Pokemon Why does everyone hate Pokémon?

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in my school I think the anime is actually completey to blame for its masive unpopularity. I am the only one who actually cares for pokemon. If it somehow gets metioned in my school then all people will start to slag it something serious all becuase of the anime. I really hate it.
I never hear people say bad things about Pokemon in my High School. I often hear people talk about how they used to play or watch it, and some people still do. People who do hate Pokemon probably hate it because it's for kids. But they shouldn't be making fun of it because I'm sure that they loved it at some point too.
Fridge said:
I'm quite lucky. I got a bit of abuse in primary school, but 99.9% of people have never commented. Most people in secondary school don't even KNOW what pokemon is :/ Anyways, THe first popular dismissed it, and the rest followed. Its a shame, because thinking about it, pokemon has done a lot worse than it should have done. Its tagert audience, wasn't geeks, and everyone used to play it when it first came out. I guess that people have to move on with fasion anyway.


Seriously, Fridge. Your school must be messed up. =P
Practically everyone has heard of pokemon. At least everyone our age group.

LordZapdos said:
The anime used to be good when Pikachu shocked Ash and charizard did nothing but sleep. Now every Pokemon is Ash's friend and instead of catching Pokemon he ASKS Pokemon to come with him. THIS made Pokemon gay.

I do agree that the anime isn’t really what it used to be, but if you recall, he’s asked pokemon to join him since the beginning. =/
Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle were all asked to accompany him. True, he did battle Bulbasaur, but he still battles pokemon he captures now too.

And please, don’t call it gay. It’s just silly to use gay as an insult.
Besides, a show can’t be gay in the first place. =/

Flygon Jedi Master said:
The anime is the problem. The show is designed for eight year olds, and it gives Pokémon a bad image. I think that if we could just get rid of the anime, everything would stop, and people would be able to just enjoy a great card game and a great RPG.

That’s untrue. The show was never designed for eight year olds.
Like all aspects of pokemon, it was designed for pretty much anyone to watch.

Though I do agree that the show has become a bit childish. I believe this may be partly Pokemon USA’s fault.
Think about it. People of all sorts of ages watch it in Japan. My theory is that the American dubbers have just dubbed it so that it’s a little more aimed towards kids.

So perhaps it is aimed for children, but only in the English dub?

Oh, and I seriously doubt any abuse would stop if the anime did. Personally, people laugh when I tell them that I just bought the latest pokemon game, or that I managed to fill my pokedex.
So what I’m saying is, if the anime is to blame, it’s not the only factor. People will just make fun of it because they view it as childish.

Everyone, please ignore the people that make fun of you for liking pokemon. Who are they to tell you what you should and shouldn’t like in the first place? =/
Heck, they probably secretly like “Hello Kitty” or something. (No offence intended to anyone who actually likes Hello Kitty.)
The anime definetly killed pokemon. Also, If you go to a friends house who "doesn't like pokemon", I can almost guarentee they still have a binder in their closet or under their bed that they look at now and then. But the anime completey ruined it. Its about a 95% laugh at my school.

Also, Mnay people classify pokemon with digimon, yu-gi-oh, and bakugan which are even more childish. And the whole game has a kind of nerdy kick to it. No offence pokebeach members. But it does a little bit.
Sheesh, why does everyone think it's the anime's fault? The anime is what made Pokemon so popular in America in the first place.
Yes, it's childish, but so is everything else about Pokemon. :p
Note»I can't write in color frm the Internet Channel.

Sorry guys, but it is the amine's fault. I tried watching it a little while ago, and it looked pretty gay to me. If the amine was more hard core, it might not seem so “gay”.
meowth14 said:
Sheesh, why does everyone think it's the anime's fault? The anime is what made Pokemon so popular in America in the first place.
Yes, it's childish, but so is everything else about Pokemon. :p

^True words.
I mean, loads of people got into pokemon through the anime in the first place like meowth14 just said. =/

So maybe the anime isn't really to blame.

Or here's a thought.
Maybe people don't like it becasue they liked it when they were kids. In other words, they think it's childish because it is something that they enjoyed as a child, and don't want to be associated with something that they liked back then because they think it makes them seem like a child.

I don't know.. I'm rambling on a little. >>

Flygon Jedi Master said:
Note»I can't write in color frm the Internet Channel.

Sorry guys, but it is the amine's fault. I tried watching it a little while ago, and it looked pretty gay to me. If the amine was more hard core, it might not seem so “gay”.

What do you mean by hardcore?
Like I said before the anime is basically aimed towards everybody.
I mean, if you want more violence or something, that can't really happen can it?

And please stop calling it gay. >.>
If it seems childish to you, have a look at a japanese episode. I'm sure there may be some differences in the styles.
I think the problem is the anime... or at least the dubbed version. The viewpoints on how childish Ash seems as a... what... 12+ year old makes the show look so immature.

The Japanese version... I think they portrayed it much better.
@Staraptor - Violence would bring it up a notch. If the morale/friendship lessons were taken out, it would be better. The amine is not aimed towards everyone. It is aimed towards the 8 year old age group (in the U.S. at least), as that is where Pokémon makes it's money. Keep in mind that there are actually 4 Pokémon aspects. TCG, Video Games, Amine, and huge corporation that just wants to make money.

Note: I got off the stupid Internet Channel!
Yes, I'm pretty sure it's the show's fault. Even though it's aimed at 8-year olds, they should know that other people (like us) would prefer a less-lame anime. They would make a lot more money if the show was better. And pokemon is a fun hobby of mine, be it TCG or video games. And I don't mind talking about it to my friends, because I know we've all know each other for a long time, and we respect each other's hobbies and such. As long as YOU like pokemon, don't let anybody change your mind about it.
Nuff' said.
ShadowLugia said:
Yes, I'm pretty sure it's the show's fault. Even though it's aimed at 8-year olds, they should know that other people (like us) would prefer a less-lame anime. They would make a lot more money if the show was better. And pokemon is a fun hobby of mine, be it TCG or video games. And I don't mind talking about it to my friends, because I know we've all know each other for a long time, and we respect each other's hobbies and such. As long as YOU like pokemon, don't let anybody change your mind about it.
Nuff' said.

Hey, what if they made the Pokémon series more like the Yu-Gi-Oh! Series, but still keep the original goal, and then throw in some traits in from other anime like Dragonball Z for the Pokémon battles. Wouldn't that be better?

Just a theory.
Yes, that is a good theory. Pikachu could go super saiyan 3. :)
Just kidding. The yu-gi-oh! series, unlike pokemon, got better as it went along, and from the small amount of episodes that I have watched, it has a good plot and actually kept me into the show, whereareas pokemon is basically the same thing over and over again, although those 2-3 losses to the battle pyramid guy were unexpected. I really just can't get in to it anymore.
People tend to hate Pokémon because they don't want others to find out they like/liked it.
Pokemon is looked down apon for a few reasons:
The anime sux
The anime IS a kiddy show
Everything with the same name as a kiddy show "must" be kiddy

I've found a cool trick to getting people to accept you as a pokemon person:
1. Mention that you made a little bit of money off of a "card game" when the topic fits
2. Mention that you are aiming for (or got) a scholarship from this same card game
3. When asked, say that card game is Pokemon
The entire world loved Pokemon at some point. I stopped watching the Anime after the 3rd Generation, because after that it seemed a bit boring. But a good ten years has gone by, and I realized it was a big part of my childhood, and I used to love it like crazy. So I gave it another chance. Emerald got me back into this wonderful series again.

As for the people in my high school, they really don't seem to care about it all THAT much. I mean heck, my good friends still play the games and talk about the Anime all the time. It brings back good memories, and there's nothing wrong with that.
I was pretty lucking. I grew up in a really small school, there was only 54 students in my graduating class. We all where close so none of them made fun of me, (it also helped that I played sports) but I remember when it first came out, everyone was playing it. Everyone knows I play it so I haven't gotten that much bashing.
I am in 8th grade and I somehow got in with the cool kids in 7th grade, so I have to pretend I don't know it exists, just to stay popular. I also belive the fact that it is the anime's fault and the fact that the main mascot pokemon is something that looks like a plush toy which is why it isn't cool after like 3rd grade. I also feel that if the mascot pokemon was something that looked cool(maybe dialga or groudon) you would have less people calling it gay.
I feel that most people respected the first generation of Pokemon, they were all simple and based on real life, I was joking around with a friend who doesn't know that I play. He started talking about his cousing who plays the game, and he started to make fun of the newer generations. He had a point Pokemon like Dialga are totally out of place, compared to a humble Bee, Dialga is just funny looking, and the idea behind it is fairly weird too.
I am in 8th grade and I somehow got in with the cool kids in 7th grade, so I have to pretend I don't know it exists, just to stay popular. I also belive the fact that it is the anime's fault and the fact that the main mascot pokemon is something that looks like a plush toy which is why it isn't cool after like 3rd grade. I also feel that if the mascot pokemon was something that looked cool(maybe dialga or groudon) you would have less people calling it gay.

"Be yourself is the key." -R7

If they don't like you for who you are, forget them. If none of the PokeBeachers didn't like me for who I was, I wouldn't be here today. Look. I talk about pokemon daily. I'm fine. Little kids like me. Friends nod and respect my diffrence. Go out and talk about pokemon, this goes for everyone. I'm not saying be weird and talk about it waaay to much. I'm saying don't be afraid.
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