Why is Arceus having success at BR's

It's not even close to done :)
My favorite part of playing arceus is figuring out new ways to deal with situations.
I think Arceus is bad, and not really good. Haven't seen it ran since last year.
Arceus is great and people are being ignorant against anything that isn't SP or remotely unique for that matter...
Arceus can (and frequently does) beat the current format's top decks.

Player skill determines whether or not you succeed. The plays and techs are there. I firmly believe that Arceus and Dialga G SP are the two most skill intensive decks. Most of your matches are 50/50, a solid opening and some good player practice go a long way. Sometimes you will have to fight uphill and play better than your opponent because the deck is not forgiving of mistakes.
Arceus is good. Having an agro attacker hiting for about 50+ and most likely weakness advantage is amazing. You don't get walled easily, and all of your Pokemon are able tanks.

I agree.
Although I personally i'm falling out of favor with Arceus for two reasons
Machamp= autoloss. Psychic Arceus helps but you can't keep up w/ their rapid pace especially w/ T1 Champ.

Dialga G LV.X-No bodies, so it is more difficult to kill things, plus you have to level up to avoid being OHKO'd.
amphachu-i actually have read that report and was surprised, but still i think that vs. DGX decks you got kinda lucky. and apparently the Machamp person misplayed. Yeah i don't think i'd get that lucky, i think i could beat them once or twice but my whole metagame is going to be D-chomp+LL stuff+Machamp variants.
She still had 2 Machamps out on her 2nd turn. Yea, the misplay probably saved me the game, but I still went through 2 straight Machamps and a Donphan.
True, but i've found in my testing ANY deck can go through 2 champs(well the phan is a problem for SP w/out Frosty) but it seems to be getting through 3, but that's just my opinion.
IDK if i'll play arceus but i won't want to play against it.
Dude, Macheap vs Arceus is Macheap vs SPs. If they get enough out before you can do much, then you lose. I beat KingChamp with Arceus at worlds because I kept Macheap off the field. Sure, they got out, but not enough to win. Arceus vs Dialga means you go agro-Arceus and use the Lv.X to pump yourself up and hit Garchomps for weakness. It's just a really fun match when both players know what they're doing.

lol Froslass for Donphan.

That's what i was trying to say, but it just came out jumbledish.

Also Arceus IMO should be tier one @ CC's.

I think that's almost a given, but we'll see.
I guess if you can drop Arceus from your hand to anywhere, it would work fine versus Gengar Prime. But..what about Palkia? xP

At least we don't have lost world to deal with if the gym scans are right. That should mean less lost zone garbage seeing play.
So much for everyone worrying about a shift in the metagame when that stadium was announced.

I recommend any playtesting circle to add an Arceus deck. Playing it and understanding it might be important when CC comes around.
Arceus is useful, but see's it's end against mewtwo. just saying. cya

P.S. untill it gets a 120 slap across the face, arceus is still owned.