Why Did You Join PokéBeach?

RE: Why'd you join PokeBeach?

A friend told me to join last summer, so I did. (poor me, this was the first forum I joined, I didn't even notice the introduction thread)
RE: Why'd you join PokeBeach?

I was on smogon and someone was talking about it, I checked it out and I was like dang, this place is so much nicer then any other fansite I have visited. *cough serebii*
RE: Why'd you join PokeBeach?

I got a link from a forum to go to pokebeach for information about pokemon black and white, I ended up lurking these forums everyday, looking at info, looking at boards, etc. etc., Then I thought "Hey, I've been lurking here for a while, why not join?" So I registered, blah blah blah...
RE: Why'd you join PokeBeach?

Because i heard about it on a website and i wanted more info on B/W so i started to look at the "Current Event: Black and White" and then i tried to to join but i didn't know exactly how to enter the letter/numbers on the security check feature before you have an account then finally i got lucky and i haven't regretted joining this site ever since the background is nice and it's such a great place here.
RE: Why'd you join PokeBeach?

Found it ages ago but didn't think of joining because I wasn't much of a forum person. But I thought it would be time I could start discussing many things. Also good website for news. Prefer it much more then Bulbapedia.
RE: Why'd you join PokeBeach?

I joined because Serebii didn't do it for me and I wanted another community, and this was the next one I found.

Honestly, I never knew it existed before then.

EDIT: Now that I think about it, Serebii also makes my computer lag. So it was a laggy forum where people were not very nice. But this one works fine.
RE: Why'd you join PokeBeach?

Through Serebii while I was camping around for new Black/White news a few months ago. And voila I saw the link to here, and what this website provided was more detailed, so I came here to continue my camping lol.
RE: Why'd you join PokeBeach?

Q:How did I find pokebeach?
A: While trying to trade pokemons on serebii wifi chat, someone mentioned pokebeach and got immediatly banned by the mod for mentioning this site. I decided to check it out and found it.

Q: Why I decided to join this community?
A: Pokebeach has the best news related to pokemon. They give clear description, pictures and VIDEOS unlike some sites (ex: serebii). I also admire the WPM's guts on how he runs after pokemon news even though he is not getting no money or nothing. He does it only for his FANS!
RE: Why'd you join PokeBeach?

You got banned for mentioning pokebeach on serebii, they must really hate us lol

Why did I join pokebeach? Because the news is faster and more detailed. :)
RE: Why'd you join PokeBeach?

Hmm, why did I join? I guess it is because PokéBeach inspired me to create PokéStation.
RE: Why'd you join PokeBeach?

I was searching for a pokemon site last month and found pokebeach then a couple days ago I joined.
RE: Why'd you join PokeBeach?

I joined because this place seemed a lot more welcoming than another forum, which will remain nameless. And it was a lot more welcoming.
RE: Why'd you join PokeBeach?

Honestly, it's because of the drama between this place and another that happened a couple days ago :v That and I hadn't been on a Pokemon board in a while.
RE: Why'd you join PokeBeach?

This site is one of the best Pokemon site that I've ever seen. So I guess it'll be good to me to Join instead of not Joining. A lot of nice and cool member are here too. I actually been Browsing this Forum, But when I'm started to like this Forum, I decided to Join and try my best to make many many many many many (Oops too long) Friends.
RE: Why'd you join PokeBeach?

I joined because most of my friends from the game had an account and I had no other way to talk to them. It's also cool how you can check out some new decks roaming the format, but I guess you can do that when you aren't a member too.