BW/BW2 Where will the gyms be & what gym types will there be?

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RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

frostwind said:
id like a huge forest. with the honey bug gym on oneside and grass gym on the other. also a forest later in game dark spooky woods perhaps.
what if there were like 10 gyms and you could just go to any 10? doubt it put just putting it out there.

*sigh* I would love that, after the 8 gyms, there are the E4 and then the game gets boring, so there should be small sub-plots after that, or more gyms before the E4
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

id like all gym leaders to have lives outside of battling and be an essential part to their towns society (so far so good for b/wC:).
also would it be cool if the sequel was in fact a sequel? itd be around the time of a new trainer to start their journey. the evil team could have familair faces and start a revival. a little girl before could be a top trainer now and a grandson/daughter could be gym leader.
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

frostwind said:
id like all gym leaders to have lives outside of battling and be an essential part to their towns society (so far so good for b/wC:).
also would it be cool if the sequel was in fact a sequel? itd be around the time of a new trainer to start their journey. the evil team could have familair faces and start a revival. a little girl before could be a top trainer now and a grandson/daughter could be gym leader.
Yeah same here, after you have defeated them, they stay in their gym, do nothing, I want it more like anime, so trainer actually going in there to battle them, or they come out of their gym once in a while, there have been exceptions, but most of the gym leaders stay in their gym until you defeat the E4.
Only G/S and HG/SS felt like a sequel, TR's return, Silver being the son of Giovanni, you battling Red etc. I hope B/W does this
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

^be a sequal? or having gym leader rematches?
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

tyrannitard said:
^be a sequal? or having gym leader rematches?

Maybe, you never know or maybe they might help you on your quest to defeat the bad guys, so like they get information from challengers, and they inform you somehow
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

ive always wondered why the league doesnt help when theres trouble. what if the evil team sends members to start problems in towns? the gym leaders would be trapped and have to focus on protecting their town. i wouldnt even mind if some where kidnapped!
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

i hope there will be a bug gymleader and a dragon one
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

and a dark one as a final gym. i guess there will have to wait for more pokemon so we can see the balance of types then go from there.
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

Playerking95 said:

I think there will be a Gym in hiun because in the bottom of the photo it shows a building with the supposed gym logo where do you thing they will be and what gym types will they be?

Gym 1: Dento's gym is right next to number 10 (Grass)
Gym 2: Aloe's Gym is next to the Lake/pond just next to Sanyou City (Steel)
Gym 3: In Desert (Ground)
Gym 4: In Theme Park above desert (Electric)
Gym 5: In the castle looking thiny next to the lighthouse (Water)
Gym 6: In the Airport next to the B/W mountains (Flying)
Gym 7: In The thing just above the airport but a little to the left (Bug) the honey gym from before.
Gym 8: The Pic that Shimama-man showed (Ice)

I think that's where the gyms are and the types are what I think they are.
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

i have an idea for the theme park gym.
you could go on a roller coaster that stops at a trainer with a switch. do the same but with a trainer on a cariousell thing then a feris wheel. at the end you get on the roller coaster thats now up and running which stops at the gym leader. also what if tp messes with the electricty in the city. then youd team up with the gym leader to stop them
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

I think there will be a normal, grass, steel, electric, bug, ice, ground, and dark type gyms. Where they are, I don't know.
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

i now want in addition to drk drg and grd, a fir elc and stl.

i now want in addition to drk drg and grd, a fir elc and stl. and bug wich is obvious
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

Jayj4 said:
*sigh* I would love that, after the 8 gyms, there are the E4 and then the game gets boring, so there should be small sub-plots after that, or more gyms before the E4

I would LOVE if we had more than 8 gyms.
It goes by too fast, it seems.

I'm loving having 16 gym badges to go for in SoulSilver, with the Kanto region.
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

Ok I some of these I really don't know why I came up with them but whatever lol:
1. Dento: Grass (So many clues point to him being this type)
2. Aloe: Fire (Red outline, shes a cook)
3. Water (This would make it so that no matter what starter you pick there will always be a difficult gym)
#4-8 Can be in any order:
4. Ground (the desert)
5. Bug (Weve already seen the honeycomb gym)
6. Psychic (With the over-abundance of psychic pokemon now i wouldnt be surprised)
7. Dark (Almost garanteed by this point >.>)
8. Poison/Dragon (Both have only been used once as a gym)
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

tyrannitard said:
^ don't start the N is the leader of TP! hasnt it been confirmed wrong? and if N is the leader and the 8th gym leader too, then thats a total ripoff of giovanni!

I think I saw somewhere saying this may be a reboot of the pokemon series, so they could follow the 1st gen principles?

frostwind said:
i have an idea for the theme park gym.
you could go on a roller coaster that stops at a trainer with a switch. do the same but with a trainer on a cariousell thing then a feris wheel. at the end you get on the roller coaster thats now up and running which stops at the gym leader. also what if tp messes with the electricty in the city. then youd team up with the gym leader to stop them

I recall seeing that in a trailer for black and white, the person got on a rollercoaster, then stopped at a trainer. The theme looked Psychic-ish.
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

It's official,It's the second gym.
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

I can almost guarantee everyone that the cave-like feature to the left of the windmills at the top-left of the region map is the Ice-type gym. Why is that, you ask? Take a look at my post at the top of this page. It is apparently in Sekka City, the city shown in the demo, and according to Hellion in that same thread, "Sekka" means 'snowflake'. The gym has gym-like statues in front of it to show that it is a gym. So there you go - I'm willing to bet anything that that is indeed the Ice gym.
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

it probably will be but i think it will be one of those gyms you have to back to
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

I think Dento is grass leader, and so the grass and water types this time really are not a good option against him.
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