Pokemon what would happen if pokemon were real?


^This monster would kill us all if it were real^

it still does,now muwhahahahah!!

FEAR IT!!!!!
I could get rid of that buzzsaw and have Scyther Clip my toenails instead!

But really, it would be a bad thing. Why?

Try telling your teahcer "My Arcanine ate my homework".

And there's gonna be too much forests.

And Saudi Arabia would declare war on every other country.

And you're gonna be pretty wigged out when that Crobat smacks into your window.

I can also imagine "New Torkoal-puffed Cigarettes! Now contain's Peices of Torkoal shell!"

And finally...

Whenever someone siad someting stupid, anyone hearing hime would somehow fall down.
RE:  what would happen if pokemon were real?

Charizardian said:
Try telling your teahcer "My Arcanine ate my homework".
dude, i'd so do that!

my impersonation of poor british boy.

"But, father, the bloody Arcanine ate my homework. Please tell my teacher to stop bloody wackin' me with the paddle. BLOODY."

that'd be so cool.

Arcanine out.
I would have a Charizard (to take me places)a blaziken and a Munchlax(as a pet) and an Arcanine. I would probably make Team Magma unstopable and become the leader.;)
Alakazam. i'd be all like, Alakazam, do my homework.


thanx, that was quick. you sure are good at calculus:p.

that'd be awesome!

Arcanine out.
I'd want a Ralts and an Absol.... But I doubt I'd do the journey thing.

Or I'd breed Eevees, the potential is outstanding and they'd make good starter pokemon.
Rickraptor77 said:

^This monster would kill us all if it were real^

it still does,now muwhahahahah!!

FEAR IT!!!!!

*Pets Jynx, sniffles* Stupid PC people.... Some people need to actually study Japanese mythology.... And read flavor text.

Lord9511 said:
Jelly...I'd go for a Magikarp...it DOES make a good meal...

Actually, the flavortext says it's all scales and bones.

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alright, imagine yourself this:

if pokémon was real we'd all be free from skool (unless we'd choose to go to a Pokémon skool), and you'd all bow down to me, the ruler of the planet, having beaten deoxys, mewtwo, and all other stuff like that, ruling the world with my Nidoking, Tyranitar, Typhlosion, Metagross, Sableye, and my lileep, which I resurected from a fossil in one of my Pokémon labs! :p

mwhahahaha! bow down to your Pokémon master! (just kidding!);)

well, if Pokémon was real, I'd never go to skool, and I'd live hapilly with all my Pokémon and train them to their fullest for the Pokémon leagues!:D
They would be playing nintendo all day with me.:)
I would use a Torchic to start my journey. If Pokemon were real, there would be no animals at all, all only Pokemon !!!!!
If they were real I'd stay home and watch pokemon all day and they would do my work for me.:)
welcome ot the world of Pinsir wrestling! that'd be a.w.e.s.o.m.e.

and they'd probalby like it too, since they like to fight a lot.

Arcanine out.