Why is Arceus having success at BR's

I dont get why people like rescue so much :/. I find one palmers with trainer search is all the recovery I need with all the pokemon and energys I run. Also late game i find certain types of arceus don't matter as much as long as I can sky spear for the last 2-3 prizes.I guess I kinda followed in garchomp Cs footsteps there XD. Also why switch. If you have a lot of special conditions in your meta i under stand but if not then why? Arceus has that awsome 1 retreat cost. BTW if you wana see my list I'm not very secretive :p Even if you don't copy it's still nice to compare notes XD It's a fun deck that makes you think out new strategies which is exactly why I'm playing it. I'm very happy people have taken interest in it! ^.^
Hey guys, I just found a great way to counter Arceus. Remember Ditto from Triumphant, it only allows the opponent to have a 4 card bench. With a 4 card bench, the Colorless Arceus can't Ripple Swell! If you get this out on a Arceus early, they will have a hard time catching up.
^Well, Yes and no

Yes, it can limit the Bench and prevent Arceus from using Ripple Swell. However, no, since it won't prevent Arceus from sniping Ditto, then using Ripple Swell.
Not to mention Arceus often gets a ripple swell T1, likely before you get Ditto out, and Arceus can also set up and win without ripple swell.

@Porygon Z.0 I mainly run Rescue because I use Unown R for much-appreciated drawpower, normally I'd use 2 rather than 4. Switch is just plain useful and better than Warp Point in this deck. I do have 2 Unown Q but not that many energy to spare in the deck so I don't like retreating without one.
I think the ditto option might only work on Arceus deck focused on ripple swell.

A flexible arceus deck willl probably start OHKOing whatever pokemon you have, snipe or not, by turn 3.
@ meaty-me and you seem to have very different decks. I guess it shows the many ways arceus can be run. Also that ditto isn't going to be used imo :/. a 40 HPed basic that barly does anything and takes up one of your own bench spaces. No thank you.
lol I like how you say Arceus will get out 6 Arceus before 1 Ditto.

Arceus doesn't need to Ripple Swell, ya know. It likes to, so it'll kill Dittos when it can.

Yeah I can get 6 Arceus ebfore they get a Ditto. They'll probably run 1 or 2 while I have 10 Arceus in my deck that I can start with and search out with Collector and Beginning Door. And as you said, anyone who thinks Arceus NEEDS Ripple Swell is misguided.
@Meaty - Can you please explain to me how you use Arceus without Ripple Swell.

Anything you try to attack with will require at least 2 energy to use (two turns). Also if you are are trying to attack for weakness you are going to have to switch your active Arceus. Then you have to get the Energy on him. Then you have to have the right energy to do any attacks.

I am not attacking you, I am actually asking for advice.
The card that was a difference maker when I faced a Arceus deck was Pokemon Collector. One of those, and you're done after Ripple Swell and Ultimate Zone also. Way faster than I could have ever imagined.:p
I can tell you how you use Arceus without ripple swell. Expert belt, Ultimate Zone, attach, level up, and snipe Garchomps :3

Do you know how easy it is to search out one basic pokemon from your deck?

You all keep saying to snipe Garchomps and use Ultimate Zone, but you do have to get them attached first. You discard all three of those energies, so that's three turns to power up each snipe. 2 with DCE. I just see its energy as slow without Ripple Swell.
Why is only colorless arceus the focus?
I run with 5 omni lvx, so the constant mix of Type and Attack play heavily into Arceus's success. Done right l, you can OHKO a couple things with a sky spear tossed in if needed. When everything gets OHKO'ed, there's nothing for Garchomp to heal.
Every turn, Arceus should be playing energy from the hand (unless it ripple swelled, then it might not have 1 every turn). After a few turns, there will be plenty of energy to take a shot or two at the opponent's bench.

It can probably be debated all day, but Arceus's real power lays with the player making good, solid decisions to counter an opponent's moves and potential future moves.
I'm sorry. Without ripple swell it will take two turns to do even the weakest of attacks. You can't even make sure you have the right energy to do the right attack, even with Omni X.

It will take three turns to attack with any real force even at x2 weakness. On the other hand SP decks, which I do not play, are usually doing 60-80 turn 2 at the latest.
Its really much more simple than it may seem. I run 3 different basic energy, rainbow, dce and warp.
The energy I run is based on which basic arceus I run x2. I run 13 basic arceus and 5 omni lvx. If ripple swell isn't possible by T2, then it is quite easy to match things up to do 80 with fire arceus's attack (or sky spear in an emergency).
As the game moves on, Arceus has access to all its energy via ultimate zone,
As the turns progress, if you worry about the active Arceus, there will be enough built up on the bench to solve the current problem.

Its really a different type of deck. No one in my area thought much of it, until I worked on it for a while. Its something you might have to are in action TTP get the whole feel of it.
Ok. Here's the deal. You should only be running 1 of each Arceus, except 2 or 3 Colorless, and 2 Lightning or maybe 2 of another one that you think is important. But I do not reccomend 2+ of each! You only need 2-3 Omni Lv.X, and one Psychic Bolt. Anyone who thinks Meteor Blast is good seriously needs to stop using this deck or fix it. Of course you want 4 Ultimate Zone, 4 Collector, and 4 Beginning Door. For energy it's required to have 4 Rainbow and 4 DCE, but for basic energy I'd use 1 of each except 2 lightning and 2 psychic because of psychic bolt. The rest is up to you. You should probably use Unown Q and I reccomend Unown R.
2 turns to hit for OHKOs and bulk doesn't sound bad to me. Arceus can be fast by ripple swelling, or it can play smart old-school Pokemon matches without. Stop believing Pokemon isn't anything more than who can get earlier attacks. There's a reason why PLOX is good, even though it gets attacking by turn 3. There's also a reason why Jumpluff was only used in Juniors at Worlds ^_^ There's also a reason why I often have Cyrus left in my deck for the last 2 prizes when I play my BlaziChomp. Playing safe is an amazing skill that lets good DialgaChomp players do well. Slow decks work, sir/ma'am. Now, next person.

lol Rainbow. I've played games perfectly without needing Rainbow. Playing 2 of each Arceus also lets you abuse weakness more. It's the reason Arceus eventually was realised a good deck in the first place. 4-5 Omni X gives you versatility. Psychic Bolt is awful in attack requirement, where as you don't need to do more than 60 damage most anytime, and fire Arecus being there for devastation against the big guys, so add in the expert belt when ya wanna do that 100.

Alright tell me how this works. You are playing Luxchomp. You go first and have 3 Arceus and put down an energy and pass.

Your opponent gets out 2 Garchomps, gets an Energy gain and an energy and claw swipes. You get out two more Arceus but not enough for ripple swell. You level up into Omni X. Use Ultimate zone to move the energy and put down a DCE. So you have enough to use one of your bench attacks, assuming the first energy matched the requirement. Knock out Garchomp.

He brings up the other Garchomp an energy gain and DCE and earthquakes for the knockout. At this point without Ripple Swell you cannot attack for two turns since you can only play one energy. Even with Ultimate zone. After you pass he will snipe whatever arceus you put the energy on and you will be energy starved the whole game.

I am not saying Arceus will not work, I just don't see how it will keep up with Speed decks without Ripple Swell. It has low XP and high attack costs.
NJPokeDad said:
Alright tell me how this works. You are playing Luxchomp. You go first and have 3 Arceus and put down an energy and pass.

Your opponent gets out 2 Garchomps, gets an Energy gain and an energy and claw swipes. You get out two more Arceus but not enough for ripple swell. You level up into Omni X. Use Ultimate zone to move the energy and put down a DCE. So you have enough to use one of your bench attacks, assuming the first energy matched the requirement. Knock out Garchomp.

He brings up the other Garchomp an energy gain and DCE and earthquakes for the knockout. At this point without Ripple Swell you cannot attack for two turns since you can only play one energy. Even with Ultimate zone. After you pass he will snipe whatever arceus you put the energy on and you will be energy starved the whole game.

I am not saying Arceus will not work, I just don't see how it will keep up with Speed decks without Ripple Swell. It has low XP and high attack costs.

^ Wait. How are you getting the KO on a Leveled Up Arceus(120hp)?

Claw Swipe+Earthquake=80 damage
If you meant Dragon Rush instead of Earthquake, Arceus will still have 10 Hp left. Now, if you want to add Crobat G into the equation, that make about 6-8 Cards that are needed to KO 1 Arceus Lv.X.

Further more, if the Arceus player already has 4 Arceus in play when the Active is KO'ed, it shouldn't be too hard to play a collector for the remaining Arceus.

A smart thing to do when you KO their Active Garchomp is use Ripple Swell to set yourself up, rather than try to attack every turn for a KO. Then abuse Prize Count to tie the game back up and sweep with the appropriate Arceus Types/Attacks.

It can handle Speed decks to some extent with versatility. By having 70-90 hp basics that level up in to a 120Hp basic Level X with no weakness makes it difficult to OHKO, which all speed decks are based around.
Play me with a LuxChomp deck and we'll see what happens.