Pokemon Why does everyone hate Pokémon?

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Haha, I was "made fun of" because of pokemanz for the entire time I was in elementary/middle school. Pretty much everyone hated it/lost interest in it. Also, being the one to sit in the corner reading all day didn't help, either, so don't really take my word for it. :D That was quite a while ago (I still read a lot, though, haha), and now I'm noticing that people are starting to pull out their old TCG cards from the Base Set and so on, and a gameboy will come out now and again. The card "battles" can get pretty loud and funny sometimes. In fact, the drummer in the rock band played the original opening theme. ;P The fad is dying down again, and the group that started playing it again went back to playing SSB on their laptops. :p I've only ever mentioned liking the original, which is pretty much true up until G/S/C, but I've said nothing about the newer versions (I'm already considered "emo" or "goth" and whatnot, lol.) If it really bothers you, just keep it to yourself. But, true friends will never actually say anything mean to you about still liking pokemon. Just relax. :p
The people who hate Pokemon are jealous that the people who are playing Pokemon ARE doing something to pass the time...
At my school, Pokemon is plain hated as if it killed them twice in previous lives in very painful ways... No one can talk about Pokemon without being hit or kicked. ( o.o; ) Seriously; it's really bad except for a few good sports...

So the word "Pokemon" means "Beat me up!" at my school, basically... :( I know it's horribly worded, but...yeah...
AT my school, we will randomly break out singing the Pokemon themesong. Which is really fun. But other then that, you just don't talk about it, because no one has any interest. But no one would beat you up over it...that would suck >.>
Well, if you're going to ask that question you also have to ask why people hate nerds, geeks, homos, goths, Asians, blacks, Mexicans, Indians, Care Bears, Disney Movies, Communism, terrorism, and anything else. They hate different things for different reasons and you can't generalize these things. People will always have different views on things. In the case of Pokemon, it's viewed as childish and immature because of its image and how it's labeled. I mean, people always think Communism is a bad thing and always tie it with Hitler and the Nazis while in fact it's really just a crazy idea with good intentions that works on paper but not on real life. We've put the image of the Nazis and Hitler on Communism and labeled it as pure evil, while in fact it may be something completely different.

The point is, people like to fit in and be accepted, and to do that they adopt the common ideas (like Communism being a hellish evil) that everyone else has. Now, in direct relation to Pokemon, people usually think of the anime, which is labeled as childish and immature. The anime is the stormfront of the Pokemon franchise and the most known form of "Pokemonism" (ZOMG new word!) and the most widely accepted image of Pokemon, so people tend to think that the image provided by the anime is what Pokemon is all about. Once someone or a group of someones think that Pokemon is childish, it starts spreading until the idea is widely accepted.

For example, if someone at school starts denouncing pepperoni pizza, and that person is well respected, then that idea will spread because humans naturally want to come together and be of one mind. People value what others think of them and their images are very important. I'm sure that we obsess about our image and how people think of us.

I could go into deep detail about this stuff, but I'm wanting to sleep now, so I'll summarize everything in a sentence.

Summary: Pokemon is hated because people believe that the image Pokemon gives is not going to improve your image but will downgrade it.
Renzo said:
Well, if you're going to ask that question you also have to ask why people hate nerds, geeks, homos, goths, Asians, blacks, Mexicans, Indians, Care Bears, Disney Movies, Communism, terrorism, and anything else. They hate different things for different reasons and you can't generalize these things. People will always have different views on things. In the case of Pokemon, it's viewed as childish and immature because of its image and how it's labeled. I mean, people always think Communism is a bad thing and always tie it with Hitler and the Nazis while in fact it's really just a crazy idea with good intentions that works on paper but not on real life. We've put the image of the Nazis and Hitler on Communism and labeled it as pure evil, while in fact it may be something completely different.

The point is, people like to fit in and be accepted, and to do that they adopt the common ideas (like Communism being a hellish evil) that everyone else has. Now, in direct relation to Pokemon, people usually think of the anime, which is labeled as childish and immature. The anime is the stormfront of the Pokemon franchise and the most known form of "Pokemonism" (ZOMG new word!) and the most widely accepted image of Pokemon, so people tend to think that the image provided by the anime is what Pokemon is all about. Once someone or a group of someones think that Pokemon is childish, it starts spreading until the idea is widely accepted.

For example, if someone at school starts denouncing pepperoni pizza, and that person is well respected, then that idea will spread because humans naturally want to come together and be of one mind. People value what others think of them and their images are very important. I'm sure that we obsess about our image and how people think of us.

I could go into deep detail about this stuff, but I'm wanting to sleep now, so I'll summarize everything in a sentence.

Summary: Pokemon is hated because people believe that the image Pokemon gives is not going to improve your image but will downgrade it.
You were a little off Hitler was a fascist, and Stalin was a communist.
TehQiGl said:
Have to make a rebuttal~

The anime is what MADE Pokemon for me when I was a child, and sure, it's childish, but when you actually take the time and re-watch the dub, you find that it was actually quite cleverly written. I don't think the anime was a negative factor, in fact, it's highly positive; a lot of the people who watched the anime went on to play the TCG or play the video games. So I wouldn't blame the anime, I mean, just because people are close-minded and still trying to deal with puberty. If you can't make 'em play, then forget about them. They're better off doing something else.

As for Ruby and Sapphire, that was absolutely my favorite generation because... I mean, there was still aspects of the GBC, but it was so fast! The gameplay was so smooth and quick, in fact, it was a turn-off when I first played Diamond and everyone was soooo slow. It was such a relief to get that speed back in Platinum, but anyway. And the Pokemon designs were so great, and... OKAY I just loved my Pokemon, but I still lurved that game.

Why would everyone hate it? Because they are trying to grow up too fast and want to try and "be cool", when essentially it's just about as cool as Halo or whatever other dumb games are out there...

Absolutly right, the pokemon anime was and is awesome, as for ruby and saphire, ruby was the first game I got and it rocked, so did the anime.
Hitler was a commie and Stalin was Facist was what I was told. In my example, Hitler is labeled as Communist.
No, Nazi stands for National Socialists. Hitler's first political victims were the communist. Everyone hated the communists in <1950, so he's definitely not one of them. Russia and China would be prime examples of communism even if they're comlpetely different forms.
Renzo said:
Hitler was a commie and Stalin was Facist was what I was told. In my example, Hitler is labeled as Communist.

No problem, just good to get facts straight.

xanaseviper said:
TehQiGl said:
Have to make a rebuttal~

The anime is what MADE Pokemon for me when I was a child, and sure, it's childish, but when you actually take the time and re-watch the dub, you find that it was actually quite cleverly written. I don't think the anime was a negative factor, in fact, it's highly positive; a lot of the people who watched the anime went on to play the TCG or play the video games. So I wouldn't blame the anime, I mean, just because people are close-minded and still trying to deal with puberty. If you can't make 'em play, then forget about them. They're better off doing something else.

As for Ruby and Sapphire, that was absolutely my favorite generation because... I mean, there was still aspects of the GBC, but it was so fast! The gameplay was so smooth and quick, in fact, it was a turn-off when I first played Diamond and everyone was soooo slow. It was such a relief to get that speed back in Platinum, but anyway. And the Pokemon designs were so great, and... OKAY I just loved my Pokemon, but I still lurved that game.

Why would everyone hate it? Because they are trying to grow up too fast and want to try and "be cool", when essentially it's just about as cool as Halo or whatever other dumb games are out there...

Absolutly right, the pokemon anime was and is awesome, as for ruby and saphire, ruby was the first game I got and it rocked, so did the anime.

Ruby rocks! Its what got me back in to Pokemon. Though I still love silver, I wish my silver was not corrupted : ( .
I never hated pokemon, and i still play it. i know everything about it, i'm 13, and i'm still crazy about it. some people grow up and got over it, but me, i haven't got over yet. for now, i'm still very crazy about it xD
Last year (7th Grade) a lot of people would make fun of anyone who liked it. I got picked on a lot because I had a friend that leaked out information. This year (8th Grade) no one even knows I still play but every time it's mentioned everyone just gets a good laugh and say I remember that and sing a little of the theme song and that's it. I don't go to a mature school either. I'm not even mature yet. Even if someone made fun of me for it, (which they won't cause I'm a jock) I wouldn't care.
LucarioXFroslass said:
At my school, Pokemon is plain hated as if it killed them twice in previous lives in very painful ways... No one can talk about Pokemon without being hit or kicked. ( o.o; ) Seriously; it's really bad except for a few good sports...

So the word "Pokemon" means "Beat me up!" at my school, basically... :( I know it's horribly worded, but...yeah...

My friend,I completely understand you.The other thing about pokemon is that they call me nerd when I actually play a lot of sports.I do not think that everyone here is a nerd,you must do sports,watch action and regular movies.Read good books,be smart,not to be RECORDING Star Trek like the usual Big Bang Theory guys.
i dont get made fun of for playinng pokemon probebly because people know not to mess with me or i will kick there @$$
any ways it doesnt matter what people at your school thinks i mean this website gives you a chance to meet other pokemon fans and any ways it doesn't matter what others think its what you think
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