Why that username?

why varit? it's just the shortened version of, varitive, one of my many names for my many online rpg account's (that and my cleric from disgaea 3). cya
Porygon Z.0 said:
BTW Dr.empoleon you never actually told me why you chose that name. You must tell me at league :D.
As long as i may live, i shall never revile the true meaning behind my most powerful and most secretive name which was brought by the gods to enhance these amazing forums by adding me... Dr.empoleon the one, the only, known by everyone, to make these forums a successful, fun, and of coruse, a FANTASTIC place to be.!

The god has spoken
I am a collector of Arcanine and are the King of Collecting them. I know nobody who has more than me. I have over 275.
when i was younger, i loved the r3x series of nissan skylines.

when i hit high school, i was able to drive one (lived in rich neighborhood. lol)

rather than write my name as "r3Xskyline", i shortened it to "r3skyline" many years ago.

since then, i have had the screename "r3skyline" wherever i go. so if you google my name, chances are that IS me. :)

also, yes, i do put up with idiots who think theyre smart and go "oh, its not r3skyline, its r33skyline IDIOT!". yea....it gets old.
Dr.empoleon said:
As long as i may live, i shall never revile the true meaning behind my most powerful and most secretive name which was brought by the gods to enhance these amazing forums by adding me... Dr.empoleon the one, the only, known by everyone, to make these forums a successful, fun, and of coruse, a FANTASTIC place to be.!

The god has spoken
Now I shall make it the purpose of my life to FIND OUT WHY THAT NICK!!
and I shall prevail :D!
I chose the name ShayminTails because it mixes two of my characters, Shaymin and Tails from Sonic the Hedgehog ^_^
I am a pokefan!?!?

That kinda explains it all plus I like having EVERYTHING with 1234 at the end.
(Until now) Leafeon is my absolute fav Pokemon; Leafia is the Japanese name ( リーフィア ).
Midori is also Japanese and means the color green, which is also my top fav color =)
javier8100 because my name is javier and the 8100 started when i was about 9 and needed to add numbers to my name(not here but on a differant website)
Parasect 0_o said:
Well - I wuv Parasect and people wonder why and they go 0_o

And hence Parasect 0_o was born
I ran that card about 2 years ago and it was AWESOME
zenith (\ˈzē-nəth):
1: the point of the celestial sphere that is directly opposite the nadir and vertically above the observer — see azimuth illustration
2: the highest point reached in the heavens by a celestial body
3: culminating point; acme

Essentially, I had been using the username "Lord Ryu" for a while, but I stopped liking it and decided to choose a new name. So I threw a bunch of cool words into a hat and drew "Zenith". It fits me pretty well. Sometimes I use Lord Zenith, The Zenith, or Holy Zenith instead. As for my other username:

Derived from the Old Norse elements sigr "victory" and rún "secret". This was the name of a Valkyrie in Norse legend.

So yeah.