Pokemon Wierdest Pokemon?

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By far the three weirdest.
I really do not see what is weird about Exeggutor. Its a coconut tree, well rendered. But with like Hypno, its a creeper that allures children [should I remind everyone about FireRed and LeafGreen and that mini adventure with Hypno?]. If that does not scream pedophile, what does? Plus, it has a weird looking nose and the Shakespearian neck-dress thingy. :p
Why isn't rotom being mentioned? Are we forgetting that there is a version of Rotom where he is a washer? That hardly even qualifies as a pokemon.
Kangaskhan is weird too. Do those babies ever grow?

Why have the game developers still not gotten the idea to make the babies official Pokémon with their own name and number that eventually evolves into an adult Kangaskhan?
Paul said:

Exeggutor is the weirdest Pokemon, I mean WHAT is it?

Coconut tree and the faces that go like this in drama:
^_^ (Insert a sad face) -_- Or have you not seen it?

6-Dimension said:
Absol: "I'm an emo wolf-thing with an oddly shaped protrusion form my head. Hair flip!"

Absol is awesome! Mess with him and well....
lotusoftheleaf said:
Kangaskhan is weird too. Do those babies ever grow?

Why have the game developers still not gotten the idea to make the babies official Pokémon with their own name and number that eventually evolves into an adult Kangaskhan?

I know. In Gen 4, loads of new (Pr)evolutions, and no baby Kangaskhan. What are the babies even there for if they are not going to evolve.
Top 3 Weirdest Pokemon:

1. Nosepass - Seriously, a nose?
2. Ditto - Maybe not weird, but I hate shapeshifters.
3. Exeggutor - An eggplant. With how many heads?
all the pokemon from the 1st and 2nd gen are all dumb i think especially mewtwo it has two necks and one head that is weird
greenrayquaza said:
all the pokemon from the 1st and 2nd gen are all dumb i think especially mewtwo it has two necks and one head that is weird
Most of Pokemon from 1st and 2nd gen aren't dumb. I actually like some that are from those gens. Like Charmander, Squirtle, Growlite, and so on.
I agree. The first two generations are my favorites. The fourth is pretty good too, but I don't like half of the Pokémon from the third.

And another weird Pokémon is Exploud. When I first saw it I wondered how many kinds would have nightmares of that thing chasing them, trying to swallow them up with that huge mouth and staring at them with those evil red eyes. :p
Quagmos said:
I think luvdisc is pretty wierd too! I mean what is it, just a swimming heart?

luvdisc is QUITE weird. i hate it. ;)

always hating of the disc,
Mikey said:
A male Jynx...

...Just think about it.

Only Jynx is always Female...

Eggxecute is just so...ugh. There are 6 (I think) of them, what happens if 1 like falls in a lake (^_^)?


When I first saw Spiritomb, I thought "What is this thing? They are really tryin' new stuff"... Not that I don't like it but it is so... weird! I mean, it doesn't even has a physical body or a shape... it's just a spirit with that scary evil face!

I also still wonder what is Wobbuffet? It's the only pokémon I didn't find a connection to a real-world thing... If I'm not wrong, in Bulbapedia, it says Wobbuffet may be based on a punching bag.
The reason Mr. Mime can be female is because Mr. Mime's Japanese name has nothing to do with gender.

The reason this thread is getting locked is because someone revived it.
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