Why that username?

Lou Cypher said:
Just pronounce my name and you will see why I picked Lou Cypher. Inspired by a scene in Constantine where the devil is addressed to with "Hello Lou"

Hmmm... sad that I didn't realize that, and on the same day that I figured out that Girafarig is a palindrome. I'm just starting to lose faith in my brain...

Well my name has an odd backstory, as well as no real good reason. My friends first name on a forum like this one (Serebii) was fuzzyqwilfish. I liked the idea of having a conjuncted name, spaces are for noobs. So I just chose Dawn (not because of the Pokemon character, I came before she did) and then I just tossed an Of in there. Xatu is because it is the best Pokemon evah... Overall the name became fairly nice sounding and easily shortened to DOX.
Lou Cypher said:
Just pronounce my name and you will see why I picked Lou Cypher.

It took me forever to realize that I was mispronouncing your name in my head (I was prounouncing it with a long I sound, like a cryptography system thing).

For me- I like musicals, and saw nothing wrong with the name. i like it.
Originally I was MewEX07 because mew ex was my favorite card and I started playing the card game in 07. Then I thought it was a little messy. So I decided that since I love me and I liked to be known but not really be widely popular I would call myself Spirit Of Mew and now I am normally referred to as SOM
so for me it started when i was mad about the song from a german rapper called " SIDO" and his song "GOLDJUNGE" so my friend always called me goldedda because my name is edmund and "Goldjung"+Edmund = Goldedda bam
"Zyflair" was (and still is) a character of a story I like to dream about from time to time. I'm not 100% sure why, but I believe it was to link the wind (zephyr => zy) and fire (flare => flair) elemental nature of my character.
My old name was waterbendingmaster from a long time when I actually like avatar. When I outgrew it I needed a change so I chose Veritas which means truth in latin. I believe in the truth and trust and I liked the word. I would like to think everyone on pokebeach is trustworthy.
Balthamos is the name of my fan character AND my favourite character from the amber spyglass <: So, y'know, if you put two and two together <3
IT becomes the same word

My 3rd grade teacher called me Z, but most forums don't allow members to have a 1 letter username, so I added a -man to it. I guess Z just stuck. :)
because my team on pokemon pearl consists of yanmega, mothim, flygon, drapion, masquerain and kingdra, and 5 of those are egg group bugs, and 4 are/were (drapion) bug type.
Twilight ShayminLvr=Giratina+Shaymin+Lover
Everyone thinks the Twilight means the books, but I didn't know another way to put Giratina in without saying, Giratina.
I was thinking to put it like Green ShyminLvr since I love grass type the most, but I think saying Shaymin kinda says it all.
TSL, the entire time you've had your name changed, I thought it stood for the books/movies! xD
Greeniax? I had a running theme of building of building grass decks for a while, so I became grass maniac. then grassiac. the greeniac. Finally, greeniax