What's the stupidest thing you've done on PokeBeach?

Says the guy who gave Luxchomp a 2/10. That thread was sickening.

I don't know. I always forget about the deck advice rules.
Ooh, I just got burned. I need a rawst berry.

I think the stupidest thing I've done might be voting 2 on that.
RE: what was your stupidest stuff you did on pokebeach

42 chocolate said:
I think I've gotten four warnings total in the 2.25 years I've been here. Two of these I considered unjust, one I can't remember, and the last... definitely fits this thread.
When I first joined, I posted a thread linking to one of those level-up eggs things. It got immediately locked after I got reprimanded by another member (I didn't understand that it was spam). I got so embarrassed I left PokéBeach for a month.

^ same here
Um lets see...Join a tournament(I will CERTAINLY not talk about that) and act meanish to pokemon99 a day....Wow,those 2 experiences were bad...
I tried to make a thread asking if I should evolve my shiny Sewaddle, which got closed straight away for obvious reasons (it didn't generate good discussion).
Be a smart-mouth and talked back at mods.
One of which being due to an unfair signature removal which was light in comparison to avatars I still see around here.'

Funny thing is, I don't regret it, if I've got reason to speak my mind at something unjustified, then I'll do it.
The stupidest thing I've done here is take 3-4 weeks to sign up for the forums and get chatting been using the site's card database for ages and after a nice coffee one day off i suddenly realized how brilliant this site is wish i'd done this much sooner nice to meet you all :D
@Apollo: Hi.

A lot of the "stupidest things you've done" that I see getting posted here are actually things I find awesome in their own little way.
Well, at least some of them. For example:
GraveTheUndead said:
Be a smart-mouth and talked back at mods.
One of which being due to an unfair signature removal which was light in comparison to avatars I still see around here.'

Funny thing is, I don't regret it, if I've got reason to speak my mind at something unjustified, then I'll do it.
I like this.
I'd say the stupidest thing I have done so far is post on this thread. I kind of thought the thread was funny at first, but now I pretty much hate it....
So yeah, it bothers me to have posted on it.
You got something against bronies Afro-G?

Changing mine again, the stupidest thing I've done on PB (or relating to it) is to not go on PB for like a month.
The new stupidest thing I've done is click on Afro-G's hyperlink above. I'm shivering right now.
Stupidest thing I done was probably constantly arguing with the mods regarding my warnings. I just never know when to stop and sometimes it just gets me into more trouble.
Probably beliving SafariBlade's April Fools prank. I wasted at LEAST 2 hours on that.
@ kashmaster - I find it ironic that your signature says "I am Smarter than you ^^"

Stupidest thing I've done is post a thread regarding a Woobat deck, and then argue with a mod until they unlocked it because they were annoyed. I don't regret it though, it was hilarious ^_^