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Wii Man Want Celebi and other CMT stuff for states please come and look!!!!!!!!

RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL, LUXRAY X!!! W RH T/S/S

is that promocroak still the one i traded? i might wanna trade for it back. cml for it. lol
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL, LUXRAY X!!! W RH T/S/S

Please CML for your...

3x Garchomp SV (all RH) and the Basics & Stage 1's (3x each if you have them)
1x Machamp SF RH
2x Rare Candy

Would you do a Kingdra Prime for all of them... if not feel free to still CML and see if theres anything else I can throw into the offer. Thx!
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL, LUXRAY X!!! W RH T/S/S

@ the crippler 18
Sorry the kingdra is no longer on my want list, I have updated my wants, bu I like you ERL full tell me if we can work something out.
do you have any scizor prime or steelix prime??
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL, LUXRAY X!!! W RH T/S/S

I Could Possibly part with One but they're in a fun deck...I would prefer to trade something else though..so..anything else?
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL, LUXRAY X!!! W RH T/S/S

What do you have from my want list, and one what scizor or steelix?
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL, LUXRAY X!!! W RH T/S/S

either/or (i have 3 steelix 2 scizor in the same deck)

will you accept leauge bebe's? or do you literally want pack RH?
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL, LUXRAY X!!! W RH T/S/S

pack only, And I still would like to trade for as many for the primes as possiable

Hey mlouden03 can we pick this up as a PM, because were just wasting time waiting for each other to post. and I G2G for now and I will get back to you ASAP
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL, LUXRAY X!!! W RH T/S/S

Bump #1 for the week and want updates
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL, LUXRAY X!!! W RH T/S/S

Azelf do you have any Leafeon UD, Roserade UL, rainbow energy, energy link, or any of my more spesific wants, because you list isn't very spesific
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL, LUXRAY X!!! W RH T/S/S

I can do my BFBX for your flygon X Garchomp
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W Magnezone Prime!!!

bump #1 doesn't anyone have a magnezone prime?!?!?!?
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W Magnezone Prime w/ and list updade

how many tombs can I get for the vileplume, or do you have a mangezone prime that would be preferable
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W Magnezone Prime w/ and list updade

I can give you 2-3 tombs for it, non RH
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W Magnezone Prime w/ and list updade

CML for

1x Espeon Prime
1x Glaceon LV. X MD
1-1 KGL
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W Magnezone Prime w/ and list updade

Do you have any LP versions? and you DON'T have any magnezone primes?

what do you have from my want list?
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H meta stuff Promocroak, KGL W Magnezone Prime w/ and list updade

I have no magnezone prime, and I have 1 lp 2 non lp