world would end as we know it.

Tyranitar levels mountains. Charizard burns small villages to the ground, not to mention burn people to death. Tons of Electrode demolish cities using Explosion. Powerful Water-types are capable of flooding what's left, drowning plant life.

And that's just normal Pokémon. You wanna talk legendary... total annihilation.
no pokémon are friendly, and ho-oh Maje's sure that pokémon behave (right), even seen the anime?
but it would be cool, maybe movie-material "revenge of the Pokémon"

maybe nintendo should make a real-life movie with Pokémon, with all the movie-technology they have now, they could do that
... I'm offtopic
If pokemon were real? I'd destroy every Pikachu in sight... And maybe Alakazams would rule, don't they have an IQ of 5000!?!?
For starters, I would train an army of Tyranitars, and Lugia, Mewtwo, Kyogre, Rayquaza, and Deoxys, and take over the World:D Seriously]| My home would be on Mt. Silver among the Tyranitars, Pupitars, and Larvitars.
I would be playing with the alllllllllll day.:)
RE:  what would happen if pokemon were real?

For starters, I would train an army of Tyranitars, and Lugia, Mewtwo, Kyogre, Rayquaza, and Deoxys, and take over the World:D Seriously]| My home would be on Mt. Silver among the Tyranitars, Pupitars, and Larvitars.

Havent you learnt ANYTHING from Pokemon if someone tries to take over the world there is always a hero. :D
RE:   what would happen if pokemon were real?

psyblazer_ex said:
For starters, I would train an army of Tyranitars, and Lugia, Mewtwo, Kyogre, Rayquaza, and Deoxys, and take over the World:D Seriously]| My home would be on Mt. Silver among the Tyranitars, Pupitars, and Larvitars.

Havent you learnt ANYTHING from Pokemon if someone tries to take over the world there is always a hero. :D
You mean Ash and his level 37 Pikachu?
If Pokémon are raised powerful enough... they can take on their weaknesses. Also, what's stopping the Trainer from entering the fray? It is no holds barred, you know. Also the Trainer can continue capturing Pokémon until his numbers outnumber everyone else's. It'll take a lot of time and effort to prepare, but once he's set, he'll be unstoppable.

Let's say someone captures Ho-Oh. It's impossible to hide your heart's true intentions from Ho-Oh, so if you're not like pure of heart or something there's no way you'll get it. But for the sake of example, let's say it gets captured.

All right, now let's say my friend from my previous paragraph battles the Trainer with Ho-Oh and soundly defeats him (since he's in control of tons of Pokémon, it shouldn't be that hard to take down a single legendary, and the job becomes even easier if Annihilation Man has a couple legendaries himself. A couple Golem would make short work of Ho-Oh.) Really, all Annihilation Man needs to do is kick the daylights out of Ho-Oh's Trainer, pick up Ho-Oh's Poké Ball, and walk away. Everyone loses. Rinse and repeat for any other knucklehead dumb enough to take this guy on.

The job gets even easier if he's got a couple friends with him, but he has to be careful not to trust them too much, or else they might mutiny and shift the balance of power.

And we can't have that.
Or my case: Some guy finds a nest of powerful Pokemon, and catches all of them. Then, you have an army. 10 Dratini nests... You got the idea?
RE:  what would happen if pokemon were real?

Crazy Weavile said:
Or my case: Some guy finds a nest of powerful Pokemon, and catches all of them. Then, you have an army. 10 Dratini nests... You got the idea?
See, you've got the idea.

Still, dragons are hard to train, and ten Dragonite aren't going to get you very far at all. :)
I would use them in caves and on land and use them to cut my grass.:)
oh , that's my Dream .. !!!

if pokemon were real i never like to put in his/her Ball .. !!

Like ash pikachu !

& i have Blaziken , Flygon & swellow:D
I would take them to a water park to have fun all day.:)