Pokemon Which animals missing??

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Do we have a ram? And I like the Leech idea, BTW.

The game has pretty much everything covered, not including specific species. A Centi/Milipede would be cool. The closest thing we're going to get to an actual skeleton is Cubone or Duskull.
Cubone isn't a skeleton, he is wearing a skull and has a thigh bone in his hand...Duskull is...well...not exactly what I mean...by skeleton...

I don't like the leech idea...I know if I caught him I would have puke...it would be a bloodsucking slugma...lol
I definately know, there is know Komodo dragon pokemon and no Koala bear pokemon. PLus i'm not sure if there is a badger fox or sting ray (mantine isn't a stingray, he is a water kite thingy)
BLazikenEXrox said:
I definately know, there is know Komodo dragon pokemon and no Koala bear pokemon. PLus i'm not sure if there is a badger fox or sting ray (mantine isn't a stingray, he is a water kite thingy)

Plz don't say Koala Bear!
It's just a Koala!



Do you see a BEAR!
I don't think so!
ok i went through all 22 pages and i can conclude the real dolphine in the dack and that is kyogre!!!! ftw!!!!
rurashade said:
ok i went through all 22 pages and i can conclude the real dolphine in the dack and that is kyogre!!!! ftw!!!!

Kyogre isn't a dolphine....it's a whale....like Wailmer/Wailord.
Johnonb said:
absol is a mountain goat

rurashade said:
ok i went through all 22 pages and i can conclude the real dolphine in the dack and that is kyogre!!!! ftw!!!!


Agreed with Rick

@LV: it aint a Koala Bear, its Koala. But Yu-Gi-Oh! Cards Dont Proof anything.
Kyogre is a dolphin!? This thread gets weirder each time I check it. Dolphins are supposed to be streamlined so they can swim fast in water. Kyogre has not got the right shaped body.
ok fine so i'm wrong sue me -.-
well thats what i could imagine it so i ahve bad imaginations fine...
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