Why that username?

I used to love Charizard awhile back. But then when Infernape hit...I HAD to have Infernape in my first username, and 88 was my fav. number so Infernape88 was my No0b days name, and then once I got Charizard88...I was no a nub. :D
My name raichupika33 is because of raichu my fav pokemon, pika cos I like the sound and 333 cos 3 is my lucky number.
Allows me the ability to be called LL, and I am obviously limitless!
Because my brother was talking about Chibis and I was thinking about Pikachu. :p Pretty self explanatory.
Name of a cool book... and a lot of things in my life have to do with the number 3.

I have 3 best friends
I've moved 3 times
I have 3 other members in my family
I've had 3 Goldfish
My sister's had 3 Goldfish (don't try keeping 2 in the same bowl)
And, a lot of times, 3 games come out. (EX, Gold/Silver/Crystal)

Oh, and, I live in Green Bay, WI. We always get 3 Snow Days. EVERY SINGLE YEAR!
Used to be Dark Ace since I loved dark Pokemon and I had won Provs. that year. Not I'm Dr4g0n, I love dragon Pokemon and Internet names normally consist of letters and numbers pretending to be letters.
I chose my name because that is my user name basically everywhere. It came about one day when me and my friend were playing Halo 2. We were going to make a user name for me and he accidentally clicked some random buttons and it spelled Fax, so that was my user name. I liked the sound of it so I have stuck with it ever since.
Well, I used to be called Rocket0777, which came from Team Rocket + 0777 (Just random numbers that I thought at the time looked cool, No relation to rocket member 777. lol)

Then I changed my name to Raikou0777, because Raikou is one of my favorite Pokemon. I also thought it looked and sounded better than Rocket. People still call me Rocket in the chat though, lol.

Then, I became Shining Raikou, because I got traded one on D/P, and I think Raikou looks really awesome shiny. :p
[21:47] <@Noobnerd> Why on earth did I choose this nick?
[21:49] <@HeavenlySpoon> Because it suits you, NN

There's the answer.
I chose Wiseman because I am a smart person (modesty :p). I like T-Tar Master because T-Tar is my fave, but I got rid of it and switched to a more obvious and more suiting name :D.
I am Forum Shark on everything. The reason I chose it at first is because I am a member of an aquarium forum, and wanted something with a fish-theme. I like Forum Shark, it's a cool user name.
Dark Marc

Well Marc is the name of Lickitung that you get traded in FR/LG and Lick famiuly are my faviroute pokemon's.

Dark: Well I was attemptings a novel about a Lickitung thats possesed but it.... FAILED.

So there you go, cool namer huh?

@Forum Shark: Well this man wins for the coolest Username!