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Wii Man Want Celebi and other CMT stuff for states please come and look!!!!!!!!

RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, Promocroak, KGL W random stuff

x2 Magnezone Prime
x1 Scizor Prime
x1 Gengar X
x1 Palmers Contribution
x1 E. Belt
x2 Rescue Energy
x2 Pokemon Rescue (1RH)
x2 Junk Arm
x2 Bebe's (Any in particular?)
x1 Unknown Q

Still checking for others

x1 Crobat G
x2 Warp Energy
x3 Pokemon Communication
x1 Combee w/Honey
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, Promocroak, KGL W random stuff

How about
2x Magnezone Prime
1x Gengar prime
1x DCL top
1x Scizor Prime

Luxray GL X
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, Promocroak, KGL W random stuff

I am still waiting for your value of the Luxray X, and I would rather have an ERL bottom to go with the top rather than the DCL top, and I would rather have a gengar prime or X rather than a scizor prime, so knowing this can you please make an offer, and put what you value each of the cards at next to each card and we can go from there

@vid fox
you are going to need more than that to beat torterra, and I am only goning to trade Luxray X for bigger wants, rather than RH deck wants
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, Promocroak, KGL W random stuff

I don't think I can top it ^^;
Thanks for your time!
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, Promocroak, KGL W random stuff

OK, I could replace the DCL peice with a bottom of an ERL that is my highest offer.
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, Promocroak, KGL W random stuff

can u just give me the prices so I can think about it please?
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, Promocroak, KGL W random stuff

like what you value both sides of the deal at you know just like I did in post #278
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, Promocroak, KGL W random stuff

By Troll and Toad.
Magnezone Prime 2x = $12.00
1x Gengar prime $18.00
1x Scizor Prime $10.00
ERL Full $17.00
Mine: $57.00

Luxray GL X $64.00
Your: $64.00

But, with the new trainer might be coming out this is really the most I can offer on the Luxray. LMK if we can do this or not.
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, Promocroak, KGL W random stuff

ok, so that is not even, cuz last time I checked I thought that $64>$57 and I can do without the scizor to add in a gengar X
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, Promocroak, KGL W random stuff

Well, according to T_T the prices are as listed and there is just no way that I can add the Gengar X. I might can replace him with something else but, there is no way I can add a Gengar X.
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, Promocroak, KGL W random stuff

dude what part of a (when including taking out of the scizor) $17 dollar difference don't you get?
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, Promocroak, KGL W random stuff

Yes, but, don't you understand that I am afraid the price on Luxray is going to drop dramatically.
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, Promocroak, KGL W random stuff

so, two things: 1 it has droped about $17 since I got it, and 2 do you really think that it will be released in a format with machamp SF and stuff like that, and I can then speculate that lost world WON'T come out and that gengar prime will drop drasticly
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, Promocroak, KGL W random stuff

I can't add Gengar X. You can choose something else but, I can't trade him.
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, Promocroak, KGL W random stuff

then add gengar prime

you know what let's nogotiate over PM
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, W 6x steelix prime

CML for Mew Prime and Glaceon X

Have an unlisted Magnezone Prime BTW.
RE: Wii Man's trade hub H Blaziken X, Luxray X, W 6x steelix prime

@ both of you what do you guys have from my want list