Pokemon Why does everyone hate Pokémon?

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It's actually kinda weird at my school now; people have started pulling out their Golds and Silvers to play randomly ._. Guess they don't "hate" it, but they probably don't like the GBA/DS styled ones, though.
Rozy said:
The entire world loved Pokemon at some point. I stopped watching the Anime after the 3rd Generation, because after that it seemed a bit boring. But a good ten years has gone by, and I realized it was a big part of my childhood, and I used to love it like crazy. So I gave it another chance. Emerald got me back into this wonderful series again.

As for the people in my high school, they really don't seem to care about it all THAT much. I mean heck, my good friends still play the games and talk about the Anime all the time. It brings back good memories, and there's nothing wrong with that.

At first I didn't care much for Pokemon after I played Pokemon Blue and Yellow on my Gameboy Color back in the late 90's, but when the Pokemon anime aired the Battle Frontier series it got me back into Pokemon again and I couldn't help but get hooked watching the anime, sure it's not as great as some people view it, I still think it's a pretty great anime series regardless of what other people think.

Last year I started playing the Pokemon TCG and I got hooked onto it and my little sister has gotten into the Pokemon franchise as well. She even has a huge collection of cards as she just collects she doesn't play the TCG like I do though. Just recently we both got into the Pokemon Diamond & Pearl games for the Nintendo DS, she's got the Diamond version while I got the Pearl version.

I think one thing that got both me and my sister into Pokemon alot is that we're both animal lovers and we sort of get it from our grandfather (whose dead but it's a long story) I didn't know him that well and he didn't raise me as a child like my step-grandfather did who I think of as a father figure to me cause my birth parent's got divorced when I was real young until my mom got remarried to my stepfather whose another father figure of mine as well.

Me and my friends at my hobby store hold Pokemon League, tournies, and sometimes talk about the anime series but not as much even though I get my episode fix on YouTube these days. We also got into the DS games and they're pretty fun actually.

Pokemon has a philosophical nature to it, some of which is based on Zionism, other reasons that make it interesting is that it's based on real world myths and legends, animals, paranorma, and nature in general. All in all it's just fascinating but it's still important to accept the love of the real world animals as well which we all cherish.
im 17 years old and a jock/normy/emo kid in my school and people dont talk shit on the poke's cause they know i enjoy the games and tcg. if they cant respect my wishes they will have no friends cause everyone loves me more than them. all i have to say is learn to respect other peoples right to do what they enjoy or someday youll get your fun bashed and destroyed by the same friends you got for saying poke's uncool
{D} trainer for life
Kids by this age are more exposed to the anime then the games. There are also those that don't play video games at all. People are more interested in the X-box 360 and PS3 than the Wii (but more importantly, the DS and other handhelds). They never played the games like Gold or Silver and definitely not the old school ones like Red, Blue, and Yellow.

Combine that with the children's anime and people are going to bash Pokemon. I'm not sure "out growing it" is really the main reason.
People in my area mock you for liking it starting in 5th grade, but I noticed that in high school, people stop caring as much. It seems that everygody reaches the maturity age around 9th grade.
In my last 7 years, from Elementary to current High School, I have never been made fun of for liking Pokemon.
In fact in middle school no one even cared that me and some of my friends liked Pokemon. But for some reason this stupid boy made fun of me for liking Dragon ball z.
But now in high school, I have like 14 friends that still play Pokemon games, even though they say the newer generation is sort of crappy, they still have diamond and pearl.

So I have been OK for most of my life.
In middle school and elementary school, nobody makes fun of me. In fact, even the people who don't play encourage me to become better and beat everybody.

I guess in some places, people like or do not like it. It depends.
PokeMaster619 said:
In middle school and elementary school, nobody makes fun of me. In fact, even the people who don't play encourage me to become better and beat everybody.

I guess in some places, people like or do not like it. It depends.

what?in our school we can't play pokemon TCG 'couse they always throw your cards or say "pokemon" like in the series.You are a lucky man.
The English dub of the anime combined with the way Pokémon's marketed towards younger kids in the US makes it looks like it was made for little kids, which it's not. However, I'm really lucky, because at my school, nearly everyone is either a fan or indifferent towards Pokémon (several of my friends are big competitive players). I was even able to wear a Dialga/Palkia t-shirt (which has the same design as this DS) to school without getting any strange looks.
Well at my school there was a kid who wore a pokemon and then got beat up after school. I didn't know the kid but felt kind of sorry for him because I knew that could've been me.
People get beat up at your school for enjoying Pokemon??? That's rough. Good luck.

The anime is a good reason for why people might dislike Pokemon. It does seem like it's aimed towards kids. If the series today was the only part of Pokemon that I'd seen, I probably wouldn't like it, either. However, if people are mocked or beat up because they like it, it would definately stop people from enjoying Pokemon as much as possible. Or maybe they just don't like Pokemon, for no reason.
infmach said:
PokeMaster619 said:
In middle school and elementary school, nobody makes fun of me. In fact, even the people who don't play encourage me to become better and beat everybody.

I guess in some places, people like or do not like it. It depends.

what?in our school we can't play pokemon TCG 'couse they always throw your cards or say "pokemon" like in the series.You are a lucky man.

I get to play Pokemon whenever I want in school, one time, I even played a few times during class.
I'v played from R/B/Y to S/G never played C, then i stopped. this was about 7th or 8th grade, though i did keep up my Pokemon in privet. When i got in to High School early on you might get made fun of but around 11 12 grade no one cared. My last year at high school i always brought my ds along to play in classes i knew i could get away with it and no one bothered me. Actually some of the jock/ "cool" kids even wanted to play a couple of round of elite four.

I would play D/p out side before school started with a couple of my friends. Though i am now the biggest pokemon enthusiast out of my fiend now, i still like to talk about it.

I did not play S/R/E tell my girlfriend reintroduced me. it was kind of funny, i was at her house and i saw that she had an SP out so i flipped it open and turned it on. Low and behold it was Ruby. I said " you like Pokemon too?" (more excited then her) and she said ya, so we have been playing ever since.

Yes i will have to agree that the show did ruin it, but I still tivo all the episodes : )

I also don't like how people use "gay" as a negative term or derogatory term. I stopped saying stuff was gay when i got to high school and i made friends with gay people, they found it offensive, and now so do i.
Dont worry about them they just think that because they can say the word gay it makes them cool. Ask them if they liked pokemon as a kid im guessing they would shuffle around a bit and say "er... well." Pokemon rocks so better have fun with it.

No, in high school, it seems that kids have come to terms and respect it. They have nostalgia about it, which is cool. <3
I think Pokemon is unpopular because of two reasons: the anime, and Ruby/Sapphire. I don't know what the anime is but bad. I watched it tons when I was in 1st-4th grade, but that was out of the DP series. It was OK. But, when the DP anime came out, that was horrible. Ash's voice wasn't the best, and it was too childish. AND there was also problems. In the Maid Cafe episode, you would find Ash wearing a maid's clothes, along with the Pokemon (Brock doesn't count.)

Ruby and Sapphire was practicaly the worst moment of Pokemon. Face it, the 2nd generation was far more popular than the third generation. In Ruby/Sapphire, every good thing from the second generation was taken away in the 3rd generation. This badness made people not want to watch the anime, and all of this led to the fact that DP was not so popular. I think that some people just couldn't trust Pokemon anymore.
Have to make a rebuttal~

The anime is what MADE Pokemon for me when I was a child, and sure, it's childish, but when you actually take the time and re-watch the dub, you find that it was actually quite cleverly written. I don't think the anime was a negative factor, in fact, it's highly positive; a lot of the people who watched the anime went on to play the TCG or play the video games. So I wouldn't blame the anime, I mean, just because people are close-minded and still trying to deal with puberty. If you can't make 'em play, then forget about them. They're better off doing something else.

As for Ruby and Sapphire, that was absolutely my favorite generation because... I mean, there was still aspects of the GBC, but it was so fast! The gameplay was so smooth and quick, in fact, it was a turn-off when I first played Diamond and everyone was soooo slow. It was such a relief to get that speed back in Platinum, but anyway. And the Pokemon designs were so great, and... OKAY I just loved my Pokemon, but I still lurved that game.

Why would everyone hate it? Because they are trying to grow up too fast and want to try and "be cool", when essentially it's just about as cool as Halo or whatever other dumb games are out there...
Cool is in the mind on the beholder, if you think its cool then it is. I personally don't see any thing cool or interesting about Halo. But I love Warhammer and Warhammer 40k(which is like Halo, kind of but not really). If I could I'd dress up as some of the characters just for fun, but I don't have the time nor the money to make it outfits : ( .
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