Why that username?

Pandamore said:
It's when Paramore and a panda make babehs

A little PG-13 don't you think? :O

I remember your dad told us your nicknames at states last year too:

Also, if anyone remembers, my first username was Mudkip711, so the one now is just the shortened-version of my old one.
Well, I thought this site was for PMD, but after I signed up, I realized it was all pokemon. My username is actually my Darkness team name. After finally going to the game corner and signing up for the Rising Suns clan, now in Team Dimensional, I decided I might want to do something, thus my game show! Sorry if this is considered advertising, I just got off base a little.
The bacon comes because he thinks of himself as lean, smokin hot :p

My name is based on a guild when I played online games :p
All 100 of my names came from my favorite Pokemon, but this one is from Pachirisu, risu meaning squirrel in Japanese. Squirrels are my favorite animals. The X? Well, I don't remember why. xD
Because "Psychic" in a way represents cool, control, calm and collected and I like that. That is the reason why I chose "Psychic Pokemon Master" as my username... :)
Well my names Ursapro because Ursaring is my favourite pokemon and well... ITS JUST PRO!!!!!
Well mine is actually based off a character that I created for a book, (of course never got around to finishing.) the character names in Cortel Fenneris. from the Twilight Crusades series, I'm writing.
Because Monferno in German language is Panpyro so Monferno+Panpyro=Monpyro and the 97 my year of birth
*Monferno is not my fav. i like his name :p
My friends all call me cool, so I put it in my username.
I'm 10, a kid, so kid kid is in my username.
I think that I'm a pokemon master, so master is part of my nick.
Finally, I just like the #555.
Hencforce, cool kid master555 was born.
But just call me cool kid.
I really love porygon and since that was already taken I chose this one.....I just wish people would stop think im porygon in the chat room and being disapointed when they find out im not XD.

hmmmm...me thinks me and this porygon chap must duel for naming rights. en Garde!

BTW Dr.empoleon you never actually told me why you chose that name. You must tell me at league :D.
Well, this name is a shortened version of my changed name. =]

My username used to be Shaymin of the Skies, but everyone just called me SotS. Therefore, my last username change was born into SotS! =O

Oh yeah, I used to be called Torterra96. I needed a name. I loved Torterra. I was born in '96. There we go, there's my name they said I HAD to make to join. =D
I guess I picked this username because I like Wario and he is very powerful so time for some math I suppose...
Math said:
Wario + power = Wariopower!
Sounds good to me. :D
bacon said:

Where? Dear god....

I honestly have not a clue how I got this username.... weird.....
I couldn't get Absol so I took Flygon and I Flygon was one of the Pokemon I was going to breed.
It's pretty obvious..

I like bidoofs, you see. Therefore, the name 'staraptor' was a perfect choice.

But mainly it's because I'm lame and unoriginal. :<
Meh, I hated my previous name (Yanmega Owns), and Blue Thunder was the best name that came to mind within a short time.

But if name changes come back, I'll shorten it to BT.