BW/BW2 Why do people hate the 5th Gen so much?

Wich Gen had the best Pokemon?

  • Gen 1

    Votes: 26 13.6%
  • Gen 2

    Votes: 39 20.4%
  • Gen 3

    Votes: 47 24.6%
  • Gen 4

    Votes: 28 14.7%
  • Gen 5 (By Pokemon revealed so far)

    Votes: 51 26.7%

  • Total voters
RE: Why do people hate so much the 5th Gen?

i like the cyndaquil line and the others except piplup line and i dont like torchic and combuskin but i chose torchic as my starter because blaziken is awesome
RE: Why do people hate so much the 5th Gen?

Oh no, I just saw Honchkrow mentioned twice. I am going to resist the urge to say anything about my number one most hated Pokemon of all time, the wasted evolution potential of my beloved Murkrow. Otherwise this thread will totally derail offtopic into how much I hate Honchkrow, needless arguments, caps lock, ect.

Let's just say I'd rather have a team of Combusken, Piplup, Pachirusu, Bidoof, Ambipom, and Jigglypuff, then even so much as have a Pokedex entry for Honchkrow -_-

Honestly, I hope that B/W has no evo's or pre-evo's to the past generations. I don't wanna see anymore of my favorites being ruined like Murkrow and Electabuzz T-T

Even though they did also some awesome evolutions like Megayanma, Gliscor, Dusknoir, and Magnezone, it's really a gamble. And I don't wanna see anymore undeserving Pokemon like Lickitung or Aipom getting evolutions either, especially with how nauseating and HIDEOUS Ambipom and Licklicky are.
RE: Why do people hate so much the 5th Gen?

Murkrow and honchkrow were awesome anyway i have to say that i think we should get back on topic and say who knows everyone has different opinions.
RE: Why do people hate so much the 5th Gen?

Tarazuma said:
Oh no, I just saw Honchkrow mentioned twice. I am going to resist the urge to say anything about my number one most hated Pokemon of all time, the wasted evolution potential of my beloved Murkrow. Otherwise this thread will totally derail offtopic into how much I hate Honchkrow, needless arguments, caps lock, ect.

Let's just say I'd rather have a team of Combusken, Piplup, Pachirusu, Bidoof, Ambipom, and Jigglypuff, then even so much as have a Pokedex entry for Honchkrow -_-

Honestly, I hope that B/W has no evo's or pre-evo's to the past generations. I don't wanna see anymore of my favorites being ruined like Murkrow and Electabuzz T-T

Even though they did also some awesome evolutions like Megayanma, Gliscor, Dusknoir, and Magnezone, it's really a gamble. And I don't wanna see anymore undeserving Pokemon like Lickitung or Aipom getting evolutions either, especially with how nauseating and HIDEOUS Ambipom and Licklicky are.
i guess youd hate my diamond team(has honchkrow). it does suck that he lost speed upon evolution. and i felt that electabuzz and magmar didnt deserve evolutions. i agree that ambipom got hit with the ugly stick. and i only want to see evos of previous pokermanz who need them, like farfetch'd and dunsparce among others
RE: Why do people hate so much the 5th Gen?

tyrannitard said:
^ yeah, i think thats what made honchkrow so cool, although i don't like its tail. but cannons don't really go with a turtle
That's like saying wings do not go with a salamander and a giant flower does not go with a frog.
RE: Why do people hate so much the 5th Gen?

rocky505 said:
That's like saying wings do not go with a salamander and a giant flower does not go with a frog.

Charmander isn't a salamander, that's just it's US name. It's Japanese name is Hitokage which means "fire lizard". And Charizard is obviously modeled after a dragon, so it makes sense.

The Bulbasaur line are not exactly based on any earth animals or mythical creatures, they are unique. They are supposed to be a symbiosis of plant and animal. So they also make sense. Their japanese names mean "strange seed", "strange grass" and "strange flower".

Squirtle and Wartortle are modeled after earth turtles, but then Blastoise gains cybernetic water cannons in it's shell out of nowhere, for no good reason. Even from an unbiased perspective, it makes no sense.

Blastoise is the one and only Pokemon I can actually compare to a Digimon. It would be much better suited for it.
RE: Why do people hate so much the 5th Gen?

Gleafeon said:
A Palm tree with legs and coconuts with faces...R-E-A-L-L-Y?!

Hey nowwwww!


i really liked the 2nd and third generation pokemon, 2nd because it was the first time new pokemon were introduced and it was awesome at the time and 3rd just because it had some cool unique pokemon going.

and now this 5th gen looks very promising, cant wait dont know why people question it.
RE: Why do people hate so much the 5th Gen?

exeggutor is based off:

i like the uniqueness of most pokemon of generation 5

Your truly
~Black Rose~
RE: Why do people hate so much the 5th Gen?

Blastoise's cannons may have been derived from the functioning tubes found in mussels and some other shellfish, thus its species name
copied from Bulbagarden Blastoise makes perfect sense now. And Charmander is a Salamander even the origin of it on Bulbagarden says it is. It is based on a fire salamander
RE: Why do people hate so much the 5th Gen?

TheAmazingGrass/SteelUser said:
exeggutor is based off:

Wow, that's amazing, I never knew that! Thanks for sharing!

I always liked Exeggutor, he is such a unique design =)

Btw, Avacado, I love your sig pic, it's so adorable! <3

rocky505 said:
copied from Bulbagarden Blastoise makes perfect sense now. And Charmander is a Salamander even the origin of it on Bulbagarden says it is. It is based on a fire salamander

Oh, that's right. Charmander is based on the mythological creature called a salamander, which is a fire lizard. Not an amphibian like real life salamanders. I got confused for a second.

But that thing about Blastoise makes 0 sense. Blastoise is a reptile, not a shellfish. And how do "functioning tubes" turn into huge man-made-design steel cannons? Blastoise=Digimon.
RE: Why do people hate so much the 5th Gen?

Blastoise's species name is the shellfish pokemon which is where the cannons came from.
RE: Why do people hate so much the 5th Gen?

Oh, wow, you're right. I guess it technically DOES make sense then, but that begs the question of why would they decide to call a giant turtle a shellfish in the first place..
RE: Why do people hate so much the 5th Gen?

^because this is a japanese kids game
and i swear there is an early digimon that looks just like a robo-blastoise
RE: Why do people hate so much the 5th Gen?

You may be thinking of Machinedramon, he's not a turtle, but he has two huge cannons on his back, lol.

RE: Why do people hate so much the 5th Gen?

And unlike blastoise don't think he'll be shooting water out of his cannons but yeah blastoise with the canons was kind of weird. Anyway, i have no idea why anyone would hate the whole 5th generations it's awesome.
RE: Why do people hate so much the 5th Gen?

color it blue than imagine it with a shell
you can defiantly see it than

Your truly
~Black Rose~

well kinda...

Your truly (again)
~Black Rose~
RE: Why do people hate so much the 5th Gen?

Tarazuma said:
You may be thinking of Machinedramon, he's not a turtle, but he has two huge cannons on his back, lol.


thats exactly the one i was thinking of, just android-ify it and give it a shell and you have a blastoise
RE: Why do people hate so much the 5th Gen?

Timeshift said:
I just find it funny how most people were disgusted at Desukan's design when it was first revealed, and now all of a sudden everyone's in love with it. Same goes for Mijumaru. Isn't it weird how someone's opinion can change just like that *clicks fingers*.

I have always LOVED mijumaru and Deskugan. As soon as I saw deskugan's backsprite I was in love with him. It all started because I was reading the book the red pyramid at the time, which is bases on egypitian mythology. As for Mijumaru, I have loved him ever since Gamefreak announced he was a sea otter. You see, my mom is in love with sea otters, so they have kind of grown on me. Neither of these pokemon I have ever hated or ever will.
RE: Why do people hate so much the 5th Gen?

Pokemon is going to change as the years progress. People are going to have their opinions on the subject regardless of what others say. Some will like it, others will hate it; but the truth remains those people will still play it. Most, if not a good majority, of the people here in the States that complain/don't complain will play the games because they are fans.

My personal opinion though is that I love the 5th generation. Every pokemon looks unique and isn't branched off from some first generation pokemon like the Sinnoh region. I liked all the games, but by far with the graphic designs, the new battling system, the enhanced images, and the pokemon make it look totally awesome to say the least. =)
RE: Why do people hate so much the 5th Gen?

I'm not completely generalising here, just, yeah. But from experiences in the real world I've noticed that it seems to be the people who haven't been with Pokémon since the start who are anti-5th generation - and 4th generation too. Not entirely sure why but perhaps it's got something to do with the amount of time people spend on the games?

I'm happy to see the series progress, and to be fair I don't think the changes between each generation have been that drastic for people to moan and rant about. It's really just another petty thing that the haters are gonna hate, regardless of whether they're actually good games or not.

Of course if the game developers completely butchered the series with a new generation I'm going to feel slightly disappointed, but I'm not going to boycott the games - it's just preposterous.