Why that username?

Ummmm.....I like electric pokemon.

And....I'm a geek. (more like a geek-in-training...something like that.)


I chose Rotom-Cut because Rotom-Cut was my favorite pokemon when D/P came out but now I would rather have the name of WPM is not cool Just kidding but I would rather have a new nick like Blastrade = Blastoise + Roserade FTW!

GH stands for Guitar Hero which used to be my favorite video game. I now hate it and wish I could change it to Lapras Lover.
I came here to either join a clan or make one. my decision was that if I had to make one, It would be Team Darkness, because I have a Darkrai hat that I got from TCG states. The Hat and my clan are closely related :p
I've used it for everything. All websites I go on (except social networking sites, e.g. facebook ect...) I've used it. For this site, any other Pokemon forum, anything. Games... EVERYTHING :)
Only because Mother is one of the most brilliant video game franchises ever to grace the feeble minds of the mortal.

Granted, I've never played a single one :eek: I shall be playing EartBound soon, however.
Reason 1: Crack The Skye is my all-time favorite album by my all-time favorite band, Mastodon. Reason 2: It could also mean to achieve greatness and to break away from the norm and be your own person. Reason 3: It just sounds so epic to me, and I love epic things ("epic" as in grand, large-scale, Lord-of-the-Rings kind of deal, not the stupid slang term).
Because of the lyrics in this song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4QGi-KDZ2M <3

Ghosties are awesome. Also relevant to pokemon.

It's a good artist name as well. Pseudonyms are important, or so my university lecturers would have me believe.

Win win win
Jirachi is my 2nd favorite pokemon, Pikachu is first, but that's to obvious, I've used this username for 5 years, and nick.... well, you can figure that out
Vaporeon and Pichu are two of my favorite Pokemon. The 8 is just a carryover from one of my previous usernames.
Honestly, because vulpix is my favourite pokemon and I knew I would remember it. >.> Not the most creative, but hey, it works.
There is an octopus enemy from Megaman 9 I fell in love with. I added kamina glasses, and thought up Rocktopus. I was chatting with my sister (in college in Charleston, SC) and she referred to me as "Rockotopus," I liked it and shortened it down to Rockoto.
Well, I like things involving the sky. It symbolizes freedom to me, so I just added 'lands' after 'Sky' to make it sound more original.
Well, I've used this usernames on TONS of things over a period of about 4-5 years. (I'm 14)

I should have put something different, but w/e
zwelg is a slang word that means drinking a lot and belg means belgian
I made it up when I was 15-16 :p seems a little childish now maybe :)
btw legal drinking age in Belgium is being able to pronounce the word beer, so don't worry about my age then ;)