BW/BW2 Where will the gyms be & what gym types will there be?

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RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

I just hope that last gym is a grass or bug type, i wanna see some tough grass gym leaders.
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

^dento has been practically confirmed 2b grass type, sorry. and there will be a bug type gym, so we might get that at least
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

Avacado said:
I just hope that last gym is a grass or bug type, i wanna see some tough grass gym leaders.

Well, we had the Trainer Cafe in Pokemon Platinum, so Gardenia's team was toughened up. Same thing happened with the Dojo in HG/SS and Erika.
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

i want a dark gym as the 7th or 8th and dragon right before or after that. maybe a kid/knight who inherited as the drg gym and a mysterious person as the dark? maybe the bug gym is run by a cool ninja? he could have honey traps and pokemon similar to scyther, scizor, ninjask etc(cant happen just examples). what would be really cool is an underwater gym or a gym that takes place way up high in the sky. what about for the possible desert gym it takes place in a tomb/pyramid. it could have a maze with people in coffins who jump out and battle
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

1st dento and maybe 2 others guy grass water and fire
2nd aloe normal
3rd ??? psychic
4th ??? bug
5th ??? poisen
6th ??? ice
7th ??? dragon
8th ??? dark
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

^why would aloe be normal?
im just wondering
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

I honestly believe the names of the cities we know will provide us with clues as to what each city's gym specialises in. For example, "Sekka" means "snowflake" according to Hellion, and its gym looks remarkably like an Ice-type one. "Hiun" apparently has something to do with clouds/sky, so the gym there could be Flying-type. As many people have speculated, the third gym badge (the one that looks like a heart) could represent a feather or something, resembling the Flying-type gym badge, and Hiun City appears to be the 3rd city in the game. By using this logic, I think we will be able to work out what each city's gym types are. So can anyone translate "Sanyou" and "Shippou"?
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

^didnt it have something to do with precious gyms?
if so then maybe aloe is rock or steel type?
steel for her gem carving equipment and rock is self explanitory
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

^ Hmm... Aloe's the second gym leader isn't she? The second gym badge seems more likely to be a bar of steel than anything related to rock. So I guess we can assume (for now) that the second gym is a Steel-type?
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

I join could be the electric type gym actually because if hiun is flying that means it is the 3rd gym. But that forces the desert area to be electric. That just wouldn't be right IMO. So I think there are 3 gyms before hiun
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

Guesses as to name origins:

Hiun City (southern metropolis) = 飛雲, "floating clouds" = Flying (?)
Sekka City (northwestern windmill city) = 雪花, "snowflake" (lit. snow flower) = Ice (?)
San'you City (tall/fancy buildings on eastern peninsula) = 三葉, "three-leaf" = Grass (Dento)
Shippou City (train tracks east of Sky Arrow Bridge) = 七宝, "enamel" = Steel/Fire (?) (Aloe) (Note: 七宝 is an abbreviation of 七宝焼き/shippou-yaki: "cloisonné," an ancient decorative technique of applying enamel, etc. to metalwork objects)
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

rockinpikachu said:
I join could be the electric type gym actually because if hiun is flying that means it is the 3rd gym. But that forces the desert area to be electric. That just wouldn't be right IMO. So I think there are 3 gyms before hiun

There might not even be a gym in the desert. The city behind it is likely to house the 4th gym, and, being an amusement park, it makes perfect sense for the 4th gym to be Electric. ;)

And thanks for translating Kamen no Otoko, I guess that pretty much confirms that Dento (himself) is a Grass-type user and Aloe does indeed like the Steel-type! :)
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

If aloe is steal type she is probably going to have the mole's evolution. I think there should be a dark type gym because he might have a grass, fire, ice, electric, water type gyms. And the types that i listed are the ones most people think are going to happen and the types i mentioned are all eevee evolution typing so maybe the gyms in this game could be reflected on the eeveelutions.
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

Timeshift said:
And thanks for translating Kamen no Otoko, I guess that pretty much confirms that Dento (himself) is a Grass-type user and Aloe does indeed like the Steel-type!

Well, to clarify, I don't know for sure that any of that is accurate. :( I just simply made educated guesses based on what seems most appropriate. My initial guess for San'you was 山陽, which can mean "southern side of the mountains" and is also the name of a region in Japan. I chose 三葉 this time because it's pretty much confirmed that Dento is a Grass-type leader, since he uses Yanappu. I'm also a little hesitant about Aloe using Steel, since it looks like the amusement park city uses robots(?) in one of the videos; there's a good chance that she could be Rock-type, which would also fit with Shippou City's focus on traditional culture and its fancy museum. Her outfit suggests that she is a tradeswoman of sorts, however, and cloisonné is typically done with metal objects, so I thought Steel might be the closest fit.
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

That'd be interesting... but I can't picture her alongside any of the known Gen V Steel type Pokemon. Maybe there are more Steel types to come? TBH, I'm thinking she handles Fire types, just because there was a red shadow placed behind her in the KS art... OR, there are no gyms based on types beyond Dento's gym, and gyms are based on various battle themes instead. For example, the fourth gym could be based on speed (noting the lightning bolt-shaped badge).
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

I honestly considered Fire as a possibility because the pottery is ultimately fired, and Aloe's outfit could be that of someone who operates the kiln. In looking closely at the picture of "Black v. Aloe," one can see two glass cases, undoubtedly exhibits at Shippou City's museum. Could she be a Rock-type leader--an archaeologist-of-sorts?

You make a very good point, though. Perhaps GF has done away with the X-type leader format and gone for a style that more fittingly tests trainers' respective abilities to respond to a variety of situations and use a number of strategies. It makes sense, seeing that the "theme" of Sanyou's Gym is "type compatibility."
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

Yeah, there were some rumors posted (on 2ch.?) that stated the gyms would change in this way. They, had some credibility, too, IIRC. Either way, the idea wouldn't have come about if I hadn't known of the rumors, so I won't press the issue. Still, it's a really fun option to explore, so I like to speculate on it. And I didn't know there was a heating process to the cloissoné... Probably because I didn't know what on earth it was, lol. I just rejected the idea because she asks the protagonist a question about cooking, but she could just ask questions about heating in general.
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

I think honeycomb gym is in the Hiun city. Shape of the 3rd badge and butterfly statues match well. And also the look of Hiun's gym makes me think that way.

RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

^I think you're the first person to post that theory with the badge observation as proof. Good eye. Welcome to Pokebéach, by the way. :)
RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be?

So far, it looks like we might have:


I'm thinking there might be a water, rock or ground gym, because the fire's dominance over these is nuts.
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