What's The Worst That Could Happen?

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You get it but then crazy japan people want it from you so they burn your house hog tie you and take it.

I drink a bottle of rattlesnake venom WTWTCH

OOC:btw you can drink it without it hurting you
Ummmmmmmmmmmm.... You die.

I win a million dollars WTWTCH

Please follow the YPPY game rule. ~Afro-G
D:....that was so short lol

you return home with your million dollars after winning it. once home you are visited by a homeless man who asks for 10 dollars. feeling friendly and the fact that you have one million dollars you give it to him. he returns with a hammer that he bought with the 10 dollars and hits you with it knocking you out. you are sent to a deserted island all payed with your one million dollars. the homeless man leaves you with 20 dollars on the island...there are no stores, so you burn it to keep warm one night

i playtest my deck WTWTCH
The rotation has been undone and it's back to MD-on again without you knowing. You run a Blastigatr and suddenly...
You face a Luxchomp deck. Luxray one-shots your Blastoise, and with the addition of Expert Belt, makes easy work of your team. Your role model is watching, and laughs in your face. You quit Pokemon altogether, only to be trolled by WPM on other sites, and he chases you to your house, where he locks you in forever to never get out.

PB doesn't close. WTWTCH?
Half of the forum community gets banned for posting in the thread "Forums Are Getting Trown Out... Wha?" (which is equivalent to replying to spam).

I fall asleep. WTWTCH?
you wake up with your hands tied behind you back and a man in sun glasses in front of you. "WELL your finally awake. you have been randomly choosen for a highly experimental form of torture"

"WOAH WAIT WHAT?!" you yell

"oh dont worry...its not that bad" he says as he leaves the room.

you are shown a series of cat videos. you begin to laugh at the cats and how silly they are and how curious they are about everything. you sit for hours and the torture isnt that bad. then all of a sudden you feel a pressure in your head. your head explodes and a nyan cat comes out. it flies off into the sky and your body lies there while more nyan cats come to eat the body.

and that is why...nyan cats have poptarts for bodies...DUH

i text someone on my phone WTWTCH
You get addicted to texting so much,and while your texting in a walmart parking lot a car drvies by a hits you and you die.

I eat a slice of pizza WTWTCH
It was poisoned and you die a very painful death.

I become all-powerful. What's the worst that could happen?
your power grows so much you end up destroying the world

I get locked inside a room that can only get unlocked from the outside WTWTCH
The room could be filled with snakes that can kill, and by the time someone opens the door you're on the floor, dead, snake bites everywhere, hammer fell on your head.

I get Reshiram on Pokemon White when I already have Zekrom, WTWTCH?
You miss and fall down the stairs and the floor opens up under you and you fall down the earth and into Hell.

Pinkie Pie gives me a cupcake. WTWTCH?
You have eaten Rainbow Dash without knowing it. A herd of ponies turn on you and begin to constantly kick you until you bleed to death. By the way, I like the way that h*ll is filtered to heck on here. Good job, mods. :D Except, Mew Prime's attack translation from Japanese is 'Sending to H*ll'.

I join the herd (don't worry, I don't intend on it, but I'm picking up names fast). WTWTCH?
You are reject and are cannibalized by the other Bronies.

I spill the beans. WTWTCH?
They don't except you, and they kill you with Spike.
I am a immortal creature, and I have superpowers of mass-destruction. WTWTCH?
You could use your powers on an army to work for you, then they turn on you and everyone is after you. You hide adn start creating mutants, when one bites you and turns you small. People come, running to find you and squish you, killing you.
I eat a brownie, with no poison, WTWTCH
You destroy everyone in the world, meaning that you can't reproduce, and have the world to yourself for your entire life, with nothing to do and a wasteland to live in.
EDIT: Ninja'd. He's immortal, you know.
You become obese and explode from your size.

I stop using Robot's Link avatar. WTWTCH?
Robot link comes to life and kills you for not using him any more.

I finish eating my pizza i bought WTWTCH
The pizza could have a bomb inside of it that explodes after you swallow it

I get both shiny hydreigon and shiny golurk events in pokemon white when i should only have the shiny golurk event WTWTCH
The game gets corrupt, and then you lose all of your data, and you are so sad, you end up killing yourself.
I am imortal, and I stand in a box of all of my favorite stuff, and it's unlimited, and I can't get hurt. WTWTCH?
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