Why is Arceus having success at BR's

Shaymin is worthless. First off, it's an Arceus deck. Second, your bench will be full of Arceus. Shaymin doesn't make sense. And, Twins won't help Arceus much. Arceus is already tight on space, and Twins isn't the most important thing in the deck. But I certainly agree with HGSS.
Arceus really has no bad matchups. As for the the Luxchomp matchup, you snipe off their Garchomp before they can snipe you, and as for Bright look, they might ko whatever they bright look, but you can easily counter ko with fighting Arceus. For Dialgachomp, again, its a simple matchup. Lv up your Colorless Arceus so it can take more damage, snipe off Garchomps, and ohko their fully charged DGX with a Fire Arceus. Arceus will be BDIF in the near future, or high on the Teir 1 list.
Afro-G- In case you didn't notice SP is faster. It takes SP one turn to power up and snipe. It takes Arceus 3. Obviously DialgaChomp isn't just going to let you sit there and power up. Garchomp snipes anything you're trying to power up and tanks through the rest.

Obsidius- Those are supposing that LuxChomp and DialgaChomp will do nothing but use their standard strategies. If I am correct, then that would be very stupid to think. They will adapt. Of course they aren't going to Deafen! They're going to Garchomp Snipe ASAP. Take out the Ripple Swell Arceus first, then whatever types threaten. Same with DialgaChomp. When you barely have an resistance left, DGX cleans house. (Or Luxray if it's LuxChomp.)

Decmaster - I agree. Arceus is slow, inconsistent, and fragile.

Sillykyle!- Again, I agree fully.
I guess the Arceus decks you battled were not very good. The Arceus deck I battled was very consistant, and could Ripple Swell T2.
Arceus against Luxchomp or Dialgachomp is NOT an auto-loss. Arceus can snipe Garchomp first, and the regular Fire Arceus will give Dialgachomp some worries.

It's just a matter of how good the Arceus player is and how consistent his deck list is. Just because you beat an Arceus deck doesn't mean the deck sucks. I've beaten a few Arceus myself but I have a friend that finally came up with a good deck list and did well in BRs.
sillykyle! said:
^Shaymin? No. Just no. You need 6 Arceus in play to use Ripple Swell.
Decmaster said:
Shaymin is worthless. First off, it's an Arceus deck. Second, your bench will be full of Arceus. Shaymin doesn't make sense. And, Twins won't help Arceus much. Arceus is already tight on space, and Twins isn't the most important thing in the deck. But I certainly agree with HGSS.


I know Arceus is "God" but I didn't think it was immortal, especially in Card form.

Yes, you do need 6 Arceus in play but you don't need that many all game long. Its inevitable that at least 1 Arceus will be Knocked Out, freeing up an open Bench Space to play a tech like Lucario GL or Shaymin UL.

The reasoning for Shaymin is, as I'm sure I stated somewhere earlier, to act as a searchable Ultimate Zone. Once Twins is released, you can use that to search out Ultimate Zone without using up a bench space.

Rikko145 said:
Afro-G- In case you didn't notice SP is faster. It takes SP one turn to power up and snipe. It takes Arceus 3. Obviously DialgaChomp isn't just going to let you sit there and power up. Garchomp snipes anything you're trying to power up and tanks through the rest.
Unless you Level Max Garchomp C Lv.X, attach DCE AND Energy Gain, SP must wait at least a turn to snipe.Both deck are on par with each other in the amount of turns it takes to snipe if everything gos in each decks favor.

Obsidius- Those are supposing that LuxChomp and DialgaChomp will do nothing but use their standard strategies. If I am correct, then that would be very stupid to think. They will adapt. Of course they aren't going to Deafen! They're going to Garchomp Snipe ASAP. Take out the Ripple Swell Arceus first, then whatever types threaten. Same with DialgaChomp. When you barely have an resistance left, DGX cleans house. (Or Luxray if it's LuxChomp.)
Unless Garchomp C Lv.X can Snipe all 6 Arceus at once(which it can't), Arceus will still have at least 5 energy in play to manipulate with Ultimate Zone. Remember, you can't snipe consecutively without some sort or retreat aid. Arceus,however,can snipe consecutively, if necessary.

Decmaster - I agree. Arceus is slow, inconsistent, and fragile.
Since when is having a 120 HP Basic Lv.X with No Weakness fragile?

Sillykyle!- Again, I agree fully.
But his silly. LOL

Have any of you 3 ever played a good Arceus either at Leauge/Tournament or on your own? If you had, then I'm sure you'd see where I'm coming from with all this.
sillykyle! said:
Garchomp X takes 2 turns to get out. Colorless Arceus takes 1 turn.

How so? Garchomp is energized in one turn. Colorless areceus is at least two. Even with ripple swell.
You think that 4 different players with 4 different decklists, from 4 different areas would all be bad? The odds are highly against that. I garuntee I'll be able to snipe before you can Ripple Swell.

LOL, Garchomp outspeeds Arceus EVERY TIME. I don't care which way you slice bread. It still molds all the same. Let me show you a few outcomes:
T1 (Arceus): Call Energy
T2 (DialgaChomp): Kill the Ripple Swell (There are a thousand ways to do it.)
T3 (Arceus): Collector-Energy-Pass
T4 (DialgaChomp): Begins to snipe any possible threats.

T1 (DialgaChomp): Energy-Attack/Pass
T2 (Arceus): Call Energy/Collector
T3 (DialgaChomp): KO the Ripple Swell Arceus
T4 (Arceus): Attach/Pass
With all this said, I cant even imagine how Arceus would deal with Machamp decks (which I use)

I still want to see a good Arceus player vs. a good DGX/LUX player, it would be very interesting to see.

I tried it a long time, just too slow.
Sorry, but you have clearly never played against a good Arceus list. Its Dialgachomp match up should look like this:

Arceus goes first:
Arceus T1: Attach/pass
Dialga T1: Attach/Deafen
Arceus T2: You loudly jump out of your chair and shout, "FUUUUU-" Then play collector/pass
Dialga T2: Either keep the deafen lock or Ko the Colorless Arceus
Arceus T3: You play your trainers, put down Ultimate Zone, Ripple Swell
Dialga T3: You say, "uh oh why didnt I deafen?" Retreat Garchomp, either Deafen or get Chomp active again for another prize.
Arceus T4: Poop on them
Dialga T4: Deafen....

Dialga Goes First:
Dialga T1: Attach/Pass
Arceus T1: Explode on them and Ripple Swell
Dialga T2: Snipe off the colorless Arceus
Arceus T2: Get another Colorless Arceus, Send it active, Ultimate zone, ko Garchomp
Dialga T3:uhhhh Deafen....
Arceus T3: Snipe off benched Chomp
Dialga T4: Uh oh....Deafen
Arceus T4: Retreat, send up Fire Arceus, ohko dialga.

This is much more realistic when playing against a legit Arceus deck.
*Edit*^^^ Much Better. Someone FINAL sees the light!

Rikko145 said:
You think that 4 different players with 4 different decklists, from 4 different areas would all be bad? The odds are highly against that. I garuntee I'll be able to snipe before you can Ripple Swell.

LOL, Garchomp outspeeds Arceus EVERY TIME. I don't care which way you slice bread. It still molds all the same. Let me show you a few outcomes:
T1 (Arceus): Call Energy
T2 (DialgaChomp): Kill the Ripple Swell (There are a thousand ways to do it.)
T3 (Arceus): Collector-Energy-Pass
T4 (DialgaChomp): Begins to snipe any possible threats.

T1 (DialgaChomp): Energy-Attack/Pass
T2 (Arceus): Call Energy/Collector
T3 (DialgaChomp): KO the Ripple Swell Arceus
T4 (Arceus): Attach/Pass

That has to be the most biased outcome I've ever seen.

Nothing even explained or thought out properly besides Attach/Pass/KO

NJPokeDad said:
With all this said, I cant even imagine how Arceus would deal with Machamp decks (which I use)

I still want to see a good Arceus player vs. a good DGX/LUX player, it would be very interesting to see.

I tried it a long time, just too slow.

Machamp does pose a problem but if you add in 2 Psychic Arceus and Lucario GL, then you can put up a decent fight.
@Rikko145: Wow...those Arceus decks you played against must have been bad. What's with the fourth turn if DialgaChomp goes first, are you saying once you kill one Ripple Swell Arceus, the Arceus deck can't do anything? Also, please tell me one of the thousand ways to kill a Ripple Swell Arceus T2, if Arceus goes first.

Edit: @amphachu: I can't really agree with you on how the DialgaChomp vs Arceus matchup is, the DialgaChomp player is not going to just going to Deafen Arceus unless the player is that dumb.
Flash Bite, Poke'Turn, Skuntank G, Earthquake. Not hard at all. Got a Collector and you can pull it off.
Do you realize how unlikely this is? You will most likely be starting with Dialga. That means your opening hand would have to look like: Dialga, Poketurn, Crobat, Garchomp, Energy Gain, Double Colorless energy, Skuntank/Collector/Cyrus, and how likely is it to have this all in your opening hand? Not very high. Even then you wouldnt have enough damage down to ohko the Arceus. And with Skuntank, you also have to get a stadium into play. You really should think before posting...
^ You would need Collector, Poketurn, DCE, E-Gain, a stadium, and a Garchomp. You would need to be pretty lucky...

Edit: ninja'd
Yeah...I guess so, but not all DialgaChomps play Skuntank G, and that combo requires at least five cards, and is not that easy to pull off.

Edit: Ninjad!
Edit2: Twice!
No, no, no. You only need the Collector and/or the Cyrus. They take care of the rest.